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Them. Predict what this articles are about.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 387.

VIII. Read the following headlines connected with the events of September 11 and translate

VII. Retell the texts using active vocabulary of the unit.

1.Timeline: terror and its aftermath.

2. Peter Preston: Learning to forget September 11.

3. Yvonne Roberts: How 9/11 became real for everyone.

4. Leader: Remembering the human dimension of 9/11.


IX. Here is a selection of editorial comment on the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America from newspapers around the world. Read them and practice your translation skills.
1. New York Times

We've watched the dignity, the importance of what we felt on the morning of September 11 be transmuted by time into reactions that feel less pure, less terribly coherent. We risk being trapped by the rhetoric of recovery, by the boundaries of our emotions, by the limits of our faith.

Although America was bound together by emotion on September 11, 2001, America isn't bound together by emotions. It's bound together by things that transcend emotion, by principles and laws, by ideals of freedom and justice that need constant articulation, perhaps especially when America's virtues seem most self-evident. What we suffered on that day will be an important part of the story of this country. But in the long run it will not be as important a part of the story as what we choose to do in response to what we suffered. It is possible to confuse temperateness with indifference and democracy with indecision, just as it was possible on 9/11 to feel terribly weak in the midst of our undiminished strength. But time will help us make those distinctions, if we continue to seek them out.


2. Washington Post

One has only to look at the world of 12/7/42 to realize how much, by comparison, we do not know. One year after Pearl Harbour, American soldiers were fighting Japanese troops in New Guinea and Germans in North Africa. War had been officially declared. Its objective, as Franklin Roosevelt said in a radio address, was "clear and realistic. It is to destroy completely the military power of Germany, Italy and Japan." One year after the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, this nation is still debating the identity of the enemy (all terrorism? Islamic fundamentalism? rogue regimes with weapons of mass destruction?) and the proper way to fight it. Just yesterday administration officials warned of increased danger, but they could tell Americans nothing useful about the likely location or nature of an attack. We are at war, but against no nation; we have an enemy, but it wears no uniform; we are pledged to victory, but may not recognise it when it is achieved.

If this is to be a war with no clear end, the nation must find its way to new rules that can offer protection without countenancing indefinite detention, without charge or conviction, of Americans or foreigners.

The challenge for the administration is to offer a coherent and persuasive explanation of how the Iraq danger is connected to the 9/11 attacks and how action there would fit into the larger war against terrorism ... But as a lesson of 9/11, and as a memorial to the dead, nothing can matter more than defeating the terrorists who would attack the nation and holding accountable the regimes that harbour them.


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