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Ex.2. Read the sentences. Say what the people's jobs are. Choose from the list. The first sentence has been done as an example for you.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 417.


Ex.1. Decide which article you should put before the noun while translating


1. До будинку під'їхав автомобіль.

2. Автомобіль уже під'їхав до будинку.

3. Книга була дуже цікава.

4. Це була дуже цікава книга.

5. Газети і журнали принесли вчасно.

6. Йому принесли газети і журнали.

7. Вони живуть у великій сучасній квартирі.

8. Квартира їм дуже сподобалася.

9. На станцію прибув поїзд.

10. Поїзд прибув із запізненням.

11. Діти люблять цукерки.

12. Цукерки були дуже смачні.

13. Це будинок.

14. Будинок дуже великий.

15. Це великий зелений десятиповерховий будинок.


Cook, driving instructor, journalist, nurse, pilot, plumber, poet, travel agent, waiter.

1. Andrew drives a taxi. – He is a taxi driver.

2. Mike works in a cafe, he brings the food to the tables. – _______________.

3. Mary arranges people's holidays for them. – _________________.

4. Andrew works for an airline. He flies airplanes. – _______________.

5. Victor teaches people how to drive. – _______________.

6. Indy fits and repairs water pipes. – _________________.

7. Olaf writes articles for a magazine. – _______________.

8. Brian writes poems. – _______________.

9. Hanna cooks food at a restaurant. – ___________________.

10. Nina looks after patients in a hospital. – _______________.

Ex.3. Fill in the gaps with a/an or (no article).

1. It's ____ honour to work with you.

2. I read ____ humorous article in the paper.

3. She is ____ O.A.P. (old age pensioner).

4. The IRA want ____ united Ireland.

5. He stayed in ____ hotel in the city centre.

6. That's ____ elitist point of view.

7. You'll find ____ information on the subject in the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

8. I like ____ coffee.

9. In Britain people don't have ____ ID cards.

10. ____ thing of beauty is ____ joy forever.

11. Peter lives in ____ old village in England.

12. In the centre of the village, there is ____ nice little church.

13. In front of the church, there is ____ old and beautiful park.

14. Herbert, ____ teacher of English from Dusseldorf, visits the village for the first time.

15. He says, "I'd like to live in such ____ little village".

Ex.4. Insert a/an, - or some.

1. I've seen ____ good films recently.

2. What's wrong with you? Have you got ____ headache?

3. I know a lot of people. Most of them are ____ students.

4. When I was ____ child, I used to be very shy.

5. Would you like to be ____ actor?

6. ____ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.

7. I don't feel very well this morning. I've got ____ sore throat.

8. Do you enjoy going to ____ concerts?

9. When we got to the city centre, ____ shops were still open but most of them were closed.

10. I don't believe him. He's a liar. He's always telling ____ lies.

11. Jane is ____ teacher. Her parents were teachers too.

12. Could you buy ____ stamps for me, please?

13. We have brought our camera. We'll be able to take ____ photographs of the building.

14. I'd like ____ cornflakes, please.

15. This is ____ excellent test.

Ex.5. Fill in the gaps with some, any or a/an.

1. I'm really thirsty. I need ____ water, please.

2. I went to the library, but I couldn't find ____ books about art.

3. Can you give me ____ coffee, please?

4. She sent ____ postcards to her friends, but she didn't make ____ phone calls when she was in Britain.

5. It's very sunny but there is only ____ child playing in the street.

6. I bought ____ coffee, but I didn't buy ____ tea.

7. Have you got ____ chocolate biscuits? I'm sorry, there are ____ biscuits left.

8. Mary, I'm afraid there isn't ____ juice in the fridge but there's ____ pineapple.

9. They ate ____ apples, ____ mango, but they didn't eat ____ oranges.

10. Would you like ____ cheese? It's delicious. - Ok, give me ____ .

11. Is there ____ olive oil in the kitchen? No, there isn't ____ but there's ____ butter.

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Ex.27. Translate into English. | Ex.7. Give answers to the questions.
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