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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1901.
JACK: It's very good of you to see me at such short notice, Kamal. KAMAL: Oh that's all right. Sit down, Jack. Now, any word from Paul? JACK: Well, Тага said Paul was going to ring her last night. I'm on my way to the office now. I haven't seen Тага yet.
KAMAL: Yes. Well, if anyone can get а market for Jayal Motors, it's Paul. But this isn't a social call, is it, Jack?
JACK: No. Well, it is business actually. KAMAL: Oh, well, what can I do for you?
JACK: Well, I heard from young Tim Hasram yesterday. He told me that Barratts had been overordering from the manufacturers and withdrawn their extended credit from the retailers.
KAMAL: And I suppose you want to know if young Tim has got his facts right? JACK: Well, yes. KAMAL: It's a good thing Barratts are not one of our clients. I wouldn't be able to discuss any details of their business if they were.
JACK: Yes, I do understand that. KAMAL: However, I can tell you that I don't know the details of how Barratts got into this situation, but I do know that they have a large overdraft which their bank will probably have to limit.
JACK: I see. So now that our competitors are running into a bit of trouble, we can concentrate more on this export business.
KAMAL: Ah yes, but a word of advice, Jack. Don't neglect the home market. There are other competitors and Barratts could quite easily make a quick recovery.
JACK: No, I won't forget, Kamal. Ah, this is good news. It may encourage Tom to extend Paul's stay in Industria.
KAMAL: Well, just keep me in touch with any further developments.
JACK: Yes, of course. No doubt Paul's doing very well out there.
KAMAL: No doubt. Well, fine Jack. Call on me again sometime, will you? I'm always very pleased to see you.
TARA: ... and so you see, father, Paul's got an interview with Mr. Fortesquieu, an agent in Centreville, who specializes in importing goods from Zuritania.
JACK: Good morning, Тага, Тоm.
TARA: Hi, Jack.
TOM: Sit down, Jack.
JACK: Did I hear you say Paul has managed to arrange an interview with an agent?
TARA: Yes, through Carl Sindon at the Embassy.
TOM: And when is this interview?
TARA: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
TOM: What?
TARA: Well, the interview is after the Trade Fair ends, next week. Paul will need more money for expenses and...
TOM: ... No! No! It's out of the question. He has work to do here. I want him back as soon as the Trade Fair ends. We've enough work to do on the home market.
JACK: But Tom, I heard...
TOM: I want to hear no more about it. This Industria trip has already cost us enough money. People are beginning to laugh at me at the local Chamber of Commerce.
TARA: Father, we can't let Paul miss such a good chance.
JACK: Tom, yesterday, Tim Hasram told me...
TOM: That's another thing, Tim Hasram is far too young for such an important job in the Sales... acting for Paul... hasn't got the experience.
JACK: Tom, will you just listen for a minute. Everything Tim told me yesterday, confirmed with Kamal this morning. Barratts have run into some trouble. They've overordered from their manufacturers, withdrawn extended credit from the retailers to pay for the orders and their bank will probably limit their overdraft... So you see, while Barratts are floundering, we can...
TOM: I see. Barratts are in trouble. That's an interesting development.
JACK: We've already had enquiries from some of Barratts' dissatisfied clients. TARA: You see, father, things are not as bad as you think. Look, the bikes will be in Centreville for the last few days of the Fair.
JACK: And Barratts are in trouble. Tim is picking up some of their clients for Jayal Motors and remember he's found some new clients in Dabu.
TARA: So the home market's all right for the moment. In fact, it's improving rapidly.
JACK: And now Paul has the chance to see a good agent.
TARA: He only needs a few more days, father. Oh come on, what do you say? TOM: Oh, all right. You usually manage to talk me into things...
SCENE 2 (for listening)
1. CARL: Good morning.
2. SECRETARY: Good morning. Can I help you?
3. CARL: Yes, we have an appointment with Mr. Fortesquieu. Carl Sindon and Paul Osman.
4. SECRETARY: Yes, that's right. Would you like to take a seat over there. Mr. Fortesquieu is on the phone. He'll be with you in a moment.
