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SCENE 1 (for listening)

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1667.


1. TARA: Have a good trip, darling. I hope everything goes well. If it doesn't, I'm afraid Father won't give you another chance. 2. PAUL: Don't worry, darling. Everything'll be fine. Now Jack has already dispatched the bikes and Christopher Mayo has given me a contact at the embassy, Mr. Carl Sindon. Now all I need are the costing sheets, so that I can quote a price for the bikes in Industria pounds. 3. TARA: Ah that's Tim. He said he'd be here in time to take you to the airport. 4. PAUL: Oh good! Oh and darling, thank you for helping Tim with the paperwork. 5. TARA: Oh, I enjoy it.   6. PAUL: Well, bye darling! What shall I bring you from Industria? 7. TARA: Oh, just get me some duty-free perfume on the plane.   8. PAUL: Right. Bye darling. I'll miss you. 9. TARA: I'll miss you too. Take care of yourself. 10. PAUL: Oh! must go... 11. TARA: Phone me as soon as possible. Safe journey, take care! I hope you enjoy your trip.   12. PAUL: Right, I think I've got everything... plenty of promotional literature.   13. TIM: I got those fresh from the printers this morning, Mr. Osman. 14. PAUL: Thanks, Tim. 15. TIM: Mr. Osman? 16. PAUL: Hmm. 17. TIM: I've been looking at the costing sheets in the car. How did you decide on the price of the bikes? Well I mean, how did you arrive at your estimate? 18. PAUL: Well, it's difficult to be precise at this stage. It really depends on how big the orders are - the bigger the order, the lower the unit cost of each bike. But Jack and I thought a price of about 600 utiles, or 100 Industria pounds at the present rate of exchange, would be a safe estimate.     19. TIM: Hm... well, that will give you а profit margin of 10%. But what about the exchange rate? If the pound falls, you may have to raise your price or take out exchange cover.     20. PAUL: Well, full marks Tim. You've certainly done your homework. You're right, of course. But we can deal with that later. The most important thing now is to sell. So, we quote a price of 600 utiles or 100 Industria pounds, and take it from there.   21. TANNOY: The 11.40 flight for Industria is boarding now.   22. PAUL: Ah. That's mine. 23. TANNOY: Gate No. 5, 11.40 flight for Industria.   24. PAUL: Bye Tim, and thanks for the lift. 25. TIM: Goodbye, Mr. Osman. Best of luck!   26. CAPTAIN: This is your Captain. Please fasten your safety belts. No smoking please! We hope you had a pleasant flight, and we shall be landing at Centreville International Airport in just under 10 minutes. Thank you!   27. PAUL: Excuse me, where do I get my luggage? I arrived an hour ago on the 11.40 flight from Zuritania. 28. HOSTESS: Let me see.. yes, if you go through that door over there on the left, you will see signs with the flight numbers on them. Your luggage should be there. 29. PAUL: Ah! Thank you very much. Er... over there? 30. TANNOY: Will Mr. Paul Osman arriving on the 11.40 from Zuritania please contact the information desk. Mr. Paul Osman. 31. PAUL: Ah! excuse me, that's for me!.. Excuse me, information? I'm Paul Osman. You called me on the tannoy. 32. CLERK: Ah yes, Mr. Osman. Thеrе's а telegram for you. 33. PAUL: Thank you very much. (Reads.) Ship held up. With help of Christopher Mayo four bikes are on their way by airfreight. Five days to arrive. Jack. Oh no! In five days the Trade Fair will be half over. 1. ТАРА: Щасливої подорожi, любий. Сподіваюся, усе буде добре. А якщо ні, то боюсь, батько не дасть тобі іншої можливості. 2. ПОЛ: Не турбуйся, люба. Усе буде добре. Джек вже відправив мопеди, а Крiстофер Майо дав мені ім'я людини з посольства, з яким можна зв'язатися. Це Карл Сіндон. Тепер мені потрібна тiльки калькуляція собівартості, щоб я міг призначити ціну на мопеди в iндустрiйських фунтах. 3. ТАРА: А, це Тім. Він сказав, що встигне заїхати, щоб відвезти тебе в аеропорт. 4. ПОЛ: О, добре! Так... і ще, люба, дякую за те, що ти допомогла Тімові в роботі з документами. 5. ТАРА: Що ти, я роблю це з задоволенням. 6. ПОЛ: Ну що ж, бувай, люба! Що тобі привезти з Індустрії? 7. ТАРА: Купи мені у лiтаку які-небудь парфуми, що не обкладаються митом. 8. ПОЛ: Добре. Бувай, люба Я буду нудьгувати без тебе. 9. ТАРА: Я теж нудьгуватиму. Бережи себе. 10. ПОЛ: О, настав час їхати... 11. ТАРА: Подзвони мені якомога швидше. Хай щастить! Сподіваюся, ти одержиш задоволення від цієї подорожi. 12. ПОЛ: Добре. Вважаю я маю усе, що потрібно... достатньо рекламної літератури. 13. ТІМ: Я одержав ці матеріали прямо з друкарні сьогодні вранцi, пан Осман. 14. ПОЛ: Дякую, Тім. 15. ТІМ: Пан Осман... 16. ПОЛ: Ммм? 17. ТІМ: Я вивчав калькуляційну відомість, поки їхав у машині. Як ви приймали рішення про ціну мопедів? Ну, я хочу сказати, як ви одержали вашу цифру? 18. ПОЛ: Бачиш,справа в тому, що на даному етапі важко бути точним. Усе дійсно залежить від того, наскільки великими будуть замовлення: чим крупніше замовлення, тим нижче вартість кожного мопеда. Але ми з Джеком подумали, що ціна десь 600 ютілей чи 100 индустрійских фунтів за нинішнім курсом - це надійна цифра. 19. ТІМ: Хм... таким чином ви одержите частку прибутку в 10%. Але як бути з обмінним курсом? Якщо фунт зменшиться, можливо ви будете змушенi збільшити ціну чи застрахуватися від коливань валютного курсу. 20. ПОЛ: Ну що ж, Тім, ставлю тобі "п'ятірку". Ти дійсно попрацював над домашнім завданням. Ти правий, зрозуміло. Але ми можемо зайнятися цим пізніше. Зараз є головне - це налагодити збут. Тому ми встановлюємо ціну 600 ютiлей, чи 100 индустрійских фунтів, та будемо вiдштовхуватися вiд неї . 21. ОГОЛОШЕННЯ: Оголошується посадка на рейс, що відбуває об 11.40 в Індустрію. 22. ПОЛ: О, це мій рейс. 23. ОГОЛОШЕННЯ: Вихід номер 5, рейс, що відбуває об 11.40 до Індустрії. 24. ПОЛ: Бувай, Тім, і дякую, що підвіз. 25. ТІМ: До побачення, пан Осман. Хай щастить!   26. ПІЛОТ: Говорить командир екіпажу.Пристебнiть, будь ласка, ремені і не палiть. Ми сподіваємося, що ви одержали задоволення від подорожi. Менш нiж за десять хвилин наш літак приземліться у міжнародному аеропорті Центрвіля. Дякую за увагу. 27. ПОЛ: Вибачте, де можна одержати багаж? Я прилетів годину тому рейсом 11.40 з Зурiтанii. 28. СТЮАРДЕСА: Хвилинку... так, якщо ви пройдете у ті двері ліворуч, побачите табло з номерами рейсів. Ваш багаж повинний бути там.   29. ПОЛ: Ага! Дякую. Еее... це там?   30. ОГОЛОШЕННЯ: Пана Пола Османа, що прибув рейсом 11.40 з Зурiтанii, запрошують до довідкового бюро. Пан Пол Осман. 31. ПОЛ: А, вибачте, це мене!.. Вибачте, це довідкове бюро? Я Пол Осман. Ви мене викликали.   32. КЛЕРК: А, так-так, пан Осман. Вам телеграма. 33.ПОЛ: Дякую. (Читає.) Теплохід затримується. За допомогою Крістофера Майо відправили чотири мопеди літаком. Прибудуть через п'ять днів. Джек. Не може бути! Але через п'ять днів торговий ярмарок вже наполовину пройде.



