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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 554.

This recipe is both (1) _____B_____ and cheap. If you use dried chickpeas, (2) __________ them for at least twelve hours in cold water. Drain them and put them in a large (3) __________ with plenty of water. Bring them to the boil, and then let them simmer gently (4) __________ the chickpeas are soft. I find it easier to use (5) __________ chickpeas, which are already cooked. This (6) __________ time, and also guarantees that the chickpeas will be soft, since it can take hours of boiling before they (7) __________ . Two small 450 gram cans are usually (8) __________. Strain the chickpeas, but keep some of the liquid for the soup. (9) __________ three tablespoons of olive oil into a saucepan, and gently heat a chopped (10) __________ , two or three cloves of garlic and some (11) __________ carrot. (12) __________ half the chickpeas and turn them in the oil over a low heat. Meanwhile blend the remaining chickpeas in a food (13) __________ until they make a smooth cream. Add about half a litre of water to the vegetables and bring to the boil. Mix in the creamed chickpeas and cook slowly. Add salt and (14) __________ and a pinch of mixed herbs. Some (15) __________ add lemon juice at the end.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Aexpensive Asoak Akettle Awhen Athe Amakes Asoften Amuch AGrate Aonion Amelted AOne Ajust Apaper Acookers Btasty Bbury Bmug Buntil Bto Btakes Bharden Benough BPeel Bup Bbeaten BThen Bnot Bpuppy Bcooks Cworth Cwash Csink Cif Ccanned Csaves Cwiden Cmine CBeat Cone Cpoached CAdd Cdish Cpepper Ccookery Dcold Dwater Dsaucepan Denough Dcrude Dgives Dlengthen Dfew DPour Dwater Dsliced DServe Dmixer Dpoppy Dchiefs

Task 7. Complete each sentence (a-j) with a suitable ending (1-10). Use each ending once.

a) Dinner's nearly ready. Can you lay 6. b) There's some meat in the fridge. Just warm c) Keep an eye on the milk or it might boil d) Jack likes his steak rare but I prefer mine well e) When we finish lunch, I'll do the washing f) I always cut roast beef with an electric carving g) Mary bought a lovely set of cups and h) They serve a very cheap three course i) I really enjoyed that freshly ground j) If you have finished eating I'll clear 1. up if you dry and put the dishes away. 2. it up in the microwave oven for a few minutes. 3. coffee you made for me this morning. 4. meal at the pub opposite the supermarket. 5. knife as it makes really thin slices. 6. the small table in the dining room? 7. saucers in the sales last week. 8. done, but not burnt if you see what I mean. 9. away the plates and bring the next course. 10. over and make a mess on the cooker.


Task 8. FOOD COMPETITION. You are going to listen to a TV programme in which three judges are discussing meals that three chefs have cooked. Match the words in A to those closest in meaning in B.

A: concoction drenched glorious overcooked topping B: overdone splendid mixture covering soaked

Now complete these sentences with words from A:

1. I'm afraid the meat has been________________ and tastes a bit dry.

2. This is a way to serve a salmon. Quite delicious!

3. The vegetables were ______________ in a creamy sauce.

4. It's an unusual __________________ of vegetables and rice.

5. I particularly like the crispy_______________ on this pudding.



Listen and complete the table by filling each gap with one or two words. Share the results with your partner when you finish.


  Tessa's comments Tim's comments
Grilled smoked salmon Crispy cabbage & potato Poached egg Butter & onion sauce not traditional (2)_____________ just right (4)_____________ (1) excellent delicious (3)______________ very good
  Tessa's comments Tim's comments
Baked Ricotta cheese Summer fruits Raspberry sauce (5)_____________ perfect (7)_____________ too sweet (6)_____________ a bit thin
  Tessa's comments Tim's comments
Roasted vegetables Ciabatta bread Parmesan topping good combination (9)_____________ (10)____________ (8)_____________ a bit dry not fresh

Task 9.What kind of food do you eat when you have guests for dinner? If you had a special guest for dinner and you wanted to impress them, what would you offer them? Put down the recipe of the dish you would make.

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