RAPPORTDate: 2015-10-07; view: 367. Read II. Give a summary of the text. I. Divide the text into logical parts. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS WORD-BUILDING
I. –er-or – суффикс существительного, присоединяется к глаголам для образования конкретных имен существительных, обозначающих действующее лицо: To readчитать – readerчитатель To visitпосещать– visitorпосетитель Exercise 1. Form new words with the help of the suffix – er-or and translate the words into Russian. Er – to manage, to teach, to use, to speak, to dictate, to buy, to govern, to begin, to drive, to employ. Or – to visit, to conduct, to sail, to inspect, to invent, to act, to elect, to direct
II. – ly – суффикс наречия, образует наречия, как правило, от основы прилагательных или существительных, обозначающих время: Usualобычный– usuallyобычно Hourчас- hourlyежечасно
Exercise 2. Form new words with the help of the suffix – ly and translate the words into Russian. Normal, cheap, main, night, kind, bad, day, friend, time, month, quick, nice, brave.
1. What is management? 2. Why are goal setting and planning so important for an organization? 3. What is understood by organizing? 4. What does leading mean? 5. Why does an organization fail if doesn't pay attention to controlling? 6. How do the management functions work in practice?
To create emotional engagement, a teacher must build rapport. Rapport constructs an on-ramp into students' lives, creating a way to enter their world, know their concerns, share their successes and speak their language. Developing rapport can mean less work in engaging students, easier classroom management, longer focus time and more fun. |