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Progress test

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 524.


1. Cross out the odd word.

a) job, career, work, academy

b) course, skills, degree, qualification

c) prestigious, perspective, popular, responsible

d) to opt, to apply, to pick, to decide on

e) well-organized, well-paid, self-confident, hard-working

f) interview, CV, cover letter, salary

2. Give English equivalents to the following Russian word combinations.

a) престижная работа/профессия

b) прогнозы специалистов

c) быть на гребне волны

d) пользоваться спросом

e) на стыке электроники и биотехнологий

f) устраиваться на работу

g) превосходить к-л., выделяться

h) сделать выбор

i) избрать своей профессией


3. Write the word and the Russian equivalent next to each transcription.

e.g. [ kə'riə ] - career - карьера


a) [ in'ha:nsmənt]

b) [ˏ kwolifi'keiʃən ]

c) [ 'prospekt ]

d) [ˏ pə:sə'nel 'ofisə ]

e) [ kə'rikjuləm 'vi:tai / 'vaitə ]

f) ['reizju:mei ]

g) [ə'veiləbl ]


4. Choose the correct verb forms. If two answers are possible, put both.

a) They were trying (persuade) him to change his mind.

b) He regrets (pretend) to follow the lab safety instructions.

c) You seem (know) this formula well. Would you mind (illustrate) how it can be applied in these calculations?

d) I regret (tell) you that you have failed (solve) this equation.

e) I wanted (verify) the results I got during the experiment.

f) She decide to arrange (meet) with her tutor.

g) If nothing else works try (read) the instructions.

h) He advised me (search) career website for more information on the jobs available with my major.



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