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Vocabulary task

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 538.

Before you read



Concept check

1. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1) What are the reasons for the job search?

2) What is the first step in a successful job search?

3) What are the methods of finding a job?

4) How do employers learn about you?

5) How can people apply for a job?

6) Is there any difference between a CV and a resume?

7) Why do people send a covering letter?

8) How to fill out the application form correctly?

9) What questions are difficult to answer?

10) What opportunities does a job interview provide?

11) Who can help school leavers to find their first job?

2.Give a summary of the text using your headings as a plan.


Match the English word combinations with their Russian equivalents.

1) a badly laid-out CV a) несвязное повествование
2) minimize one's chances b) семейное положение
3) precise and well-presented summary c) перестраивать свое резюме в соответствии с чьими -то требованиями
4) a rambling narrative d) свести чьи-либо шансы к минимуму
5) noteworthy achievements e) делать упор на положительное
6) in reverse chronology f) знание компьютера
7) tailor your CV to the needs of smb. g) в обратном хронологическом порядке
8) marital status h) плохо скомпонованное резюме
9) proficiency with computer packages i) достойные внимания достижения
10) highlight the positive j) точное и должным образом представленное перечисление

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