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Job interview

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 471.

Unit 10 A Job for a Biologist

P.O. - Good morning, Mr. Saunders. My name's Lucy Norris. Please take a seat.

B – Pleased to meet you, Ms Norris.

P.O. - You've applied for a job as a Laboratory Assistant, right?

B. –Yes, that's correct.

P.O –And what experience do you have in this area?

B – Well, I worked part-time in a biochemistry lab for one year.

P.O. – All right. What were your duties?

B – Well, I had to maintain laboratory equipment and prepare the reagents and

equipment for experiments. I also assisted the lab instructor.

P.O – Did you like the job?

B - Yes, very much. Actually, I've always enjoyed research and I hope that this

position would offer me an opportunity to extend my skills in this area.

P.O – OK. And how would you describe your personality?

B. - I suppose, I'm highly motivated, hard-working and very well organized. Also,

I enjoy working in a team.

P.O – OK, that's good. By the way, what were your favourite subjects as a


B. – Favourite subjects? … Actually, I liked several, um,… Microbiology,

Molecular Biology, Human Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science. I also

enjoyed History.

P.O - Do you have any plans for further study?

B. -Well, I've thought about taking a course in Biochemistry and getting a

Master's degree. I am also interested in research writing. I think I would

really benefit from doing that.

P.O – Well, sounds great! If you attend an institution to further your research

skills, our company could recommend you for a better and higher-paid

position after you get the degree. How would you feel about this?

B.- If the course made me a more effective and capable employee, then I would

definitely do it.

P.O - Now, do you have any questions you'd like to ask me about the position?

B. - Yes. Ms Norris. If I got the job what would be my working hours?

P.OWell, we'd need you four days a week from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Would that suit


B. – Yes, that's fine with me. So, what would the salary be?

P.O – You'd start with £25per hour, but we'd review your salary and performance

every six months. Well, I think I've asked you everything I wanted to. Thank

you for your time. You should hear from us within the next week.

B. – Thank you very much, Ms Norris.


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