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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1763.


PAUL: Just look at this mess. It's hard to know where Tom's in-tray starts and his out-tray ends.

JACK: Any sign of the letter?

PAUL: It doesn't look like it. Look, you rummage round here and I'll see if I can find those accounts.

JACK: Any luck?

PAUL: No, not where I usually put them, but then again who knows where they might have gone to while I was in Dabu. Oh let's have the fan on. It's so hot here.

JACK: Maybe Tom found them at the last minute.

PAUL: Probably, anyway they're only copies. The original is safe at the bank.

JACK: Eh, you don't think young Barratt took them, do you?

PAUL: What on earth for? He could buy а copy from the Government Auditors'

Office if he was that desperate.

JACK: Well, maybe he thought he could get hold of some juicy bits to impress his father.

PAUL: Barratt, the industrial spy eh? But I can't really see our Diana letting him get away with it.

JACK: You never know - a good looking lad like that with a flashy car - he might have won her over.

PAUL: Come on, Jack! Diana risk her first job? Anyway look, enough of this. I've got till eight to convince you about exporting.

JACK: Of course, but that doesn't mean Barratt didn't take something when she wasn't looking.

PAUL: Jack, sit down and listen. This is important. ...We'll have to tackle the problems of exporting step by step. And the first move, as I see it, is to get an up-to-date picture of where we stand at the moment.

JACK: Why don't we just concentrate on expanding here at home?

PAUL: Right. Of course we should hold on to our position here and we will - that Barratt problem will have to be sorted out for a start - but you must admit the market here is limited.

JACK: Yes, but it's safe. The government keeps out foreigners with import controls - though I must admit, I feel sure we could hold our own against foreign bikes.

PAUL: I agree! That's why I'm suggesting exporting, because I feel we can compete with the best of them.

JACK: Just let me get this right. What you are really saying is that we'd make

more profit by selling bikes in Industria where we have a cost advantage and can charge higher prices.

PAUL: Exactly.

JACK: Ah, but wait a minute. Packaging, shipping, finance, not to mention the need to hire more staff, will push up our costs and we could end up no better off, maybe worse off.

PAUL: OK, now there are extra costs involved, but if we do it right they can be built into the price of the bike and we can still be competitive.

JACK: How sure are you about our chances of success in the market?

PAUL: Well, that's the sticky one. It's going to need a lot of research. I'm hoping to get the help of the Export Development Office in Dabu... Well come on, Jack. Is it worth it or not?

JACK: There'll be a lot of problems.

PAUL: Nothing we can't handle.

JACK: Mmm, I'm not that hopeful. But yes, I think we should go ahead with а feasibility study.

PAUL: Marvellous Jack, I was hoping you'd be on my side.

JACK: It's not just for you. I've always wanted to see how my bikes match up to competition in the big wide world – а question of professional pride!

PAUL: I'm sure it'll be a success. Look, it's going to be difficult persuading the rest of the board and I'd like to get on with it straight away. What do you say to a board meeting early next week?

JACK: Sounds fine. Is there anything you want me to do?

PAUL: Well, there is one thing - I'd like you to look at the production and transportation problems.

JACK: OK, it's a deal. If this idea is to work, you're going to need as much support as you can get...





SCENE 1 (for listening)


