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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1484.

PAUL: Well, Tom doesn't seem to be in а good mood today. Maybe the Colonel beat him at golf over the weekend.

JACK (laughs): I think he just doesn't like the idea of the risk involved in exporting, and I can't say I blame him. Look, I'd better get on with my side of it. Ah, see you for dinner.

PAUL: Mm, sure Jack, Diana - please get me Mr. Christopher Mayo at the Export Development Office in Dabu.

DIANA: Yes, Mr. Osman. One moment.

PAUL (hums to himself): Who said life in the provinces wasn't exciting? I wonder what's for dinner tonight...

DIANA: Sorry, what was that, Mr. Osman?

PAUL: Er nothing, I was er, just er...

DIANA: Your call's coming through now.

PAUL: Hello, Christopher Mayo? Paul Osman here.


PAUL: How are you?

CHRIS: I'm fine. Back at the Export Development Office. I think I preferred Dabu University... I wouldn't mind teaching there permanently. Did you enjoy the course?

PAUL: Yes, very much. And it gave me some ideas. Look, I need your help. I want Jayal Motors to go into exporting. I want to export our mopeds to Industria. Now, I need advice on government assistance to exporters. How do I go about getting import agents in Industria? And I need details about tax incentives and export credit insurance.

CHRIS: Hold on! Hold on! You're really serious about this, aren't you?

PAUL: Of course.

CHRIS: I can't say it's a bad idea. I've seen your product: high quality, efficient... Yes, there could be a good market for it in Industria. But I can't tell you everything you want to know on the phone. There are documents, forms and various other things...

PAUL: Look, let's meet sometime next week. Let's say Tuesday lunchtime.

CHRIS: In Zana, at your office?

(Knock at door.)

PAUL: Just hold the line, Christopher... Yes?

(Door opens.)

DIANA: Excuse me, Mr Osman, Mr. Jayal is waiting for you in his office.

PAUL: Thank you, Diana. (Door closes.) Sorry about that, Christopher... No, not Zana. Look, I'll meet you in Dabu, at Dabu University. The restaurant by the pool.

CHRIS: Sounds fine. Goodbye, Paul. See you Tuesday.

PAUL: Goodbye.

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