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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 461.

Say what American Symbols you know.

The American flag is often called the “Stars and Stripes”. It has thirteen stripes and fifty stars, one for each state. There are many rules for the flag: for example, you should display it only during the day, and you should fold it in a special way. In some schools there is a flag in each classroom, and children stand in front of the flag every day and say the “Pledge of Allegiance”:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands

One nation, under God, indivisible,

With liberty and justice for all.

One of the most famous symbols of the U.S. is the Statue of Liberty. France gave the statue to the U.S. in 1884 as a symbol of friendship and freedom. It is in New York Harbor, and it was the first sight many immigrants saw when they arrived in the U.S.

The eagle became the official national symbol of the U.S. in 1782. It carries an olive branch (a sign of peace) and arrows (signs of strength). You can see the eagle on the back of a dollar bill.

“Uncle Sam” is a cartoon symbol of the U.S. government. He has appeared in magazines, newspapers, and on posters for the last 150 years. During the War of 1812 against England a man named Samuel Wilson sold meat to the U.S. government for its soldiers. Everyone called him Uncle Sam. The first letters of Uncle Sam, “U.S.”, were the same as the first letters of the United States. After the war, cartoons of Uncle Sam as the U.S. government first began to appear.

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