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Home Random lecture


Date: 2015-10-07; view: 420.


A: Have your ever heard of Oscar Award?

B: Sure. It is an Academy Award? Given each year in Hollywood to people in the film industry.

A: Yes, you are absolutely right. It is given by the American Acade­my of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, founded in 1927.

B: However, the award, a small golden figure, has been nicknamed Oscar since 1931.

A: I hope you know that some years ago our Russian Film Academy also announced the nominees for its equivalent prizes — the Nikka awards.

B: Of course, I do know. The award, the Golden Ram, is given in April for the best film, director, music, actor, actress, artwork…

A: Sony for interrupting you. It would be wonderful to be present such a ceremony and to see all the nominees. B: I wish we could!

EXERCISE 20. Act as an interpreter.


The Russian students are talking with Mr. Blackstone from Hollywood.


А: Мистер Блэкстоун, что представляет собой Гол­ливуд?   А: Какие киностудии нахо­дятся там? А: Известные актеры живут в Голливуде?   А: А когда Голливуд стал центром киноиндустрии в США?   А: В Голливуде красиво?     : Мистер Блэкстоун, спа­сибо за беседу!   В: Hollywood is a district in the city of Los Angeles, California, a center of the US film industry from 1911.   B: Such as 20thCentury Fox, MGM Paramount, Columbia Pictures, United Artists, Disney, and Warner Brothers.   B: No, they don't. Many film stars' homes are situated nearby . Beverly Hills and other communities not far from Hollywood. B: It was founded as the centre of the US film industry before World War I. The name Hollywood is often used to mean US film industry. B: Sure. Besides, a typical Hollywood film is considered to be very expensive, exciting to watch with attractive and famous actors. Hollywood is sometimes humorously called "Tinseltown" (tinsel — мишура, блестки, показной блеск) В: You are welcome!  


EXERCISE 21. Write a letter to your friend; describe your visit to theatre.

EXERCISE 22. Arrange role-plays on the following subjects; be as imaginative as you can:

1) Imagine that you are a foreigner in Russia and you are interested in theatre. You are talking with a director of a theatre.

2) You are in a musical shop. You want to buy some musical discs. You are talking with the shop assistant.

EXERCISE 23. Talk on one of these topics:

1) Theatre in Your Life.

2) Different Kinds of Theatres.

3) Music in Your Life.

4) Different Kinds of Music.


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