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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 340.

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

Phrase list

C) The motor car was to be tested next spring.

B) The firm tested the motor car on the mountain roads.

C) The two men started experimenting with the component several years ago.

A) They are experimenting with the new component.

C) By 2000 the firm will be manufacturing 1-2 million engines a year.

B) The firm is manufacturing diesel engines for automobiles.

Фирма изготовляет дизельные двигатели для автомобилей.

К 2000 фирма будет изготовлять 1-2 миллиона двигателей в год.

5. experimenting – экспериментируя

Они экспериментируют с новым компонентом.

b) Experimenting with the new component they found out that it was most suitable for road surfacing.

Экспериментируя с новым компонентом, они узнали, что это было самое подходящее для

дорожного всплытия.

Эти два мужчины начали экспериментировать с составляющие несколько лет назад.

6. tested – испытал

a) The motor car was tested on the roads.

Легковой автомобиль испытал проверку на дорогах.

Фирма проверила легковой автомобиль на дорогах горы.

Легковой автомобиль должен был быть проверен следующей весной.



to advertise / to deal with advertising

to undertake to do something

to liaise with the agency

to supervise the campaign

to check proofs

to cope with public relations work

(the) public at large

to appoint a manager

to relieve somebody of something

to be ultimately responsible to somebody for something

“situations vacant” column

to invite applications for a job

to have the right qualifications for the post

to interview the selected applicant from the short list

an applicant for a job

a letter of application

to handle the accounts

to brief somebody

to be an account executive

to join a training scheme run by somebody

to stay with a company (a firm, etc.)

to discuss the layout

to have the right kind of experience

the executive

to be go-ahead

to be high on the list

to persuade / to convince somebody

to look up (about the firm)

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