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Fellowship information is available on KCINFO.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 382.


Careers in Teaching

We invite all students to participate in an informal discussion of careers in teaching with:

Charles Otting '99 and Kay Gunderson,

Danville Elementary School Teachers and graduates of Bank Street's Masters Program in Elementary Education.

Bonnie Irwin '94, Administrator from a private boarding school, will discuss administrative and teaching positions in private schools.

Wednesday, October 25 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Pierce Lounge


At the $ prompt type KCINFO. From the first menu select College Student Information, then select Career Development Center/Fellowships/Graduate and Professional School Info. Listed below are some of the fellowships you'll see.

AMERICAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA LEAGUE - $15,000 stipend, travel & relocation expenses. Criteria: individuals with strong management skills & musical knowledge. Deadline: November 3. For more information look in the General Fellowships box on the BLUE SHELVES in the CDC.

HARVEY FELLOWS PROGRAM - $12,000 award, renewable every two years. Criteria: of Christian faith, pursuing a vocation in a field in which Christians currently have little influence; will be enrolled in highest-rated
graduate program. Deadline: November 3. For more information look in the General Fellowships box on the BLUE SHELVES in the CDC.

NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION-GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS - U. S. citizens, college seniors, American Indian, Black/African American, Hispanic, Native Alaskan, or Pacific Islander. Fellowships are awarded for study in the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, and behavioral and social sciences fields, including the history of science and the philosophy of science, and research-based PHD degrees in science education. Award: $14,000 stipend. A $1000 International Research Travel Allowance is also available under specified conditions. Deadline: November 5. For more information write to: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, Ordk Ridge Associated Universities.

THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON SCHOOL OF LAW-SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - Scholarships: L. M. Berry - full tuition; minimum LSAT score of 162 and at least a 3.50 undergrad GPA. President's - stipend of $7500 to $12,500; minimum LSAT score of 157 and a 3.30 undergrad GPA. Dean's - stipend of $1500 to $6000; minimum LSAT score of 156 and at least a 3.15 undergrad GPA. For more information contact the Office of Admission, University of Rayton School of Law, 510 College Park, Rayton.


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