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VI. Fill in the gap with the suitable word from the table.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 427.

V. What do these letters stand for?

  1. CIA
  2. FBI
  3. ISAF
  4. FTSE
  5. PTSD


1. On September 9 the Northern Alliance's military leader Ahmad Shah Massoud …. by Taliban ….

2. Initial goals of this war against ….were to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a base for terrorists and …. the military infrastructure of the Taliban.

3. By the end of December Hamid Karsai's interim government had been….

4. The United Nations and other international communities ….the Taliban regime because of its violation of human rights.

5. The ….includes training camps, storehouses and communication buildings.

6. Al-Qaeda was also linked to the ….against the U.S. American warship "USS Cole" on October 12, 2000.

7. The Northern Alliance is a loose confederation of Afghan militias and warlords assembled from different … living in the north of Afghanistan.

8. The so-called NATO-Russia council built up a new policy on …. , regional emergencies and arms control.

9. All …. were born in Arabian countries, mostly in Saudi Arabia and Egypt

10. President Putin furthermore expected President Bush to rethink the American idea of ...the ABM treaty and developing a ….

terror network counterterrorism terrorism sworn in missile defence system assault suicide assassins to attack was assassinated abandoning warriors condemned ethnic minorities

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I. Consult the Topical Vocabulary and learn expressions with the word “consequence”,” security” . Learn them by heart and use in the sentences of your own. | Them. Predict what this articles are about.
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