![]() Ãëàâíàÿ ñòðàíèöà Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ëåêöèÿ ![]() Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøèõ ðàáîò! Ïîðòàëû: ÁèîëîãèÿÂîéíàÃåîãðàôèÿÈíôîðìàòèêàÈñêóññòâîÈñòîðèÿÊóëüòóðàËèíãâèñòèêàÌàòåìàòèêàÌåäèöèíàÎõðàíà òðóäàÏîëèòèêàÏðàâîÏñèõîëîãèÿÐåëèãèÿÒåõíèêàÔèçèêàÔèëîñîôèÿÝêîíîìèêà ![]() Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøèõ ðàáîò! |
NOUN. 1. A) MAKE THE FOLLWING NOUNS FAMININE : Actor, tiger, lion, waiter, poet, prince, king, uncle, son, father, man, boy, nephew, cousin, widower, count, baron, steward, bull, gentleman, doctor, Mr. Jones, cock. B) SAY WHETHER THESE NOUNS COUNTABLE OR UNCOUNTABLE: Iron, work, dog, sugar, news, progress, weather, trouble, luggage, crowd, police, team, snow, tea, beauty, table, boy, milk, bread, advice, furniture, paper, hope, shop, idea, instrument, meat, machine, glass, music, time, river, friend, ice, ship, coffee, coin, money, university, butter, happiness, wall, match, air, picture, chalk, teacher, cheese.
2. GIVE THE PLURAL FORM OF THE FOLLOWING NOUNS (BE CAREFUL- SOME OF THEM ARE UNCOUNTABLE): A)table, nest, rat, computer, father, end, time, rose, dog, verb, form, constitution, loan, engineer, list, chair, name, road, muscle, kilogramm, parrot, house, flat, window, son, daughter, tree, cat, name, pencil, knock, storm, carpet, sea, task, bulb, student, bottle, ocean, exercise, bear. B) box, cash, class, fox, slash, ox, match, splash, boss, fish, bench, bush, mess, sandwich, grass, witness, glass, tax, kiss, cockroach, hiss, patch, catch, coach, dash, smash, flex, wax, six, suffix, Swiss, dish, wish, watch, gas, bus, C) shelf, wife, wolf, roof, safe, thief, chief, grief, leaf, life, loaf, elf, handkerchief, yourself, knife, chef, half, scarf, wharf, cliff, belief. D) secretary, boy, country, toy, joy, baby, attorney, lay, lady, nationality, X-ray, bay, pray, May, monkey, day, reality, donkey, valley, lorry, sorry, curry, story, glory, worry, kidney, parsley, honey, money, sunny, way, key, victory, party, industry, gravity, robbery, company, family. E) roof, moon, food, foot, loom, door, floor, book, good, brook, goose, tool, noon, room, root, stool, tooth, doom, fool, hook, crook, pool, wood, boot, cool, soon, wool, shoot, look, cook, snooze. .F) pan, man, tan, can, ban, potato, tomato, photo, echo, disco, piano, hero, child, mile, ride, side, bite, guide, woman, land, sand, rent, person, ox, axe, house, mouse, South, dear, deer, beer, peer, sheet, sheep, datum, phenomenon, antenna, cargo, solo, curriculum, formula, zoo, crisis, stimulus, index. G) room-mate, fellow-worker, man-of-war, text-book, pocket-knife, son-in-law, passer-by, fisherman, schoolgirl, statesman, forget-me-not, postman, onlooker, editor-in-chief, housewife, lady-bird, merry-go-round, hotel-keeper, man-servant, woman-doctor.
