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Who is in charge of public relations work in the company?

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 354.

Can John Martin cope with advertising without any help?

For what reason do many firms employ advertising agencies to handle advertising?

Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

Task 1


1. How would you describe the system of advertising used in Harper & Grant Ltd.?

(the Factory Extension Meeting; to be a growing company; to deal with advertising; to employ an Advertising Agency; to design the advertisements; to place the advertisements in newspapers or magazines)

(to undertake to handle something on behalf of somebody; to employ specialists in the field; to buy space in newspapers, or time on radio and television; to do a far more professional job than somebody; to have a limited experience; to employ an advertising manager; to liaise with the agency)

(to be too busy on the sales side; to be able to handle the work involved; to supervise an advertising campaign; to check proofs; to use the media; to suit the company's interests)

(to cope with the public relations work; to involve contacts with the public at large; to give information about the company and its products)

5. In what way were the spheres of responsibility concerning advertising rearranged in Harper & Grant Ltd?

(to appoint an advertising manager; to relieve somebody of the work; to be ultimately responsible to somebody for something; to be branch of some Department; to be interested in public relations; to be responsible to somebody for something)

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