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Vocabulary Exercises

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 358.

I. Read, give the words of the same stem, and translate them:

1. to control, 2. to program, 3. to process, 4. to compute, 5. to communicate,
6. to move, 7. to record, 8. to manipulate, 9. to sense, 10. to initiate.


II Read the phrases and give their Russian equivalents:

1. to teach the robot the motion sequence, 2. to accomplish the task, 3. to drive through the motions, 4. to use motion-control commands, 5. to direct the robot,
6. to initiate control signals, 7. to turn on a motor in the cell, 8. to employ input/output commands.


III. Make up the word-combinations and translate them:

1. to control 2. to accomplish 3. to record 4. to direct 5. to receive 6. to program 7. to perform 8. to drive 9. to process 10. to make 11. to employ 12. to turn on a. the signal b. the robot c. the motion d. the manipulator e. the task f. the motor g. the command h. the computer i. the data j. the decision

Text 12A

I. Read and translate the text:


Robot Programming


The computer system that controls the manipulator must be programmed to teach the robot the particular motion sequence and other actions that must be performed in order to accomplish its task. There are several ways that industrial robots are programmed.

One method is called lead-through programming. This requires that the manipulator be driven through the various motions needed to perform a given task, recording the motions into the robot's computer memory. This can be done either by physically moving the manipulator through the motion sequence or by using a control box to drive the manipulator through the sequence.

The second method of programming involves the use of a programming language very much like a computer programming language. However, in addition to many of the capabilities of a computer programming language (i.e., data processing, computations, communicating with other computer devices, and decision making), the robot language also includes the statements specifically designed for robot control. These capabilities include (1) motion control and (2) input/output. Motion-control commands are used to direct the robot to move its manipulator to some defined position in space. For example, the statement "move PL" might be used to direct the robot to a point in space called PL. Input/output commands are employed to control the receipt of signals from sensors and other devices in the work cell and to initiate control signals to other pieces of equipment in the cell. For instance, the statement "signal 3, on" might be used to turn on a motor in the cell, where the motor is connected to output line 3 in the robot's controller.


II. Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. последовательность движений, 2. память компьютера, 3. коробка управления, 4. язык программирования, 5. обработка данных, 6. принятие решения, 7. управление роботом, 8. команды управления перемещениями.


III. Fill in the blanks and translate the sentences:

1. All industrial robots are … .

2. The robot manipulator is controlled by the … .

3. All manipulator motions are recorded into the robot's computer … .

4. The first method of robot programming is called … programming.

5. The second method of robot programming uses a programming … .

6. The robot programming language includes the … designed for robot control.

7. The … of robot programming language include motion control commands and input/output commands.



a. statements, b. lead-through, c. computer system, d. capabilities,

e. programmed, f. memory, g. language.


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Vocabulary | I. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Modal Verbs and the Subjunctive Mood.
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