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Ex. 26 Translate into English using phrasal verbs

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 453.

Ex. 25 The particles in the sentences are in the wrong place. Put them in the correct place.

Rearrange the particles to make the sentences correct.

Ex. 24 The particles underlined are in the wrong sentences.

Ex. 23 Fill in the gaps

come across; see off; stop off; give up(2); run into; set out;

1. I (……) a word I`d never seen before.

2. Anne (…..) Terry (…..) at the station.

3. I used to go to the gym, but I (……) years ago.

4. I (……) the fight and let him have his way.

5. Three people were killed when their car (……) the side of a train.

6. After a three-day rest, the travellers (……) again.

7. Could you (……) at the supermarket and get some bread?


1. I came off this old lamp in a Moroccan market.

2. All my friends saw me across at the airport.

3. A bus ran on my car this morning.

4. We stopped up in the village on the way to the airport.

5. It was a difficult time, but we never gave off hope.


1.I came an old school friend in a tea house across in Darjeeling, India. 2. Let`s stop for a drink off. 3. He saw off his friend at the bus station. 4. The doctor told him to give alcohol up. 5. On the way home he ran the bus stop into.


1.У меня мало времени, надеюсь, ты сможешь проводить их на вокзал.

2. Я заеду за вами в шесть и провожу вас до вокзала.

3. Угадай, кого я неожиданно встретила сегодня утром.

4. Грузовик только что врезался в легковую машину на светофоре.

5. Она недавно бросила курить и боится набрать вес.

6. В коридоре я только что встретила незнакомого человека. Ты не знаешь, кто это?

7. По дороге на вокзал мы остановились в кафе, чтобы перекусить.

8. Темнеет. Пора отправляться в путь.

9. По дороге домой мы встретилизнаменитого исследователя.

10. Невероятно, но она отказалась проводить нас.

<== previous lecture | next lecture ==>
Ex. 22 Translate into Russian | Ex.29 Now read the extract from Nerina's web diary and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
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