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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 396.

EXERCISE 6 Complete the following text by translating the words and expressions in brackets.

A political party is a group of people who seek . . .the country according to their agreed views and principles. Political parties are essential to provide

. . .with freedom of . . . between alternatives.

The main parties in the UK are the Conservative party (right wing), the Labour party (left wing) and the Liberal Democrats (centre). A number of other parties have won seats in . . ..

Any person who is British, Commonwealth or Irish Republic citizen may stand as a candidate at a parliamentary . . . if he or she is 21 years old or over.

The Conservative Party. Very often the term Tory is used instead of Conservatives. The Conservative Party was formed in the middle of the 19th century. The Tories were the party that supported . . .and . . .. The Conservative Party believes in free enterprise and the importance of a capitalist . . ., with . . . ownership preferred to state control.

The Labour Party. In the eighteen eighties the first socialist organisations arose in Britain. A great expansion of the trade union . . . took place. In 1900, the Labour Party . . . under the name of the Labour Representation Committee. It was a federation of trade unions and trade councils, cooperative societies and socialist organisations. In 1906 the Labour Representation Committee officially adopted the title of the . . .. The Labour Party believes that private . . . and enterprise should be allowed to flourish, but not at the expense of their traditional support of the public services.

The Liberal Party. There has been a Liberal Party in Great Britain since 1868 when the name was adopted by the Whig. The Whig Party was created after the revolution of 1688 and aimed to subordinate the power of the Crown to that of . . . and the upper classes. In 1981 a second centre party was created by 24 Labour . . .. It was called the . . . Party, and soon formed an alliance with the Liberal Party. They formed a single party which became the Liberal Democrats after the 1987 . . . The Liberal Democrats believe that the . . . should have some control over the . . ., but that there should be individual ownership. There are other political parties within the UK. The Green Party offers economic and industrial policies that relate directly to the . . .. The Scottish Nationalist Party wants . . . for Scotland within the European Community. Plaid Cymru - the Welsh Nationalist Party – is determined to preserve the Welsh language and culture as the foundation of a distinctive Welsh identity within the UK.

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EXERCISES | EXERCISE 10 Use your knowledge of English law and law terms to decide which word or phrase in each group of five does not belong and why.
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