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EX.49 Fill in the gaps

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 453.

EX.48 Match the words from the list of the Active Vocabulary to their meanings on the right.

Be worth doing – ñòîèò ñäåëàòü

It‘s worth mentioning, remembering, seeing.

The film was definitely worth seeing.

This gallery is worth a visit. / worth visiting

They worked hard but it was worth it.

The painting is worth thousands of pounds.

5) separate (v)–îòäåëÿòü,ðàçëè÷àòü (from), ðàçäåëÿòü

The child may be separated from his mother until she receives treatment.

separate– îòäåëüíûé, èçîëèðîâàííûé;

My brother and I always had separate rooms.

a. Mind b. Common c. to coincide d. To be worth doing e. To separate 1 to happen at the same time as sth else 2 your intelligence and ability to understand things 3 To keep people or things apart from each other 4 ordinary, with no special status or rank 5 used for saying that there is a good reason for doing sth, because it is useful

worth; in common with; minds; coincide (2); common (2); mind (3); coincidence; worth (2); separated;

1. The most …….. criticism was that he was always late. 2. I don`t think they`ve got so much ……. their neighbours. 3 Our views on this issue …….. closely with those of the British government. 4. His …….. was full of the things he had seen that day. 5. My grandmother`s …….. is failing. 6. The fire destroyed millions of pounds…… of equipment. 7. It was rather a …….. that she appeared at that exact moment. 8. It is their …….. mistake. 9. I am in two ……. about accepting the job. 10. The building must be ……. a fortune. 11. Do you …….. my taking this book? 12. This book is definitely …….. reading. 13 Their tastes never …….14. They were great friends and could not be……..


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