3. A) USE ‘s OR s’ WHERE POSSIBLE: 1. the clothes of the boys 6. a journey of two days 2. the walls of the room 7. the days of the week 3. the hat of Helen 8. the pages of the book 4. work of seven years 9. the surface of the Earth 5. the orders of the chief 10. the success of the company B) REWRITE THESE SENTENCES, USING ‘s, s’ OR ‘ WHERE POSSIBLE: 1. The books for children. 2. This bag belongs to my friend. 3. The mistakes which students make. 4. This is a club for women. 5. It’s a school for girls. 6. The room is for guests. 7. Where is the key of the car? 8. Do you like the poetry of Eliot? 9. The sound of carriage was heard. 10. That’ the leg of the table. 11. He is the son of Mr. Right. 12. She is the secretary of our director. 13. Who is the mother of the twins? 14. That’s the sister of my husband. 15. The theatres in Moscow are the best in the world. C) PARAPHRASE THE FOLLOWING WORDS: 1. the shop owned by the butcher 2. the shop owned by the chemist 3. the house owned by my aunt 4. the department store owned by Emma Hart 5. the café owned by Rose 4.OPEN THE BRACKETS USING THE POSSESSIVE CASE : 1. The name of (Mrs. Smith) dog is Micky. 2. We heard the (men) shouts in the distance. 3. My (sister) friend is coming to tea. 4. That is the (women) hat. 5. Ellen is a (lady) servant. 6. Have you seen (Henry) new bicycle? 7. Let us join in the (children) games. 8. The man went to the (chemist) shop. 9. Whose is this car? – It’s that (man). 10. Mary sings in the (ladies) choir. 11. My (friends) cat is old and very fat. 12. Most of all I like (Sting) songs. 13. Have you ever read (Dostoevsky) “Crime and Punishment”? 14. “Whiskas” is (cats) favorite food. 15. I’m sure you will be satisfied with the (students) life.
5.FILL IN THE BLANKS USING THE NOUNS FROM THE LIST AND THE PROPER LINK VERBS ( is, are ) : êðîññîâêè, íîæíèöû, î÷êè, ïèæàìà, äåíüãè, âðåìÿ, ïîëèöèÿ, çíàíèÿ, ôðóêòû, ñåìüÿ, òðàíñïîðò, ïåðñîíàë, áîãàòûå, ýêèïàæ, ñîâåò, êîëãîòêè, áðþêè, êîìàíäà, âîëîñû, áèíîêëü. e.g. (ñëèâêè) Cream is necessary to make butter from. 1. ….. necessary to cut paper with. 2. Her…..long and fair. 3. ……necessary if can’t see well. 4. ….. used instead of stockings. 5. …….helpful if robbers attack you. 6. …… necessary when you go to bed. 7. Our….. winning at the moment. 8. …… always ready to work for the good salary. 9. My……. all engineers. 10. ……… usually bad at rush hour. 11. .......helpful if you are on a diet. 12. ……..necessary to see something a long way off. 13. Look! Your……….torn! 14. …… comfortable to play sports in. 15. My mother’s wise…… always helpful. 16. ……… money.(Proverb) 17. ……. necessary, but you can’t buy happiness for it. 18. ……… often greedy. 19. ……. necessary to enter the Academy. 20. ……..people who handle planes.
6. COMPLETE: A) 1.There are a lot of animals on our farm:_____. 2. Cats like eating_____. 3. In winter there are no_____. 4. In my family album there are a lot of funny_____. 5. The Americans_____. 6. If you want to be slender, eat_____. 7. Physically men are stronger than______. 8. I can’t see without_____. 9. Once upon a time there was an old man and he had three_____. 10. When it’s cold some women wear_____. B) USING THE EXPRESSIONS FROM THE LIST IN ENGLISH : ïðîáëåìû âçðîñëûõ, àïòåêà, â÷åðàøíÿÿ ãàçåòà, æåíñêàÿ ðàáîòà, ñòèõè Ïóøêèíà, îäíà èç ïåñåí Ìàäîííû, íîæêè ñòóëà, âèçèò Òîíè Áëýðà, ÷óæèå äåíüãè, æàëîáû ðàáî÷èõ. 1.I need to buy some medicine, let’s go to_____. 2. Where is post? I need______. 3. Some men think that cooking is only_____. 4. Children never care for_____. 5. The president of the company didn’t pay attention to_____. 6. It’s pleasant to spare_____. 7. The president Putin is ready for_____. 8. You can’t sit in that Chair, because______. 9. Shhh! Listen to the radio. It’s_____. 10. At school we read many___.
