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Ex. 22 Translate into Russian

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 416.


Phrasal verbs and prepositions

Ex.19 Which two phrasal verbs in exercise 18 are inseparable?

Put it in the correct place in the sentences.

I sorted it out before I left work.

1 I sorted out before I left work.

2 I'm sure you'll get over soon.

3 I've never come across before.

4 I've tried to give up many times.

5 Why don't you pick up on your way home?

Ex.20 Now think of a noun to replace it in each sentence.
I sorted the problem out before I left work.



Come across - случайно встретить, натолкнуться;

Give up –оставить, отказаться, бросить;

Run into –врезаться в кого-то на машине; встретить случайно, натолкнуться;

See off– провожать;

Set out on –отправляться в путешествие, выезжать;

Stop off –остановиться в пути, сделать остановку;



a)Come across b)Give up c)Run into d)See off e)Set out on f)stop off   1) to hit forcefully with one`s vehicle; 2) To visit somewhere before continuing to another place; 3) To meet, find or discover by chance; 4) To begin a journey; 5) To stop having or doing; 6) To go to an airport, station with someone who is beginning a journey;


1. Have you ever come across such a horrible person in all your life?

2. Decide what you want and don`t give up until you`ve achieved it.

3. The land is ours and we don`t intend to give it up without a fight.

4. His wife finally persuaded him to give up working late.

5. I came across your mother the other day.

6. The soldiers set out on their march to the capital.

7. We went too fast round the corner and ran into the lamppost.

8. He saw his friend off at the bus station.

9. We stopped off in town on the way to Jenni`s house.


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Ex.18 Match the phrasal verbs in bold in i-6 to the definitions a-f. | Ex. 26 Translate into English using phrasal verbs
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