ТОМ: That's it, finished! Paul should come home. The bikes will not be there

on time. The Trade Fair will be half over!

TARA: Father, it's not as bad as all that. The Trade Fair in Industria does business for the whole two-week period. One week in the Fair is better than nothing.

JACK: I agree with Тага, Tom. Paul can still do business in the week that's left.

Не can get the general reaction of the Industrians to our bikes and maybe contact a good agent. It won't be a waste of time.

ТОМ: I say it will be. We don't even know if the four bikes we sent airfreight will arrive on time.

JACK: The airline is very reliable.

ТОМ: I thought the shipping company was reliable!

TARA: Father! You're being unreasonable. Aren't you just a little bit curious to see how our bikes compare with overseas competitors? If Industria buys our bikes, you'll be proud. - a Jayal bike on the international market!

ТОМ (grunts): Well... I must say...

ТОМ: Tom Jayal!

CHRIS: Er... Christopher Mayo here, Mr. Jayal.

TOM: Three days! Thank you Christopher. Keep in touch. Goodbye!


TOM: Christopher said he contacted the airline and the bikes will be in Centreville in three days!

JACK: Three days! Look, I'd better cable Paul again and tell him about the change.

TARA: Don't worry, father! Everything will be all right. Paul knows what he's doing. Come and have dinner with me tonight.

TOM: That sounds like the first good idea I've heard all day.

TIM: Jack! Can I have a word with you?

