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Applying for a Job

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 781.

Recruitment is the first step in providing appropriate human resources for the organisation once a position becomes open. Recruitment means finding staff whose attributes match available jobs; it is the initial screening of the total supply of prospective human resources available to fill a position. The purpose of recruitment is to encourage suitable applicants to apply but not to maximise their number, and after that to narrow a large field of prospective employees down to a relatively small number of individuals from which one person can eventually be hired. In this unit we are going to look at the problem of recruitment from the employees' viewpoint.

People often change jobs. There are different reasons of it. Some people want to broaden their job goals and interests. Others change to a new field. Even people who are well established in their careers continue to look for jobs that provide better pay, more responsibilities and more prestige. If you are a student or a graduate, you also have to look for a job.

To begin your job search, you must identify the kind of job you want, where the jobs are, what employers expect.

The first step in a successful job search is to decide on the kind of job you want and the kind you are qualified for. This means that the first step is to answer the questions ‘What can I do well?' and ‘What do I really want to do?'

When you know the kind of job you want, the next question to answer is ‘Where can I find that job?' People use many methods to find a job:

- answer advertisements (want ads) ‘Help wanted';

- use friends and family members who are an excellent resource of information;

- get information on job opportunities at state and private employment offices;

- apply directly to employers.

Employers want to know as much as possible about the skills and personal characteristics of prospective employees. Employers learn about you in many ways. You have to complete an application form, participate in one or more interviews, submit a resume, take a test, as well as submit references and samples of your work.

People can apply for a job by sending a letter of application or covering letter (in the USA – cover letter) and a curriculum vitae or CV (in the USA – resume).

A CV presents your education, skills and experience to the employer. In compiling a CV, an applicant has one objective only – to get an interview in order to get the job. You have to select and arrange the information in the way that best relates your background to the job you seek.

You can organise your CV in several ways but the most popular one is by job. The jobs are listed in the reverse chronological order, the most recent first, then the next most recent job and so on. The CV must be accurate, brief and clear. It should be kept on one or two pages. It can also include references. Current students and graduates should choose an academic referee and a personal one. This could be an employer.

A covering letter goes together with a CV. In this letter you should explain why you think you are a suitable candidate but you should avoid repeating the information you have included in the CV.

Many employers ask candidates to fill in an application form. You should read the application carefully and answer all the questions completely. Filling out an application form, work neatly, spell correctly and provide accurate and complete data.

There are three kinds of questions that are difficult to answer: questions that do not relate to you, questions that you do not want to answer, illegal questions.

Answering the first type of questions you should write ‘N.A.' (not applicable) or make a short dash (-) in the answer space.

You do not want to answer some questions because you believe you would be misunderstood. In this case you should write ‘Will discuss during the interview'.

Illegal questions are also difficult to answer. It is illegal for employers to ask about your race, religion, sex, marital status, family planning but many experts suggest that it is better to answer these questions.

The interview is the meeting between an employer and an applicant to talk about a job. A job interview is your opportunity to present your talents to a prospective employer. During the interview an employer judges qualifications, appearance and general fitness for the job. It is your chance to convince the employer that you can make a real contribution. The interview helps you to decide if the job meets your career needs and interests.

Every interview is different and every interviewer will take a different approach. But both interviewers and applicants should carefully prepare for the interview. It is not a problem to find a lot of useful tips how to present you in the best light.

In many countries there is a special service for school leavers, which helps young people who are looking for their first jobs.


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