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Post reading tasksDate: 2015-10-07; view: 942. Task 5.Discuss the following questions as a class. 1. What do you think of GM food? Do you think it's our “blessing” or our “curse”? 2. Do you think we consume a lot of GM food without being aware of that? Do you think it's possible to get such information before you buy sth in a supermarket? Would you buy a product if you knew it's genetically modified? SPEAKING Task 6.Have your class divided into two groups. One group is “FOR GM food” and another group is “AGAINST GM food”. As a group prepare yourself for a debate. Make up a short presentation speech. Pick a speaker. Make up a list of arguments you will use to prove your point of view. ?REVISION Task 1.Translate the following sentences using the vocabulary of the unit. 1. Фуа гра (гусиная печенка) является традиционным французским блюдом. Ты обязательно должен попробовать ее когда будешь во Франции. 2. Одной из главных составляющих Индийской кухни являются специи. Карри входит в состав большинства индийских блюд. 3. Икру обычно едят как закуску. Она обычно подается с ломтиком хлеба и кусочком сливочного масла. 4. Хотя картошка является в России блюдом заимствованным, теперь она представлена большим разнообразием способов ее приготовления: печеная картошка, жареная картошка, пюре, картофельная запеканка, картошка-фри и многое другое. Вам придется попробовать все эти вариации, чтобы выбрать самое лучшее. 5. Если вам доведется обедать в Английской семье, на горячее вам скорее всего подадут рыбу с картошкой-фри, за чем последует пудинг на десерт. 6. Гамбургер предположительно называется так в честь города Гамбург в Германии, откуда, как считается, он и попал к нам. 7. Если вы решите перекусить в Европейском ресторане быстрого обслуживания, вы будете удивлены тем, какую огромную порцию вам принесут. В довершение трапезы вы получите огромный стакан кока-колы. 8. Джон не привередлив в еде. Он с удовольствием съест сытное и вкусное блюдо, но еда для него не главное. С таким же успехом он может обойтись и пакетом чипсов! 9. – Часто ли ты устраиваешь «ужин» как формальную вечернюю трапезу? Я имею в виду, когда приглашаются в дом гости или когда люди ходят ужинать в ресторан. – Нет, что ты!!! Может, раз в сто лет!!! 10. – Со временем алкоголь наносит ущерб нашему здоровью! – Зависит от того, сколько его употреблять! Например, доказано, что красное вино обладает лечебными свойствами. Людям подверженным риску инфаркта только пойдет на пользу, если они будут выпивать бокал красного вина в неделю! 11. Как же так оказалось, что в современном заботящемся о здоровье обществе люди в большинстве своем не утруждаются чтением ярлыков содержащих информацию о питательности продукта и не имеют ни малейшего представления, что входит в состав здорового рациона. 12. Нетрадиционная медицина считает, что причиной большинства наших заболеваний являются несбалансированные внутренние энергии. Мы недостаточно спим, не умеем правильно отдыхать и едим слишком много. Более сбалансированное питание уменьшило бы количество заболеваний, от которых мы страдаем, вдвое! И все же, многие люди предпочитают решать свои проблемы более традиционным способом – принимая таблетки!
4. FOOD IDIOMS & PROVERBS Task 1.Complete the idioms in the sentences below using a word connected with food. The meaning of the idiom is given in brackets after each sentence. Choose from the following:
1. I don't like opera. It's not really my__cup of tea__. (It's not something I really like or enjoy.) 2. She's so clumsy and is always dropping things. She's a real __________ fingers!(A very clumsy person.) 3. Patrice tells me my new laptop isn't that good. But I'm sure it's only sour__________ as Iknow he'd like one but can't afford it. (He's only pretending not to like it because he can't have it himself.) 4. Your father's going to go__________ when he finds out what you've done to the car! (He's going to be really angry.) 5. It's no__________ finding a job these days - especially with the high unemployment rates. (It's not a very easy job.) 6. The band's new CD only came out yesterday, yet it's selling like__________. (It's selling quickly and in large numbers.) 7. She really loved her grandson. He was the__________ of hereye. (He was someone she really loved, her favourite relative.) 8. To some people, learning a foreign language is as easy as__________. To others, it is really difficult. (It is very easy.) 9. The money my uncle left me in his will has certainly saved my__________. I don't know how I'd have managed without it. (It has helped me get out of a very difficult situation.) 10. You can usually tell a boxer from his __________ ears.(Ears that have been hit so much they are permanently swollen and a strange shape.) 11. I've got too much work to do at the moment. I think I may have bitten off more than I can__________. (I may have taken on more work than I'm capable of doing.) 12. Although it was obvious the main speaker at the conference knew her__________, she had such a boring voice that most people switched off or fell asleep during her talk. (She really knew her subject.) 13. If you ask me, babysitting is money for__________. You get to watch TV, eat sandwiches and drink Coke and get paid for it! (It's a very easy way to make money.) 14. I'm not surprised he ended up in prison. I always thought he was a bad__________. (He was a completely worthless person.) 15. The exam was so easy. It was a piece of__________! (It was really easy.) 16. My son is so neat. His bedroom's always in__________ order.To tell you the truth, Gunther, I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with him! (It's always neat and tidy.) 17. When her mother showed her new boyfriend a photo of her in the bath when she was five, she went as red as a__________. (She got embarrassed and started blushing.) 18. Hey, Alice. What's been __________you lately? Don't you realize how rude and irritable you've become? Why don't you tell me about it and maybe we can work your problem out together? - I know. I'm really sorry for the way I've been acting. (It has been bothering and upsetting her.) Task 2.Match the food idioms with their explanations and then fill in the gaps in the sentences with the proper idiom.
1. My friends asked me to go to play football but I __________ - I had to meet with my boss. 2. We __________ every night of our holiday. 3. She __________ when she was rude to her employer. 4. His hope to find an interesting and well-paid job now is just __________. 5. I needn't have worried about my Latin exam – it was __________ for me. 6. Ask him about the plans of our company, he is __________ here. Task 3.Read the following proverbs containing words connected with food. Match them to their explanation on the right.
Task 4.Read the following proverbs. Can you explain their meaning? Work in pairs and try to find Russian equivalents to these proverbs. 1. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 2. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 3. Fish and guests smell after three days. 4. Half a loaf is better than no bread. 5. If ifs and ands were pots and pans there'd be no work for tinkers. 6. If life deals you lemons make lemonade. 7. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. 8. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. 9. There's no such thing as a free lunch. 10. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 11. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.