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A) They need time to learn to work harder.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 461.

Why was it important for the new manager to meet with the employees?

C) Employees need to help each other do their best work.

B) Some employees don't like older managers.

A) Employees need to feel valued.

What are two reasons given for why team building is important?

C) There is a focus on team building.

B) There is an emphasis on employee relations.

A) What the manager says, goes.

According to the speaker, what is true about current management styles?

Use your notes to answer the questions below. For each question, circle the letters of the two best answers.

Now listen to the lecture and take notes.

The company needed to rethink its marketing plan.

Organized modify consider approach gaining

Work with a partner or use your dictionary to check your understanding of these words.

Now read the sentences. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined phrase with re- + the verb in brackets.

Example: The company needed to consider its marketing plan more. (think)

a) We arranged the office in a new way again. (organized)


b) Do you think it is necessary to change the schedule again? (modify)


c) I guess we need to think more about who will do each task. (consider)


d) The managers decided they needed to look at the company goals from a new angle. (approach)


e) The company is getting the team feeling back. (gaining)


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L) The manager heard too many different opinions to be able to get a(n) __________ idea of what the employees wanted. | B) Sometimes change for the sake of change is good.
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