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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 556.

Vocabulary task

Before you read



Concept check

1.Make all necessary changes in the CV given before the text following your list of guidelines.

2. Imagine your friend is applying for a job. He comes to you for advice about writing a CV. These are his questions. What advice would you give him?

1) Do you think I should include my hobbies and interests?

2) I have got a degree in economics. Should I include my school qualifications?

3) After I left university, I was unemployed for three months. Then I went travelling in Asia for three months and then I worked in a restaurant as a waiter for three months. Should I put all those things in the CV?

4) How many pages should it be?

5) How should I organize the CV? What headings do you recommend?

6) Should I put my salary for each job I have had?

7) Should I include references?


Word building: complete the table with suitable forms of the related words.

Verb Noun Person Adjective
  interview interviewer  

1.Make a list of questions you would ask someone at an interview for a job. Include the following areas: education, work experience, skills, achievements, personal strengths and weaknesses.

2.Think about the information that a candidate for a job might want to find out. Make a list of questions that you could ask at an interview about: health insurance, holidays, overtime, perks.

3.Make a list of DOs and DON'Ts for an applicant at the interview.

Text 6.3Read the text and compare your list of DOs and DON'Ts with the advice given in the text.

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