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If you really want to work in ...

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 363.





New York City


San Francisco

Washington, D.C.

consider participating in the Selective Liberal Arts Consortium.

Here's what you need to do in order to participate:

• Attend "The Interview from an Employer's Perspective" workshop to sharpen and farther develop your interviewing skills on Tuesday, October 17, 11:10 a.m. - 12 noon, Philo. Attendance at one session of this workshop is required in order to participate.

• Stop by the CDC and review organizational materials and detailed job descriptions. Check frequently for updates and decide in which cities you wish to interview. Note that some employers may request special materials such as a writing sample, transcript or cover letter.

• Attend a "Selective Liberal Arts Consortium" Information Session on either Thursday, October 12, 11:10 a.m. - 12 noon, or Tuesday, October 17, 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Peirce Lounge.

• Have your resume and cover letter critiqued by a CDC staff member. Special drop-in hours have been scheduled for resume critiques. See the calendar on the back for times.

• Submit a final professional resume to the CDC between Monday, October 23 and Friday, October 27 at 8:00 p.m. for each employer with whom you would like to interview. A cover letter attached to your resume may be submitted but is not required unless the employer specifies they want one. Also submit any other materials requested by the employer.

• Employers review resumes and letters and notify us of which students they have selected for interviews. Watch your P.O. Box in late November for notification from the CDC as to employers' decisions.


Express - This Limited-owned retail store is seeking full-time management trainees. Sign-up begins on Tuesday, October 31. Interviewing on Monday, November 13.

Andersen Consulting - one of the world's largest business will have an information session for alt interested students on Monday, November 27, 6:30 p.m. in Pierce Lounge. Resumes and personal data sheets are due for prescreening în Friday, November 17.

Medimetrix - a mid-sized health care consulting company that hired 3 our college graduates last year!! Resumes and cover letters due for prescreening on Friday, November 17. Interviewing on Tuesday, December 12.

Carney, Sandoe & Associates - a private school placement service will be seeking students interested in private school teaching positions across the country. Resumes due for prescreening on Friday, December 15.

Random House - a New York City publisher that will be seeking those interested in the publishing field for entry-level positions. Will be visiting the week of February 12. Resume due date to be announced later.



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