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I. Consult the Topical Vocabulary and learn expressions with the word “consequence”,” security” . Learn them by heart and use in the sentences of your own.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 392. VOCABULARY EXERCISES
II. Find the odd word: a) 1. internal, domestic, home, inward, emigrant. 2. war, armed conflict, civilians, terror. 3. aim, end, purpose, task, goal. b) 1. to inundate, to overload, to flood, to relieve. 2. advertisements, Hollywood, marketing, mass-media, 3. insolvency, decline, bankruptcy, failure c) 1. 1irritability, insomnia, smoking, separation anxiety. 2. alliance, military forces, assistance. 3. synagogue, church, mosque, temple.
III. Give antonyms: a) 1. to halt 2. to curtail 3. to enhance 4. authorisation 5. ally b) 1. consequence 2. to accelerate 3. loss 4. ascension 5. to halve
IV. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian/Russian: 1. A second hijacked aircraft (passenger jet) also from Boston and bound for Los Angeles slams into the South Tower, causing an explosion in the building's upper floors. 2. All train and bus services are also halted. 3. September 11 affected the domestic and foreign policy of hundreds of countries 4. American and British jet fighters launched strikes against Bin Laden's training camps and Taliban facilities. 5. September 11 also halted an initiative by the Mexican President Fox and U.S. President Bush to allow undocumented Mexican workers to become legal residents 6. This allows law enforcement officials to wiretap phones, to intercept and monitor electronic communications, to break into offices or homes without prior notification and to deport or detain non-citizens without judicial appeal 7. The outcome was accelerated deportation and a more controlled issuing of visas, better identity protection by means of an EU fingerprint system. 8. For their support in the Afghanistan War many Arabian countries were financially rewarded by the United States. 9. Initial goals of this war against terrorism were to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a base for terrorists and to attack the military infrastructure of the Taliban. 10. Although most branches of the industry faced long-term and large financial losses following the events of 9/11, in some industries, especially security and law enforcement the terrorist attacks created jobs and brought in more earnings 11. Its financial sources are protection money, blackmailing, donations (mainly by Arabian regimes and oil billionaires) and drug trafficking. 12. Providers of intercontinental flights like German "Lufthansa" or "British Airways" were sharply restrained by the downturn of travellers. 13. An opinion poll by the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that many inhabitants of New York City started or intensified taking drugs to come to grips with their trauma. 14. While some branches still suffer from the consequences of September 11 several came through the recession quickly 15. Probably the most important step to an improved global security is finding a way to establish long-lasting peace between Israel and Palestine.