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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 335.

Learning objectives



Essay writing

Write an essay about any of these ideas. While writing an essay, remember to provide a theses statement, sufficient explanations, examples to support and develop your main idea. How important is branding to a company? How important is it in your culture? Did you have a bad experience with the brand? Was it advertised with an amusing or a horrible commercial?


By the end of this unit you will be able to:

· discuss company structure

· analyse company results

· analyse the history of a company

· make a company presentation

1. Match up the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

1) to enjoy a) merchandises
2) to avoid b) business
3) to take c) disadvantages
4) to purchase d) vacation
5) to dissolve e) employees
6) to cause f) advantages
7) to attract j) bankruptcy
8) to declare h) taxes

2. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words given above in a proper form.

1) You'd better … given by the legislation to a sole proprietor.

2) Good salaries and a good medical insurance scheme may … in your business.

3) Many companies don't show the real figures of profit … .

4) In case of death of the owner of a sole proprietorship the business is … .

5) His inability to speak English … him … when he attends international conferences.

6) Ten companies ... last year.

7) If you are a sole proprietor, it is up to you to decide when … .

8) This company is involved in … leather … .

3. Match up the words in two columns to make collocations.

1) written 2) professional 3) retail 4) legal 5) tax 6) capital 7) secret 8) limited a) liability b) establishment c) advantages d) investment e) expenses f) services g) contract h) partner


4. Match the following verb and nouns.

1) to assume 2) to invest 3) to hire 4) to exercise 5) to raise 6) to pool 7) to provide 8) to give a) money b) impression c) resources d) capital e) liability f) employee g) control h) experience

5. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words and word combinations given above in a proper form.

1) Don't … for the accident only because of car insurance claims.

2) It is the responsibility of a personnel manager … .

3) He … over several subsidiaries in Europe.

4) Amnesty International … to support prisoners of conscience.

5) Being a great specialist in his sphere, he … his … to business.

6) He … all his … for starting up a business enterprise.

7) They … of highly qualified workers.


6. Match the following verb and nouns.

1) to pay 2) to set out 3) to fulfil 4) to protect 5) to carry out 6) to own 7) to hold a) position b) tasks c) investment d) corporation e) duties f) debts j) requirement

7. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words given above in a proper form.

1) After they … their …, they realised that they didn't earn a lot.

2) The stockholders elect the Board of directors … their … .

3) … they invited an expert in economics.

4) His post implies that he must … a lot of … .

5) In the Code of Practice all employees' … .

6) The stockholders, not directors, … and determine its policy.

7) In a company hierarchy, he … one of the top … .


8.Give the equivalents for the following word combinations and phrases.

Íà÷èíàþùàÿ êîìïàíèÿ; íàëè÷èå êàïèòàëà; îòðàæàòü ñïåöèôè÷åñêèå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà; çàíèìàòüñÿ áèçíåñîì; ôèíàíñîâîå óñëîâèå; ñîîòâåòñòâîâàòü ëþáîìó áèçíåñó; âûáðàòü ñòðóêòóðó ñîîòâåòñòâóþùóþ ïîòðåáíîñòÿì; çàòðàòû ñâÿçàííûå ñ ñîçäàíèåì è ïîääåðæàíèåì áèçíåñà; íåîáõîäèìîñòü èíâåñòèöèé; ñîõðàíèòü êîíòðîëü, ïåðåäà÷à ñîáñòâåííîñòè.


Transferring of ownership, to suit every business, to run business, a legal structure, investment needs, specific circumstances, freedom of choice, financial conditions, availability of capital, expenses involved in establishing and maintaining business, to pick up the structure that best meets needs, a start up, to retain control,.


9. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words and word combinations given above.

1 Every individual has the right to …

2 One of the requirements for setting up a company is the right evaluation of …

3 I don't think that this type of a company …

4 Before you make a decision you should weight all … of your business

5 If you want to … over a company you'd better not take a risk

6 Your … don't allow you to begin your business


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