5. CARL: Thank you very much.
6. PAUL (sneezes): Oh dear. I think I'm going to get a cold. Your climate doesn't agree with me. I'm used to the sun, I'm afraid.
7. CARL: When you've been here long enough, you soon get used to the rain and cold. The summers aren't bad you know. How was the Fair?
8. PAUL: Well, as you know the bikes eventually got here in time for the last week. You know, I've had a lot of enquiries. People have shown a great deal of interest, but they all asked me if I had an agent here.
9. CARL: Yes, yes, I'm afraid an agent is essential. Your venture is likely to fail without one.
10. PAUL: Oh, dear!
11. CARL: No, no. І'м not being pessimistic. You know as well as I do how important an agent is in the whole operation. А good one that is.
12. PAUL: Well, I hope Mr. Fortesquieu can help.
13. CARL: I warn you, he's abrupt but very efficient.
14. FORTESQUIEU: Sarah! Book me a flight for Rome for this afternoon. I must be in Rome by early evening. I wish firms would realize they can't break delivery dates and hope to survive. Oh, I say... I'm so sorry... Carl Sindon! How nice to see you.
15. CARL: Mr. Fortesquieu, I'd like you to meet Paul Osman from Zuritania.
16. FORTESQUIEU: How do you do?
17. PAUL: Very pleased to meet you, Mr. Fortesquieu.
18. FORTESQUIEU: Come in. Come in. Good of you to come... Have a seat. Oh, this is my assistant, Eve Sorrell. Eve... Carl Sindon and Paul Osman.
19. ALL: How do you do! Hello.
20. FORTESQUIEU: Well, what can I do for you, Mr. Osman?
21. PAUL: Well, I belong to a company called Jayal Motors in Zana, Zuritania. Now, we produce mopeds, high quality, reliable machines. Our capacity at the moment is relatively small as we only cater for the home market... people were very interested in the bikes at the Trade Fair, but I need a good agent here to make the export project viable.
22. FORTESQUIEU: Well, you seem pretty determined and very enterprising. From your brochures, it looks as if you have an attractive and efficient product. Yes, there could be a market. Your prices are competitive. Yes, I'm interested. I'd like to see your samples though.
23. PAUL: Yes. I'm sure we can arrange that.
24. FORTESQUIEU: Look, I'd be willing to help but Jayal Motors have to guarantee continuous production, maintained high quality, an adequate supply of spare parts, and delivery dates must be kept, Mr. Osman.
25. PAUL: Oh yes, of course.
26. FORTESQUIEU: Look, I can't do any more for the moment. I have to go to Rome for a couple of days. Eve will contact you and you can discuss things in more detail. Eve, I want a report when I get back.
27. EVE: Yes, Mr. Fortesquieu. Em, I've prepared all your papers for our Rome clients. They're already in your case. Mr. Sindon, Mr. Osman, if you'd like to come with me, I'll show you round some of our operation, and perhaps you could let me see your bikes.
28. PAUL: Sounds like a very good idea.
29. CARL: And then we could all have lunch. I know this very good fish restaurant. А friend took me to it when I first arrived and I hаvеn't found a better one.
30. EVE: Do you mean Patro's Fish Restaurant at the corner of Lincoln Road?
31. CARL: Thаt's the one.
32. PAUL: Well, lеt's not waste any time. А look round your operation, an introduction to my bikes and my first visit to Раtrо's Fish Restaurant.
| 1. КАРЛ: Доброго ранку.
2. СЕКРЕТАР: Доброго ранку. Що вам завгодно? 3. КАРЛ: В нас призначена зустріч з паном Фортеск'є. Карл Сiндон та Пол Осман.
4. СЕКРЕТАР: Так, дійсно. Присядьте, будь ласка, ось там. Пан Фортеск'є зараз розмовляє по телефону. Він вас прийме за хвилину.
5. 5. КАРЛ: Дякую.
6. ПОЛ (чхає): О, господи, схоже, я схоплю застуду. Я погано переношу ваш клімат. Що робити, я звик до сонця.
7. КАРЛ: Коли живеш тут досить швидко звикаєш до дощу й холоду. Знаєш, улітку тут непогано. Як пройшов ярмарок?
