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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 595.

Achieving the grade.

You must complete all of the Pass (P) criteria to achieve a Pass. Failure to complete the P grade will result in a below pass. You cannot get a Merit unless you have completed all of Pass and all of the Merit correctly. You cannot achieve Distinction unless you have correctly completed all of Pass and Merit criteria.


ˇ You must pay attention to your English and grammar as this is central to communication at the appropriate level.



Your portfolio will be in the form of a single overall grade – from a Pass, Merit or Distinction. You will also hand in sections of this assignment at a time to be arranged with your unit lecturer.


For the final deadline you must attach the assessment sheets and sign that it is your own work.





To avoid the risk of plagiarism you must give a list of all sources at the end of your portfolio. Indicate in the text of your work when you make substantial use of all sources, including textbooks, newspaper articles and web sites.



Direct copying from other sources or students will be awarded with a Zero grade.



You will not be able to attempt Merits and Distinctions if you have not met the deadline for the passes or if you have less than 80% attendance.

Criteria Achieved Partly Achieved Not Achieved Comments
P1 describe the role internet marketing has in a modern marketing context          
P2 describe how selected organisations use internet marketing          
P3 explain the benefits to customers of a business using internet marketing        
P4 describe the benefits and opportunities to the business of using marketing within the marketing mix of a selected business        
P5 explain how the internet marketing has made a selected business more efficient, effective and successful          
P6 explain the challenges of globalisation facing a selected business when using the internet as a marketing tool        
M1 analyse the benefits of internet marketing to customers        
M2 analyse the marketing opportunities and challenges faced by a selected business when using internet marketing within the marketing mix of a selected business        
D1 evaluate the effectiveness of internet marketing in meeting customer needs for a selected business.        



Additional comments


This unit links with the following core unit:

• Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing.


This unit also links with the following specialist units:

• Unit 9: Exploring Creative Product Promotion

• Unit 10: An Introduction to Marketing Research

• Unit 11: Understanding Relationship Marketing

• Unit 29: Introduction to the Internet and e-Business

• Unit 30: Website Design Strategies.


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D1: evaluate the effectiveness of internet marketing in meeting customer needs for a selected business. | I. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
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