7.RESTORE THE SENTENCES : 1. men / than / women 11. wives /never 2. afraid / mice . 12 mothers-in-law / usually 3. teachers / in 13. leaves / on / trees 4. news / sad 14. money / not / everything 5. physics / difficult 15. my family / are 6. students’ / life 16. much / time/ granny’s 7. police / thieves 17. FBI agents / must 8. rats /awful 18.furniture / Ann’s / room 9. no / people 19. trousers / is 10. fruit / is 20. there / are / sheep
8. CORRECT THE MISTAKES IF ANY : 1. I was at my uncle. 2. Have you ever seen real deers? 3. Ten kilometers are too far for me to walk. 4. France have lost all football matches this season. 5. Do you like chicken’s soup? 6. My family is all good people. 7. They were all Tom’s wifes. 8. The police need to question witnesses. 9. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine are broken. 10. Married men and woman usually have children. 11. She is a girlfriend of my brother’s-in-law. 12. Load this data in computer. 13. I think politics are not my cup of tea. 14. These novels’ author is very famous all over the world. 15. You’re so selfish – never care about other’s people problems. 16. $1,000,000 are a lot of money. 17. There are a great number of monkies in the jungle. 18. I’m scared of dentists, they always want to pull out all my tooths. 19. The pyjamas you gave me are too small and doesn’t fit me at all. 20. There were many mistakes in the last Cristopher’s composition.
9. REACT TO THE FOLLOWING , USING THE POSSESSIVE CASE : 1. Whose idea was it for you to enter the Technological Academy? 2. Whose novels would you recommend to read? 3. Whose films are the best for you? 4. Where can you have your hair curled or cut? 5. Whose lectures in the Academy do you like most of all? 6. Whose programme is “Times”? 7. Whose jokes make you laugh? 8. Whose characters were looking for twelve chairs? 9. Whose presents do you value most? 10. Whose opinion is important for you? 11. Whose name is given to the central square (avenue) in your home town? 12. Whose advice do you always follow? 13. Whose duty is it to unlock the classroom? 14. Whose friends come to your place more often? 15. Whose birthday do you always remember about? 16. Whose answers are the best today? 17. Whose problems must the president solve? 18. Where can you buy medicines? 19. Whose voice is the sweetest for you? 20. Whose music do you like listening to when you are in the black mood?
10. A)GIVETHEGROUP NAME FOR EACH LINE OF WORDS BELOW , TANSLATING THEM INTO ENGLISH : e.g. Violin, guitar, piano, drum are all musical instruments. 1. Ìàé äåêàáðü àâãóñò îêòÿáðü 2. Àçèÿ Àôðèêà Åâðîïà Àìåðèêà 3. Ïîíåäåëüíèê ñðåäà ïÿòíèöà âîñêðåñåíüå 4. Ðîññèÿ Ôðàíöèÿ ßïîíèÿ Áðàçèëèÿ 5. Âîäà ìîëîêî ñîê áåíçèí 6. Ðóáëè äîëëàðû ìàðêè åâðî 7. Îñåíü âåñíà çèìà ëåòî 8. Óòðî âå÷åð äåíü íî÷ü 9. Ìîíèòîð ïðîöåññîð ïðèíòåð êëàâèàòóðà 10. Çàâòðàê ëàí÷ îáåä óæèí B) FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH YOUR GROUPMATES’ NAMES. USE THE POSSESSIVE CASE WHERE NECESSARY: 1. What fashionable boots ___ is wearing today! 2. Chocolate is a favourite food of___. 3. ___ knowledge of English is perfect. 4. ___sister is a teacher. 5. Chemistry is a favourite subject of____. 6. ___ hobby is cooking something special. 7. There are a lot of knickers in___ bag. 8. ___ hair is so long! 9.___ jokes are very funny. 10. ____ marks were the best last term.
