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I. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Modal Verbs and the Subjunctive Mood.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 452.

Grammar revision exercises


1. The computer system that controls the manipulator should be programmed. It is required that the robot manipulator should be taught the particular motion sequence to accomplish its task.

2. Industrial robots may be programmed by two methods. These methods might be either lead-through programming, or using a programming language.

3. The method of lead-through programming can be realized by physically moving the manipulator through the motion sequence. It could also be realized by using a control box to drive the manipulator through the motion sequence.

4. It is necessary that a computer programming language should include the capabilities of data processing, computations, communicating and decision making. Besides that, the robot language must also include the statements specifically designed for robot control.

5. Motion-control commands should be used so that the robot could move its manipulator to some definite position in space.

6. Input-output commands must be employed so that the receipt of signals from sensors could be controlled and control signals to other pieces of equipment in the cell might be initiated.


II. Translate the sentences into English using the Gerund for the underlined words:

1. Компьютерная система должна быть запрограммирована для обучения робота специальным действиям.

2. Существует несколько способов программирования промышленных роботов.

3. Приведение манипулятора в действие осуществляется использованием коробки управления.

4. Обработка данных и принятие решения являются операторами языка программирования.

5. Язык робота используют операторы, предназначенные для управления роботом.

6. Команды управления движением используются для установки манипулятора робота в определённое положение в пространстве.

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