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What do they mean?

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 512.

Unit 8

Unit 8.





  1. deny;
  2. refuse;
  3. accept;
  4. agree;
  5. headline;
  6. heading;
  7. feature;
  8. article;
  9. press;
  10. media;
  11. newsflash;
  12. bulletin.




  1. program;
  2. tabloid;
  3. columnist;
  4. game;
  5. an announcer;
  6. broadcast.




  1. turn;
  2. fill;
  3. put;
  4. handing;
  5. maid;
  6. look;
  7. stand.




  1. came out;
  2. maid up fantastic story;
  3. is on;
  4. go into;
  5. flick through;
  6. bring that up;
  7. see through.




  1. D.
  2. C.
  3. B.
  4. D.
  5. D.
  6. A.
  7. A.
  8. C.
  9. B.
  10. D.




  1. as;
  2. with;
  3. in;
  4. in;
  5. to;
  6. with.




  1. to;
  2. that;
  3. about;
  4. from;
  5. to;
  6. not;
  7. of;
  8. by;
  9. to;
  10. to.




  1. unannounced;
  2. communication;
  3. editorial;
  4. humour;
  5. unwritten;
  6. secondary;
  7. journalism;
  8. information.




  1. discussion;
  2. politicians;
  3. journalists;
  4. ridiculous;
  5. disbelief;
  6. powerful;
  7. unconvincing;
  8. believable;
  9. communicators;
  10. uninformed;
  11. humorous.


the guided tour - путеводитель

sales brochure - брошюра по сбыту

freeway - магистраль

intersection 8 - переезд 8

greenfield site - зеленая зона

in a new development - в районе новостроек

С.Е.О. (Chief Executive Officer) - главный администратор

robotics - автоматические устройства

hi-tech production line - высокотехнологичный конвейер

solar energy - солнечная энергия

downside - недостаток

rivals - конкуренты

It's a strong option. - Это хороший вариант.

Let's wait and see. - Поживем увидим.

to interrupt - перебивать

conference facilities - возможности для проведения конференции

You name it we have it. - У нас есть все, что пожелаете.

to work out - разработать, придумать

outline design concept - проект концепции дизайна

niche product - продукт для определенных покупателей

licensing deals - сделки по лицензированию

market research - исследование рынка

market research expertise - данные по исследованию рынка

That's not the point. - Не в этом дело.

to come to the point - перейти к сути дела


1. Phil: Тhis is the outline design сonсеpt. This goеs with thаt, and this соpу goеs оn the side of the box оvеr hеrе. So what do you think?

2. Don: What do you think, Еdwаrd?


A. Tell me what you think, please. B. I like it and I think you like it.

C. I don't like it do you


3. Don: I agree. I'm sorry, Phil, but it seems rather young for our market.

4. Еdward: Yes, its very bright. It looks really good but Big Boss in a niche product.


A. I don't know if I like it. B. I like it - it is what we want.

C. I don't like it - but I am polite.

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