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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 527.

1. What knife is symbolised in the title of the chapter: Frodo's sword or the phantom's knife or both? Is it correct to use the word клинок for the Russian title if the word is attributed only to Frodo's меч? What other word can be used as a Russian equiva­lent to knife in this context?

2. Are the words Колоброд or Бродяжник fitting the name of Strider? How do they influence the impression of the image? Think of other Russian equivalents for Strider of different stylis­tic values. What other word but Упокоище would fit the text as anequivalent for the Barrow! Try a few possible substitutes and see how they change the tone of the text. In what way does Могиль­ники differ from Упокоище — and both of them from Barrows?

3. Comment upon the words that were omitted by transla­tors (concerning КисМур's translation only). Which of them were less important and can be dropped with­ out a loss? Which words you'd rather save in translation?

5. Analyse the translation of stylistic devices, e. g. comment upon the transformation of the simile he felt a pain like a dart of poisoned ice pierce his left shoulder into его левое плечо пронзила ледяная боль. Is the impression of the image the same? Which of them is more expressive? Is the word dart important by itself to be saved in translation in the line with knife and sword?


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Unit 6. TRANSLATING f. R. R. TOLKIEN INTO RUSSIAN | Популярность переводов «Властелина Колец»
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