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Популярность переводов «Властелина Колец»

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 464.

Наталья Григорьева и Владимир Грушецкий 82 (40.8%)
Андрей Кистяковский и Владимир Муравьев 78 (38.8%)
Мария Каменкович и Валерий Каррик 16 (8%)
Александр Абрамович Грузберг 9 (4.5%)
Валерия Александровна Маторина 7 (3.5%)
Алина Немирова 5 (2.5%)
В.Волковский и В.Воседой 4 (2%)
Baggins 1) Торбинс Сумникс Торбинс Бэггинс
Butterbur Наркисс Маслютик Медовар Подсолнух
Gamgee Скромби Гэмджи Гэмджи Гэмги
Goldberry Золотинка Златеника Золотинка Златовика
Shadowfax Светозар Сполох Серосвет Скадуфакс
Strider 2) Бродяжник Колоброд Бродяжник Бродяга-Шире-Шаг
Treebeard Древень Древобород Древесник Древобород
Wormtongue Гнилоуст Червослов Причмок Червеуст
Entwash Онтава Энтова Купель Река Энтов Энтвейя
Rivendell Раздол Дольн Райвендел Ривенделл
Rohan Ристания Рохан Рохан Рохан
Weathertop Заверть Заветерь Заверть Пасмурная Вершина, Пасмурник

Task for comparison:


The story ended. The hobbits moved and stretched. "Look!" said Merry. "The Moon is rising: it must be getting late."

The others looked up. Even as they did so, they saw on the top of the hill something small and dark against the glimmer of the morning. It was perhaps only a large stone or jutting rock shown up by the pale light.

Sam and Merry got up and walked away from the fire. Fro­do and Pippin remained seated in silence. Strider was watching the moonlight on the hill intently. All seemed quiet and still, but Frodo felt a cold dread creeping over his heart, now that Strider was no longer speaking. He huddled closer to the fire. At that moment Sam came running back from the edge of the dell.

"I don't know what it is," he said, "but I suddenly felt afraid. 1 wouldn't go outside this dell for any money; I felt that some­thing was creeping up the slope."

"Did you see anything?" asked Frodo, springing to his feet.

"No, sir. I saw nothing, but I didn't stop to look."

"I saw something," said Merry; "or I thought I did — away

westwards where the moonlight was falling on the flats beyond the shadow of the hill-tops, I thought there were two or three black shapes. They seemed to be moving this way."

"Keep close to the fire, with your faces outward!" cried Strider. "Get some of the longer sticks ready in your hands!"

For a breathless time they sat there, silent and alert, with their backs turned to the wood-fire, each gazing into the shadows that encircled them. Nothing happened. There was no sound or movement in the night. Frodo stirred, feeling that he must break the silence: he longed to shout out loud.

"Hush!" whispered Strider. "What's that?" gasped Pippin at the same moment.

Over the lip of the little dell, on the side away from the hill, they felt, rather than saw, a shadow rise, one shadow or more than one. They strained their eyes, and the shadows seemed to grow. Soon there could be no doubt: three or four tall black figures were standing there on the slope, looking down on them. So black were they that they seemed like black holes in the deep shade behind them. Frodo thought that he heard a faint hiss as of ven­omous breath and felt a thin piercing chill. Then the shapes slow­ly advanced.

Terror overcame Pippin and Merry, and they threw them­selves flat on the ground. Sam shrank to Frodo's side. Frodo was hardly less terrified than his companions; he was quaking as if he was bitter cold, but his terror was swallowed up in a sudden temp­tation to put on the Ring. The desire to do this laid hold of him, and he could think of nothing else. He did not forget the Barrow, nor the message of Gandalf; but something seemed to be compel­ling him to disregard all warnings, and he longed to yield. Not with the hope of escape, or of doing anything, either good or bad: he simply felt that he must take the Ring and put it on his finger, he could not speak. He felt Sam looking at him, as if he knew that his master was in some great trouble, but he could not turn to­wards him. He shut his eyes and struggled for a while; but resis­tance became unbearable, and at last he slowly drew out the chain, and slipped the Ring on the forefinger of his left hand.

Immediately, though everything else remained as before, dim and dark, the shapes became terribly clear. He was able to see beneath their black wrappings. There were five tall figures: two standing on the lip of the dell, three advancing. In their white faces burned keen and merciless eyes; under their mantles were long grey robes; upon their grey hairs were helms of silver; in their haggard hands were swords of steel. Their eyes fell on him and pierced him, as they rushed towards him. Desperate, he drew his own sword, and it seemed to him that it flickered red, as if it was a firebrand. Two of the figures halted. The third was taller than the others: his hair was long arid gleaming and on his helm was a crown. In one hand he held a long sword, and in the other a knife; both the knife and the hand that held it glowed with a pale light. He sprang forward and bore down on Frodo.

At that moment Frodo threw himself forward on the ground, and he heard himself crying aloud: О Elbereth! Gilthoniel! At the same time he struck at the feet of his enemy. A shrill cry rang out in the night; and he felt a pain like a dart of poisoned ice pierce his left shoulder. Even as he swooned he caught, as through a swirling mist, a glimpse of Strider leaping out of the darkness with a flaming brand of wood in either hand. With a last effort, dropping his sword, Frodo slipped the Ring from his finger and closed his right hand tight upon it.


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EXERCISES FOR COMPARISON | Клинок во тьме. Перевод Н. Григорьевой, В. Грушецкого (Гриша-Груша или ГриГру).
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