1. PAUL: Good morning, Diana. 2. DIANA: Good morning, Mr. Osman. Welcome back. Did you enjoy your stay in Dabu? 3. PAUL: Very much, thank you, Diana. You're here early, aren't you? 4. DIANA: Yes. I had something to do in town early this morning and I came straight to the office. 5. PAUL: Oh, I see. Yes, well, I'd like some coffee please, Diana. 6. DIANA: Yes, Mr. Osman. 7. PAUL: And when Mr. Lom comes, please send him in immediately. 8. DIANA: Certainly... 9. PAUL: ... and hold all calls. I'm going to be very busy. Er, do you work weekends now, Diana? 10. DIANA: I ... no, no, I don't. I work late sometimes but... but if you'd like me to... 11. PAUL: No. It's just that I saw you leaving the office with young Barratt yesterday. I thought Mr. Jayal was giving you too much work. 12. DIANA: I'd left something in the office on Friday. I went there to get it. Mr. Barratt is an old friend. His family used to live next door to mine. 13. PAUL: No, there's no need explain, Diana as long as Mr. Jayal isn't overworking you. Now about that coffee? 14. DIANA: Yes, Mr. Osman. Anything to eat? 15. PAUL: No thank you. Just the coffee... Now, let me see... (Knock on door.) Come in. 16. JACK: Hello! Morning Paul.   17. PAUL: Hello Jack 18. JACK: Let's see. Now, what's all this? Getting the feasibility study ready? Trying to convince Tom Jayal to have a board meeting on developing the export market?   19. PAUL: Yes, І'vе just started. What about you? Getting anything done? 20. JACK: Well, І'м afraid іt's going to take а couple of days to get some of the information we need. 21. PAUL: Such as? 22. JACK: Well, thеrе's the freight rates for а start... different companies – different prices. We want the cheapest and most reliable. 23. PAUL: Right. What else? 24. JACK: Packaging costs... do we package ourselves or get a company to do it? 25. PAUL: Well, I mean, whatever's the cheapest and the most efficient. 26. JACK: And then there's the shipping insurance and most important of all the extra capital equipment and the staff needed to increase production. 27. PAUL: Well, don't look so serious. We can do it. (Buzz.) Oh... Just a moment, Jack. Yes, Diana. What is it? 28. DIANA: I have a call from your wife, Mr. Osman. Shall I ask her to ring back? 29. PAUL: No, no, no, no, I'll take it... Hello Tara... yes... OK. I'll go easy on him. No, I won't let him feel he's being pushed... OK, I'll be home about six... Yes, yes, sure, I'll bring Jack with me. Fine. Bye, darling.   30. JACK: What was all that? 31. PAUL: Well, looks like you're coming for dinner - Tara's a bit worried about her father. She said he's still the head of the company and so we mustn't push him. It's his decision. She's right of course. (Buzz.)Oh, excuse me Jack. Ah, that's Tom's line now. Hello, Tom! 32. ТОМ: Sorry to interrupt. Can you come to mу office later this morning, Paul? Before you get any more ideas about that exporting business, I think you should talk to Kamal from the bank. Hе's coming at 11 о'сlоск. Maybe he can talk some sense into you. 1. ПОЛ: Доброго ранку, Діана. 2. ДІАНА: Доброго ранку, пан Осман. З поверненням вас. Вам сподобалося у Дабу? 3. ПОЛ: Дуже. Дякую, Діана. Ти рано сьогодні , чи не так?   4. ДІАНА: Так. У мене були деякі справи в місті рано вранцi, а потім я відразу прийшла на роботу. 5. ПОЛ: А, зрозуміло. Так, Діана, будь ласка, я б хотів випити кави. 6. ДІАНА: Добре, пан Осман. 7. ПОЛ: А коли прийде пан Лом, будь ласка, запроси його відразу ж до мене...   8. ДІАНА: Неодмінно... 9. ПОЛ: ... і не з'єднуй мене ні з ким. Я буду дуже зайнятий. Еее, Діана, ти тепер працюєш у вихіднi? 10. ДІАНА: Я... ні, ні, не працюю. Я іноді працюю допізна, але... але якщо ви хочете, щоб я працювала у вихіднi... 11. ПОЛ: Нi. Просто я бачив, як ти учора виходила з офісу разом з Барраттом-молодшим. Я подумав, що пан Джайал дає тобі занадто багато роботи. 12. ДІАНА: Я дещо забула в офісі в п'ятницю. І зайшла, щоб забрати. Барратт - мій старий знайомий. Його родина раніш жила по сусідству з нашою. 13. ПОЛ: Нi, можеш нічого не пояснювати, Діана, - аби пан Джайал тебе не перетруждав. Що там з кавою?   14. ДІАНА: Так, пане Осман. Принести що-небудь поїсти? 15. ПОЛ: Ні, дякую. Просто кава... Ну що ж, подивимося... (Стук у двері.) Увійдіть. 16. ДЖЕК: Привіт! Доброго ранку, Пол. 17. ПОЛ: Привіт, Джек! 18. ДЖЕК: Ну що? Чим займаєшся? Готуєш техніко-економічне обґрунтування? Намагаєшся переконати Тома Джайала скликати засідання керівництва, щоб обговорити освоєння зовнішнього ринку? 19. ПОЛ: Так, я саме почав. А як ти? Що-небудь виходить?   20. ДЖЕК: Бачиш, я боюсь, що нам буде потрібно декiлька днів, щоб зібрати деяку необхідну iформацию.   21. ПОЛ: Наприклад? 22. ДЖЕК: Ну, насамперед, вантажні тарифи... різні компанії - різні розцінки. Нам потрібні найнижчі розцінки та сама надійна компанія.   23. ПОЛ: Так... що ще? 24. ДЖЕК: Вартість упакування... ми самі будемо пакувати, чи знайдемо для цього яку-небудь компанію? 25. ПОЛ: Ну, взагалi, нам потрібний найдешевший та найефективніший варіант. 26. ДЖЕК: I крім того ще страхування перевезення і головне – додаткове капітальне устаткування та персонал, необхідні для розширення виробництва. 27. ПОЛ: Не роби ти такий серйозний вигляд. Усе в наших силах. (Гудок.) Ой... Секунду, Джек. Так, Діана. Що там? 28. ДІАНА: Дзвонить ваша дружина, пан Осман. Попросити iї передзвонити?   29. ПОЛ: Ні, ні, ні, ні, я підійду... Привіт, Тара... так... Добре, я буду з ним полегше. Ні, я не дам йому відчути, начебто на нього тиснуть... Ну добре, я буду вдома приблизно о шостiй... Так-так, звичайно, я візьму з собою Джека. Добре. До побачення, люба. 30. ДЖЕК: У чому там справа? 31. ПОЛ: Знаєш, схоже, ти будеш обідати в нас - Тара трохи непокоїться за батька. Вона говорить, що він поки ще голова компанії, тому ми не повинні на нього тиснути. Рішення за ним. Зрозуміло, вона права. (Гудок.) О, вибач, Джек. А, це дзвонить Том. Привіт, Том! 32. ТОМ: Вибач за турботу. Ти можеш зайти до мене сьогодні пізніше, Пол? Поки в тебе не з'явилися нові ідеї щодо експорту, я вважаю, тобі не завадило б поговорити з Камалем з банку. Він буде об одинадцятоi. Може , він тебе трохи приведе до тями?  

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