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C Complete the sentence

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 556.

B Definitions

A Collocations

Vocabulary tasks

Match these verbs and nouns as they occur together in the text


1. go through 2. run 3. form 4. keep 5. make 6. give someone a. a task b. a process c. a joint venture d. a company e. a decision f. costs down

Match these terms with their definitions.

1. hold in a tight grip 2. technocratic elite 3. rise up its ranks 4. change was more apparent than real 5. attuned to 6. down-to-earth 7. could hardly be further apart 8. reluctant to 9. go straight to the point 10. have its virtues 11. an ardent Europhile 12. bright   a. discuss the most important things immediately b. control something completely c. are completely different d. be very familiar with something, and to understand it well e. very clever and intelligent f. unsophisticated, not elegant or polished g. have some advantages or good points h. small group of people with a high level of technical education i. be promoted in an organization j. someone who is very much in favour of a united Europe k. be unhappy or unwilling to do something l. there was no significant difference  

Use an appropriate word or phrase from Exercise A or B to complete each sentence.

1. In a recession, companies need to economise and …keep costs down…as much as possible.

2. We need to ………………… quickly before it is too late.

3. Many people are ………………… learn foreign languages because it takes a long time.

4. Each way of working …………………; it's important not to criticise people just because they do something in a different way.

5. In the UK, business sectors such as advertising, the media, investment banking and management consultancy tend to attract ………………… people.

6. The most successful companies are ………………… the needs of their customers.

7. In many countries around the world, dictatorial leaders hold their country ………………… .

8. He's a real high-flier who managed to ………………… to Managing Director in five years.

9. When a project is very big, two or more companies often ………………… in order to do the work.

10.In cultures where people like to avoid direct statements, they can be offended by people who ………………… in discussions.

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