JACK: Later, Tim. I have to get a telegram off to Paul.

TIM: It's very important, Jack. It won't take long.

JACK: OK. Hold on a minute... Diana!

DIANA: Yes, Mr. Lom.

JACK: ... telegram to Paul Osman. Ready? OK Paul Osman, Barna Hotel, Room 301, Centreville, Industria. Bikes will arrive in three days. Airline confirm. Jack. Got it?

DIANA: Got it. Yes Mr. Lom?

JACK: It has to go immediately... All right, Tim. You can speak freely now. I hope it isn't bad news. We've had enough trouble already.

TIM: On the contrary, Jack. I think you'll like this.

JACK: OK, you've got me interested

TIM: Well, the first thing is three new retailers in Dabu have placed orders for the new bike.

JACK (laughs): Good work, Tim. You're an ace salesman!

TIM: That's not all. Barratts have overordered from their manufacturers and are having trouble getting an overdraft.

JACK: How did you find this out?

TIM: Kamal heard it through the grapevine.

JACK: I see... are Barratts going bust?

TIM: No, but they are having to go round their retailers and ask for repayment of credit. The retailers aren't too pleased. I've already had one of them on the phone asking if Jayal Motors can supply instead.

JACK: Well, well, well. This is good news. If this continues we're going to need that new assembly plant sooner than I thought. Come on, Tim. I'll buy you a drink. We'll tell Tom the good news tomorrow after I've spoken to Kamal.




1st POTENTIAL CUSTOMER: Excuse me, when do you intend to put these bikes on the Industria market?

PAUL: Well, as soon as possible. It depends on the demand.

2nd POTENTIAL CUSTOMER: 100 Industria pounds... a competitive price... They seem quite suitable for our busy streets and their traffic problems.

1st POTENTIAL CUSTOMER: Yes, but it's difficult to tell without having a bike to examine.

PAUL: The bikes will be here in about three days. There was a hold-up in the shipment. They're coming by airfreight and if you...

CARL: Paul! Paul Osman?

PAUL: Oh excuse me!.. Yes, that's right.

CARL: Hello. I'm Carl Sindon from the Zuritania Embassy.

PAUL: Very pleased to meet you. I phoned you when I arrived but they said you were away.

CARL: Yes, I was in the north. I got back last night. Listen, Chris phoned me this morning at the Embassy and explained your dilemma. What bad luck! But the bikes should be here soon. Three days, I think Christopher said.

PAUL: Hopefully ... if nothing else goes wrong. Did Christopher mention anything about an agent?

CARL: Yes... look Paul, I know you haven't got the bikes yet but I'll do all I can to find you a good import agent. But I need some of your promotion literature.

PAUL: It's very good of you to go to all that trouble... You can take these I think they'll help you... Thanks a lot, it really is very kind of you.

CARL: No bother at all. Remember, I'm the Commercial Attach.... It's my job to encourage trade between Industria and Zuritania. I know an agent who specializes in importing goods from Zuritania, his name's Fortesquieu. I'll try and see him this afternoon and I'll phone you at the hotel this evening.

PAUL: That's great. Thanks very much Carl...


PAUL: All I need now are the bikes.

2nd POTENTIAL CUSTOMER: Excuse me. Are these Jayal motors designed to cope with a lot of stopping and starting in city traffic?

PAUL: Well sir, this particular model is a new one. It's been designed with city traffic in mind. We have another model more suitable to the open road, although the new model has a high performance all round...


PAUL: Key to room 301, please.

RECEPTIONIST: Oh! sir, there's a message for you on the hotel board.

PAUL: Thank you. What time's dinner?

RECEPTIONIST: 8 o'clock, sir.

PAUL: Thank you. I'm going to my room for a shower - could you transfer any phone calls there, please.

PAUL: Hello, Paul Osman speaking... Hello Carl. Any luck? Well that's wonderful... a meeting next week. Oh. After the Trade Fair, I see. Well, thanks very much, Carl. I really appreciate it. Mm? about the bikes?.. No, it's still three days. Jack, our Production Manager, is keeping me in touch with developments. See you tomorrow at the Fair? Yes, perhaps we can have lunch together. Fine... Bye... (Dialling.) Hello. I'd like a call to Mrs. Тага Osman, Zana, Zuritania, 494132. Thank you... Hello, Тага, Тага darling, how are you?.. I miss you too... Yes, it was a bit of bad luck... but listen, Тага. I have a meeting with a Mr. Fortesquieu, an agent who specializes in importing from Zuritania. Carl Sindon arranged it... It's next week, after the Fair. It means I'll have to stay here a little longer than I'd planned... Yes, I know, darling, but there's nothing I can do about it... Listen, I need more money for expenses... Yes, I know Tom won't be pleased, but this is our chance, Тага... yes... I'll phone you tomorrow evening. Goodnight darling.



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