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Secrets Of Good Customer Service

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 442.

Scan the article below and complete the spare places with missing headlines.

These sentences give examples of lucrative customer service. Think of a possible context for each sentence.

Comprehension check

1) Read the article again and say how you understand the following:

a)It costs less to keep your current customers then it does to acquire new one

b)You could develop a program that will offer cash back or a discount to businesses based on the volume of purchases annually.

c)This is invaluable information that can easily give you a leg up on the competition.

a) A good Customer Retention program will work to convert those occasional customers into “loyal customers” who spend more money on a more frequent basis.

b) You can develop a program that provides regular, scheduled contact with customer or prospect.

c) You can keep your business name fresh in your clients mind so that they call you instinctively when it is time for the next purchase.

a) Provide true customer service.

b) Be honest with your customers.

c) Build Business to Customer Loyalty.

d) Educate your staff.

e) “The Customer Is always Right.”

From © Albert E. Schindler

Good customer service is the bread and butter of your business.

Customer Service Secret Number One – 1)…………. . Everyone who had contact with customers should know the customer by his full name and, when possible, other personal or business information about him. When you can show concern about what matters to your customer, you've just acquired a customer for life.

Customer Service Secret Number Two – 2)………………….. In today's market environment, service has become a cliché and it seems like “everyone's doing it.” So, if everyone is doing it, why not jump ahead of the wolf pack by providing even more creative, personalized service to your customers than your competitors can? Get to personally know your customers and recognize their individual needs. Above all, make certain that what you are offering really is something that your customer can value; that's the key to good customer service.

Customer Service Secret Number Three - 3)………………..If a customer comes to you about a complaint, be very serious about how you handle it. Even if it is obvious that he's wrong, sometimes it's better for repeat business to take the loss and compensate the customer. Then, when your customer is satisfied that his complaint has been properly addressed, thank him for bringing the problem to your attention.

Customer Service Secret Number Four – 4) ……………………. If your customer even suspects that you are trying to pull something over on him, you can kiss that customer goodbye - permanently! If your customer asks you for advice on a product, don't try to sell him the item that best enhances your bottom line. Sell him the item that's best for your customer. In the long run, your bottom line will thank you for having made this choice.

Customer Service Secret Number Five - 5)…………………..Some years ago I went into a hardware store and asked the young summer student clerk for some rubber cement. The kid obviously didn't have a clue what I was talking about. However, rather than finding out what rubber cement is, he gave me a strange look, then turned his back and went on to serve another customer. Needless to say, after that incident I took ALL my hardware business elsewhere.

A final bit of advice about customer service; “If you aren't taking care of your customers, your competition will.” Print that advice out in large, bold letters and past it above your cash register.

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