EXERCISE 10 Use your knowledge of English law and law terms to decide which word or phrase in each group of five does not belong and why.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 384. EXERCISE 8 Complete the following sentences with the words from the box. EXERCISE 7 Find in the text the English equivalents for the phrases below. - ïoë³òè÷ía ïaðò³ÿ; - Kîíñeðâaòèâía ïaðò³ÿ; - ˳áeðaëüía ïaðò³ÿ; - Ëåéáopècòcüêa ïaðò³ÿ; - Ïaðò³ÿ Çeëeíèõ; - âèáopè ïaðëaìeíòy; - ïpèâaòía ³íäèâ³äóaëüía âëací³còü; - ïpîôñï³ëêè (òðeä-þí³oíè); - êoíòpîëþâaòè eêoíoì³êy; - çáeðeãòè ìîâó òà êyëüòóðy; - câoáoäa âèáopó. with for opposite of in for into to in into 1. Voting takes place ... a booth. 2. I voted ... the Conservative candidate. 3. My friend belongs ... the Scottish National list Party. 4. Vote ... one candidate only. 5. Mark a cross (x) ... the box on the right hand side of the ballot paper ... the name of the candidate you are voting for. 6. Put your voting papers ... the ballot box. 7. Each constituency is divided ... a number of polling districts. 8. The paper lists the names ... the candidates in alphabetical order. 9. The leader of the party ... most Members forms the Government. EXERCISE 9 Work in pairs. Imagine you are British voters. Which party would you vote for and why? Include the following points: - the main political parties in Great Britain; - the difference between them. Express your opinions, using the words given: - I think that ... - In my opinion ... - To my mind ... - If you ask me ... (a) Crown, monarchy, Royal Assent, MP, heir to the throne (b) the Labour Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Conservative Party, the Social and Liberal Democrats, the Republican Party (c) constituency, electorate, hereditary peer, voting, ballot paper (d) Opposition, Cabinet, Prime Minister, Home Secretary, the Queen (e) life peerage, Law Lords, Law Spiritual, House of Commons, Lord Chancellor (f) MP, back-benches, front benches, Speaker, the bishops