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C Understanding details

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 612.

B Understanding details

A Understanding main points

Reading tasks


Read the text about a top French manager and answer these questions.

1. What business is Alstom in?

2. What is Pierre Biiger's position in the company?

3. Who owned Alcatel-Alsthom in the 19805?

4. Is Alstom still a French-British company?


Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.

1. British and French business cultures have many things in common. F

2. The British tend to take decisions more quickly than the French.

3. The French do not like having long discussions to analyse things in detail.

4. The French feel they are systematic and logical in their approach to business.

5. British business people like to follow a strict agenda at meetings.

6. Alstom is no longer a purely French-British company.

7. In Alstom the French and English languages have equal status.

8. In Britain, manufacturing companies attract the best-qualified and cleverest people.

Complete the chart showing the different stages of Biiger's education and career.


First higher education institution Second higher education institution First main employer Second main employer New name of company from 1988 Current name of company   a. Institut des Etudes b. c. d. e. f.  

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