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Ex.52 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 682.

Ex. 51 Choose the correct phrases to complete the conversation between a granddaughter (GD) and a grandmother (GM).

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GD: Gran, did you have to study for exams?

GM: Oh, yes. Children have always had tests and exams. But you're a lot luckier these days.

GD: Luckier? Why?

GM: Well, we (1) didn't have to / had to do so much housework. And our parents were much stricter.

GD: Do you mean that you (2) could / had to be home by six, or something?

GM: We (3) were allowed to / had to be home before it got dark. You can go out till ten or eleven!

GD: Yeah. But weren't you allowed to do anything?

GM: Of course. Generally speaking, we (4) had to / were allowed to do what we wanted. Parents weren't worried about children being hit by cars or attacked. We (5) were not allowed to / could walk out of the door on Saturday morning and come back at teatime and our parents didn't say a word.

GD: Fantastic.

GM: Yes. And we (6)didn't have to / had to worry so much about fashion - that's a terrible pressure nowadays.

GD: Yeah. But didn't you get dressed up for parties and stuff?

GM: No. I only had one party dress! So I (7) had to / didn't need to worry about that.



  1. The prison guards make / let us play music until 10 pm.
  2. The prison allows / lets us to have one hour's exercise outside a day.
  3. The prison doesn't make / allow us to smoke in our cells.
  4. Prison regulations let / make us work hard ten hours a day.
  5. If a prisoner wants to lake exams, prison regulations let / allow them study for two hours a day.
  6. They allow / let family and friends visit us regularly.
  7. The prison guards make / let us surf the internet, watch TV or play games after dinner.
  8. They make / allow us go back to our cells at 8.30 at night.


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