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Ex. 46 Underline the correct word(s).


Ex.45 Fill in the gaps with could or was/were allowed to.

  1. The children were allowed to go to the cinema on their own yesterday.
  2. When I was young, we ___________________wear whatever we liked to school.
  3. Peter ___________________ watch a concert on TV last night, although it was on quite late.
  4. When we were children, we ___________________ play outside until it got dark.
  5. Yesterday, we ___________________ bring our favourite toys to school.
  6. When Dennis lived with his parents, he ___________________ come in at whatever time he liked.



  1. A: Could I sleep at my friend's house tonight?

B: Yes, of course you could/can.

  1. A: Icould/was allowed to go to the disco last night.

B: Was it good fun?

  1. A: Can/Might I have a biscuit please, Mum?

B: Of course. Help yourself.

  1. A: Excuse me, sir. May I/Am I allowed to leave the room?

B: Yes, but don't be too long.

  1. A: Must/Might Iborrow these files for a moment, sir?

B: Certainly. Take whatever you need.

  1. A: Might I use your pen?

B: Of course you may/might.

  1. A: May I/Am I allowed to park in the company car park?

B: Of course you are!


Ex.47 Fill in shall or will.


  1. A: Shall I help you with the washing-up?

B: No, I can manage by myself.

  1. A: ___________________ we have pizza for dinner tonight?

B: I'd rather have steak.

  1. A: ___________________ you carry this for me, please?

B: Certainly. It looks heavy.

  1. A: What ___________________ we buy for Bob's birthday?

B: I think he'd like a book.

  1. A: ___________________ you answer the phone, please?

B: Of course.

  1. A: Where ___________________ we sit in the classroom?

B: Next to the window.

  1. A: ___________________ you take the rubbish outside for me, please?

B: Yes, in a minute.

  1. A: ___________________ we have a barbecue next weekend?

B: Yes, if the weather's fine.

  1. A: ___________________ you babysit for me tonight?

B: I'm sorry, but I can't.

  1. A: ___________________we try this new recipe tonight?

B: Yes. We've got all the ingredients.


Ex.48 Complete the text to give advice on how to deal with a snake bite using should or shouldn't.


  1. You ______________ stop the victim moving too much.
  2. You ______________ give the victim a painkiller.
  3. You ______________ check the person's temperature, breathing and blood pressure.
  4. If the snake is dead, you ______________ keep it for later examination.
  5. You ______________ cut into the bite.
  6. You ______________ keep the person calm.
  7. You ______________ try to suck out the poison wit h your mouth.
  8. You ______________ give them food and drink.


Ex.49 Comment on the situation saying what the person should have done or shouldn't have done.Use the verb in brackets.


  1. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said that a heavy object always falls faster than a light object, but he didn't conduct an experiment to prove it, and in fact he was wrong.

(conduct) He should have conducted an experiment .

  1. The English scientist Francis Bacon wanted to find out whether snow would preserve a dead chicken. He spent a long time in the cold doing this, and then died of a chill.

(wear) ________________________________________________________________

  1. Scientists often test things on themselves or their students. In the case of von Liebig, a German chemist, he dropped acid onto the arms of his students to see what would happen. Unfortunately the acid burned their skin very badly.

(test) _________________________________________________________________

  1. Other scientists injure themselves by accident. Pierre Curie carried radioactive substances in his trouser pockets. This burned holes in his pockets and injured his legs.

(carry) ________________________________________________________________

  1. Another problem is that of fame. In some cases, scientists have their work done for them by others. The astronomer William Herschel made many important discoveries, but he was helped a lot by his sister Caroline. Unfortunately, he didn't mention this to other scientists.

(tell people) ____________________________________________________________

  1. Other scientists get into political trouble. The French chemist Lavoisier discovered how oxygen is used in burning, and in rusting. However, the French revolutionary authorities arrested him because he was also a tax collector, and in 1794 he was executed.

(execute) _______________________________________________________________


Ex.50 Read the situations and complete the sentences with should/shouldn't, ought to/ought not to and the correct tense of the infinitive.


  1. Your friend didn't see a film on TV last night. You saw it and it was very good.

You should/ought to have seen (see) the film.

  1. Liz bought an expensive jacket yesterday and now she hasn't got enough money for the rest of the week.

She ____________________ (buy) such an expensive jacket.

  1. Your sister eats a lot of junk food which is bad for her health

You ____________________ (eat) so much junk food.

  1. Mr Jackson had a stiff back. He lifted some heavy boxes and now his back is worse.

He ___________________ (lift) those heavy boxes.

  1. Tony always drives too fast. Yesterday, he was arrested for speeding.

He ___________________ (drive) more slowly.

  1. Sally is clumsy. She is always breaking things.

She ___________________ (be) more careful.

  1. Paul didn't do his homework. The teacher punished him.

He ___________________ (do) his homework.

  1. Amy borrowed her brother's car without asking. He was very angry.

She ___________________ (borrow) his car without asking

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Ability/Obligation/Necessity/Absence of necessity/Prohibition | Ex.52 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
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