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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 469.


Autocratic (authoritarian) manager. 2 types of autocratic leaders

This person is strict, demanding, controlling and probably too rigid in their views. They take a top-down approach. But some staff like this – they know where they stand and what their responsibilities are. Their jobs are clearly defined.

An Autocratic style means that the manager makes decisions unilaterally (в одностороннем порядке, самостоятельно), and without much regard for subordinates. As a result, decisions will reflect the opinions and personality of the manager; this in turn can project an image of a confident, well managed business. On the other hand, subordinates may become overly (чрезмерно) dependent upon the leaders and more supervision may be needed.

There are two types of autocratic leaders:

  • the Directive (указывающий, предписывающий) Autocrat makes decisions unilaterally and closely supervises (руководить, курировать, надзирать) subordinates;
  • the Permissive (либеральный, позволяющий, рекомендующий, но не в обязательном порядке) Autocrat makes decisions unilaterally, but gives subordinates latitude (свобода действий, терпимость) in carrying out their work

3) Paternalistic and democratic managers

A more Paternalistic form is also essentially dictatorial; however, decisions take into account the best interests of the employees as well as the business. Communication is again generally downward, but feedback to the management is encouraged to maintain morale (моральный/боевой дух). This style can be highly advantageous (выгодный, благоприятный, предпочтительный) when it engenders (порождать, возбуждать) loyalty (верность, преданность) from the employees, leading to a lower labor turnover (текучесть рабочей силы), thanks to the emphasis on social needs. On the other hand for an autocratic management style the lack of worker motivation can be typical if no loyal connection is established between the manager and the people who are managed. It shares disadvantages with an autocratic style, such as employees becoming dependent on the leader.

A good example of this would be David Brent or Michael Scott running the business in the fictional (фиктивный, вымышленный, выдуманный) television show The Office.

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