8. ПОЛ: Ну, як ти знаєш, мопеди зрештою прибули саме до початку останнього тижня. Знаєш, мені задавали багато питань. Люди виявили величезний інтерес, але усі питали, чи маю я тут агента.
9. КАРЛ: Так, так, боюсь, що мати агента – це дуже важливо. Цілком імовірно, що твоє підприємство зазнає невдачі без агента.
10. ПОЛ: Ну от!
11. КАРЛ: Нi. Я не впадаю в песимізм. Ти знаєш не гірш за мене, як важливо мати агента в цій операції. Я маю на увазі - гарного агента.
12. ПОЛ: Ну що ж, сподіваюсь, пан Фортеск'є зможе допомогти.
13. КАРЛ: Попереджаю, він людина різка, але дуже здатна.
14. ФОРТЕСК'Є: Сара! Замов мені квиток на літак у Рим сьогодні вдень. Я повинний бути в Римі до вечора, але не пізно. Було б непогано, якби фірми розуміли, що не можна порушувати терміни постачання і сподіватися після цього вижити. О це так!.. Пробачте, заради бога... Карл Сiндон! Як я рад тебе бачити.
15. КАРЛ: Пан Фортеск'є, от, знайомтися: Пол Осман з Зурiтанii.
16. ФОРТЕСК'Є: Здрастуйте.
17.ПОЛ: Дуже радий з вами познайомитись, пан Фортеск'є.
18. ФОРТЕСК'Є: заходьте, заходьте. Добре, що ви прийшли... Сідайте. Це моя помічниця, Ів Соррелл. Ів... це Карл Сiндон і Пол Осман.
19. УСІ РАЗОМ: Дуже приємно. Здрастуйте.
20. ФОРТЕСК'Є: Отже, чим можу бути корисний, пан Осман?
21. ПОЛ: Я працюю в компанії "Джайал Моторс" у Занi, у Зурiтанii. Отож, ми випускаємо мопеди - високоякісні, надійні машини. У даний момент наша потужність відносно невелика, оскільки ми обслуговуємо тільки внутрішній ринок... люди дуже цікавилися нашими мопедами на торговому ярмарку, але мені потрібний гарний агент тут, щоб здійснити експортний проект.
22. ФОРТЕСК'Є: Ну що ж, схоже, ви людина дуже рішуча і дуже завзята. Судячи з ваших брошур, створюється враження, що ви маєте у своєму розпорядженні привабливий та високоякісний товар. Так, можливо для нього буде ринок. Ваші ціни конкурентноздатні. Так, мене це зацікавило. Але я хотів би подивитися ваші зразки.
23. ПОЛ: Так, я упевнений, що ми зможемо це організувати.
24. ФОРТЕСК'Є: Значить так, я з задоволенням вам допоможу, але "Джайал Моторс" повинна гарантувати безупинне виробництво, незмінно високу якість, належний асортимент запчастин, і крім того, повинні дотримуватися терміни постачання, пан Осман.
25. ПОЛ: Так, звичайно.
26. ФОРТЕСК'Є: Що ж, на даний момент я нічого більше не можу зробити. Мені потрібно з'їздити в Рим на пару днів. Ів з вами зв'яжеться, і ви зможете обговорити усе більш докладно. Ів, мені потрібна буде доповідь, коли я повернуся.
27. IB: Так, пан Фортеск'є. Ее, я підготувала усі ваші папери для наших римських клієнтів. Вони вже у вашій валізі. Пан Сiндон, пан Осман, якщо бажаєте, пiдемо, я покажу вам деякі матеріали нашої роботи, і, може бути, ви б мені показали ваші мопеди.
28. ПОЛ: На мою думку,це дуже гарна ідея.
29. КАРЛ: А потім ми могли б разом пообідати. Я знаю дуже гарний рибний ресторан. Мене туди водив один приятель, коли я вперше сюди приїхав, і дотепер я кращого ресторану не зустрічав.
30. IВ: Ви маєте на увазі рибний ресторан "У Патро" на розi Лiнкольн Роуд?
31. КАРЛ: Так, це він.
