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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1324.


PAUL: Now then: shirts, ties, handkerchiefs... ah, that file...

TARA; How long will you be in Dabu, Paul? You're taking enough for three months.

PAUL: No, only two or three days. Look, I've got a lot to do there, Тага. I've got to see Christopher Mayo about our export project. I want to put things into action straight away... Now then...

TARA: It's just that I thought I could see more of you after your course. But you're always working late, having business lunches. I don't see you much... I think you're trying to do everything too quickly.

PAUL: Listen Тага, your father has given me two weeks to prepare the feasibility study. I need Christopher Mayo's help to convince the board members that this project can work... now then... Look, what's the matter Тага? You're not usually like this.

TARA: Oh, it's nothing really. It's just that the baby's coming. I want us to be together.

PAUL: Тага darling, it won't always be like this. Once I get started...

TARA: You'd better go, you'll miss the train.

JACK: Hello! Anybody there?

PAUL: We're in here Jack!

JACK: Oh, hello, Тага...

TARA: Hello, Jack.

JACK: Well, I won't keep you long. I just wanted to give you these, Paul... and I brought young Tim Hasram with me.

PAUL: Hello, Tim.

TIM: Hello, Mr. Osman.

PAUL: Yes, Jack's already told me about you. He thinks you'll be good in the Sales Department.

TIM: I hope so, Mr. Osman. I'd like to have a go at Sales.

PAUL: Fine. Now let's see what you've got, Jack. Thanks for getting it to me so


TARA: Would you like a drink, Jack? Tim?

JACK: No thanks, Тага. Paul must be in a hurry to catch his train.

PAUL: Mmm., just a minute though. Let me have a look at these first. (Reads.) Special labelling and packing... fine... I see you've made a list of forwarding agents.

JACK: Yes, I think it would be cheaper to use an agent rather than do it ourselves... The agent arranges the transport of goods from the factory to the docks, and arranges the documentation and so on.

PAUL: Their terms seem reasonable... ah! And the shipping and air freight rates - quite a few to choose from. You've done а good job, Jack...

JACK: Well, that's only the beginning of the paperwork.

PAUL: Yes, I know. We've got to win orders before we go any further. Christopher's the man to help. But I can't do a complete study, even with Christopher's help, if I don't go to Industrie myself.

TARA: Industria?

PAUL: Yes, well, I know Tom won't agree at this stage. He wants me to consolidate the market at home. But I'm sure after this visit to Dabu I can convince him I must go to Industria.

TARA: I see... Paul, your train.

PAUL: Gosh, look at the time.

TIM: I'll give you a lift to the station, Mr. Osman.

PAUL: Thanks, Tim. Look, there are some things I want you to do for me while I'm away. Bye darling, bye Jack.

TARA: Bye Paul...

JACK: Don't look so worried, Тага... This project means a lot to Paul... and it'll

mean a lot to the company.

TARA: I know that, Jack. I only wish I could go with him, work with him, help him! But instead I have to stay at home waiting for him... and for the baby.

JACK: Well, there is something you can do to help, Тага. I've got this idea. Why don't you try to do something...


PAUL: Now, the first thing I want you to do, Tim, is go round all our retailers and check how the bikes are selling.

TIM: ... and what the competition is?

PAUL: Mm. You've got the idea. And I want you to report on what advertising the retailers are doing on our bikes, if any...

TIM: ... and what advertising they are doing for our competitors.

PAUL: Right. Find out if they have any complaints about obtaining spare parts... and what else?

TIM: Well, what about what spare parts are in greatest demand and how long delivery takes?

PAUL: Yes, sure, that's right. You see, that will also tell us something about the weak points in our bikes... and look, Tim...

TIM: Yes?

PAUL: Find out which retailers are being offered extended credit by Barratts.

TIM: I'll have the report ready when you get back, Mr. Osman.

PAUL: Call me Paul. I think we're going to get on well, Tim.

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