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Ex.18 Match the phrasal verbs in bold in i-6 to the definitions a-f.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 665.

Inseparable phrasal verbs

Separable phrasal verbs

Ex.17 Speaking

1 Think of a film or book you have seen or read recently that described a long journey. Prepare to tell a partner about it. Use the questions below to help you.

· Where was the film/book set?

· Who was going on the journey and why?

· What were the main events?

· Would you like to go on the same journey? Why or why not?

  • Would you recommend the film/book to your partner? Why or why not?

2 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the film/book.

Vocabulary: phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs have two parts: a verb and a particle, e.g. get by, set out, stop off.

• With some phrasal verbs, the object can come either before or after the particle. He sorted out the problem. He sorted the problem out.

• If the object is a pronoun, e.g. him, her, it, the object always comes before the particle. He sorted it out. Not He sorted out it.

• With some phrasal verbs, the verb and the particle always come together, so the object always comes after the particle.
They looked after the bear cub.
They looked after it.

1 He was able to sort the problem out.

2 They came across the bear near a river.

3 Tizio gotover his injury.

4 Their friends and families saw them off.

5 A van pickedher up after only five minutes.

6 The van droppedher off near the finishing line.


a felt well or happy again after something bad

b found an answer to a problem

ñ took someone or something in a car

d let someone get out of your car

e met or found by chance

f said goodbye to someone who was going on a journey


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Ex.16 Translate the following sentences using your active vocabulary. | Ex. 22 Translate into Russian
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