32. ПОЛ: Ну що ж, не будемо гаяти час. Знайомимося з вашою роботою, дивимося мої мопеди та - мій перший візит у рибний ресторан "У Патро".
PAUL (lifts phone): Hello!
TARA: Paul?
PAUL: Тага darling! How are you?
TARA: I'm fine. How are you?
PAUL: Oh fine, fine. Quite good rooms in this hotel. Hey listen, how's Tom?
TARA: Oh, he's calmed down a bit now.
PAUL: Ah good! You know he shouldn't be too worried about the home market after what you told me about Barratts.
TARA: Yes. Tim's doing well. Listen Paul, how did things go with Mr. Fortesquieu?
PAUL: Well, not too badly. He's interested but he's had to go to Rome. His assistant, a lady called Eve Sorrell, is dealing with us at the moment. She's very helpful.
TARA: I see!
PAUL: Hold on, Тага, there's someone at the door... Oh thank you very much!..
Sorry darling. It was the hotel porter with a note. Eve Sorrell is waiting for me in reception.
TARA: Oh, in that case don't let me keep you.
PAUL: I'll phone you back later.
TARA: No, it's all right. I'm having dinner with father. Have a good time, Paul. Bye.
PAUL: Тага? Тага! Oh no...
PAUL: Hello, Eve.
EVE: Hi, Paul. Listen, I've contacted Bill Cornell. He runs a string of motor cycle shops in the capital.
PAUL: What did he say?
EVE: Well, I told him about your project and he said he liked it. I think we should go and see him.
PAUL: When?
EVE: Well now, if ti's all right.
PAUL: That's fine. Now look, we'll have to pick a sample bike from the warehouse to show Mr. Cornell, and I need some publicity brochures. And you know he might like to...
BILL: Hmm! Very impressive. Very impressive indeed.
PAUL: Thank you.
BILL: Yes. But what's your model range?
PAUL: Well, we've got two basic models at the moment, of which this one is the latest. The colours can vary, but that'll depend on the amount ordered.
BILL: And the price?
PAUL: Well, that also depends on the amount ordered. We'd have to take labour and factory expansion costs into consideration. However, we worked out an estimate at the moment of 100 Industria pounds each.
BILL: That's reasonable. And what's your capacity? I mean how many bikes could you supply?
PAUL: Well, again that depends on what demand we have for export. At the moment we cater for a very good home market. But we have the space and the finance to expand to cover an export market. But you know it's a bit early to say more than that.
BILL: That's fair enough. Look, I'm willing to give your bikes a try. I'll take your four sample bikes at, say, a hundred pounds each.
PAUL: It's a deal.
EVE: I'll arrange the details, Paul.
PAUL: Well, now here's the name of my bank in Zana. The formal invoices will be sent from Jayal Motors within two weeks.
EVE: Once the invoices have been received and Bill has paid, I'll arrange the transportation.
BILL: Oh, that sounds fine.
EVE: Paul, there'll be some storage costs and agent's fees, but they don't amount too much on four bikes.
PAUL: Oh, don't worry about that, Eve. I'm prepared to take a small loss on this deal if it'll lead to bigger ones.
BILL: Let's hope it does. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again, Paul. In my opinion your bikes are going to really make it.
PAUL: Well, thanks very much, Bill. Very pleased to have met you...
EVE: I'm sure you understand, Paul, that we can't sign a contract until you have definite orders.
PAUL: Well, we'll just have to hope those orders come. Waiter! Two coffees please.
CARL: Hello, you two!
PAUL: Hi Carl!
CARL: Sorry I'm late. I got held up at the Embassy. Sorry to spoil the meal, Eve. Look Paul, I've been looking through some papers, and the Japanese are promoting their new range of smaller bikes.
PAUL: Oh dear! The Japanese!
CARL: Yes, and they're going to be hard competitors, so Jayal Motors have got to be able to act quickly.
PAUL: Yes, I can see that.
CARL: And unfortunately Fortesquieu has no favourites. Right Eve?
EVE: I'm afraid so.
PAUL: Well, I'd better get back to Zana as soon as possible and get things moving.
CARL: I'll keep you in touch with developments here but don't forget to phone because we need to be in touch all the time...