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Managing people. Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor models.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 528.

Management styles

After you read

1. Write out 20 unknown words and learn them by heart.

2. Answer the questions:

3. In what ways is business like a company Olympics?

4. What does Kanter say that big companies need to learn to do?

5. Why should we remember the story of the South American and the sailing ship today?

6. In what way are changes in the modern world good for companies?

7. What's the connection between the management gurus and the Hungarian soldiers lost in the Alps?

How many other management gurus do you know? What ideas are they famous for?

4. Retell the story in the Past.


The ability to motivate others and improve morale (боевой дух) is a soft skill (навыки межличностного общения) – difficult to acquire and almost impossible to measure. 4 key thinkers contributed to this field in the contemporary (современный, теперешний) approaches:

ü Maslow developed his “hierarchy of needs”.

↑Self-actualization needs

↑Ego (self-esteem) needs (чувство собственного достоинства, самоутверждение)

↑Social needs

↑Security needs

↑Physiological needs

We move to the next stage up only when the lower need is met. And as soon as any need is met, then it is no longer a motivator. The bottom two are usually not an issue in business (unless you are hungry or in danger). After that, our next need is to feel accepted and part of a group (social need). If that happens, then next we have ego needs: recognition and acknowledgement (признание) from others, as well as a sense of status or importance. Finally, if that need is met, we want self-fulfilment (самореализация) (self-actualization in Maslow terms): to achieve, to develop to our fullest potential.

ü Herzberg expressed similar ideas. He agreed that the most important motivators at work were sense of achievement, earned recognition and interest in the job itself. But then there was another set of job factors (hygiene – хайджин - гигиена, охрана здоровья - or maintenance factors) that do not motivate employees, but can cause dissatisfaction if they are missing. These include salary, job security, working conditions and good relations with co-workers.

ü McGregor observed that managers generally fall into 2 categories: Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X managers believe that most people dislike work and must be controlled and directed to achieve the organization`s goals. Theory Y managers believe that most people like work and actively seek responsibility. They believe in empowerment (=giving employees the authority to make decisions without traditional managerial approval) and enabling (=giving them the tools).

Management styles are characteristic ways of making decisions and relating to subordinates. This idea was further developed by Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt (1958, 1973), who argued that the style of leadership is dependent upon the prevailing circumstance; therefore leaders should exercise a range of management styles and should deploy (развертывать, применять, использовать) them as appropriate.

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