11.CHOOSE THE RIGHT VARIANT : 1. All her clothes…… from France. a) is b) was c) are d) has 2. At our Academy there are a lot of……… . a) woman-teachers b) women-teacher c) women-teachers d) womans-teachers 3. There….. no good news. a) wasn’t b) is c) are d) were 4. Politics…..my hobby. a) does b) was c)were d) are 5. Do you see? Those are…….. . a) all Kate’s friends b) all Kate friends c) friends all of Kate d) Kate’s all friends 6. Are…….trousers sold here? a) women’s b) woman’s c) womens d) womans’ 7. Miss Jackson is…….nurse. a) Mary and Sam’s b) Mary’s and Sam c) Mary’s and Sam’s d) Mary and Sam 8. Is it your bag? – No, it’s…….. . a) Clair b) Clairs’ c) not my d) Clair’s 9. My mother always gives me……. useful advice. a) a b) an c) some d) many 10. EEEK!!! There are……. under the chair!!! a) two mouses b) mice c) a rat d) a snake 11. Have you heard Petrosyan’s funny…….? a) stories b) storeys c) storyes d) story’s 12. Don’t look at these…….! a) album b) photos c) fotos d) photoes 13. We saw several…….in the zoo. a) monkey b) bear c) deer d) deers 14. My…….is so comfortable to sleep in! a) jeans b) pyjamas c) pyjama d) shorts 15. The largest group…… the boys. a) are b) is c) do d) did 16. There were many ………in the classroom. a) man b) persons c) people d) peoples 17. ……..have a large amount of money. a) rich b) riches c) poors d) Tom 18. He has much……..in his purse. a) dollars b) credit cards c) coins d) money 19. I bought two…….of bread yesterday. a) loafs b) loavs c) loaves d) loave’s 20. She’s got a beautiful smile and such white…… . a) teeth b) teeths c) tooth d) tooths
12. TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES FROM RUSSIAN INTO ENGLISH : 1. Çàáåðèòå ñâîè ôîòî. 2. Ýòî åå íîñîâûå ïëàòêè. 3.  ñàäó ó òåòè Êëàâû ìíîãî íåçàáóäîê. 4. Ïîëèöèÿ âñåãäà íà ñòðàæå ïîðÿäêà. 5. Ãäå âàøà ðûáà?-  ÿùèêàõ. 6. ß ïîêà åùå æèâó íà äåíüãè ðîäèòåëåé. 7. Îí îáåäàåò äîìà èëè ó ñâîåé ñåñòðû? 8. Ïðåïîäàâàòåëè ïåðâîé è âòîðîé ãðóïïû òàêèå ìîëîäûå! 9. ß èäó â ïàðèêìàõåðñêóþ, à òû ñõîäè ê Âàñå. 10. Ìîÿ îäåæäà íåäîðîãàÿ, çàòî ìîäíàÿ. 11.  àïòåêå íå áûëî àñïèðèíà. 12. Îíè íå çíàëè àäðåñà äðóã äðóãà. 13. Îí ïîìåøàí íà ýëåêòðîíèêå. 14.  íàøåé ñåìüå ìíîãî ìóæ÷èí-âðà÷åé. 15. Áîãàòûå ðåäêî åäÿò êàðòîøêó ñ ñîëåíûìè ïîìèäîðàìè. 16. Êàêèå íîâîñòè? 17. Âàøè æèçíè â ìîèõ ðóêàõ. 18. Îëåíè -êðàñèâûå æèâîòíûå, à îâöû- íå î÷åíü. 19. Ýêèïàæ ãîòîâ ê ïîëåòó. 20. Ýòî ìîè äåòñêèå èãðóøêè. 21. Ãäå êëþ÷ îò ìàøèíû? 22.  àêâàðèóìå ïÿòü ðûáîê. 23.  áîëüøèõ ãîðîäàõ îæèâëåííîå äâèæåíèå. 24. Êàðòèíû ýòîãî õóäîæíèêà âñåì èçâåñòíû. 25. Ýòî áûëî äåñÿòèäíåâíîå ïóòåøåñòâèå.
ARTICLES. 1. PUT IN a (an) / the PAYING ATTENTION TO THE CONTEXT: 1.This morning I bought ….newspaper and…..magazine. …..newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put…..magazine. 2. I saw …..accident this morning. …..car crashed into … tree. ….driver of….car wasn’t hurt but ….car was badly damaged. 3. There are two cars parked outside:…..blue one and…..grey one. ……blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don’t know who….owner of ……grey one is. 4. My friends live in ….old house in ….small village. There is ….beautiful garden behind….house. I’d like to have ….garden like that. 5. We wrote ….dictation yesterday. ……dictation was long and difficult. We have never written such ….dictation before. 6. When I entered the room I saw….girl. ….was young and pretty. 7. Yesterday were in the cinema where we watched…..new film. ….film was about World War II. 8. Once there lived….old doctor in…small town. ….doctor was known to everybody in….town as a very kind man. 9. Last week I read….story that I liked very much. Two brave men were main characters of….story. 10. My sister has ….cat . ……cat is old and very fat.
2. INSERT A / AN OR THE ACCORDING TO THE CONTEXT: 1. a) This house is very nice. Has it got….garden? b) It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in….garden. ñ) I like living in this house but it’s a pity that…garden is so small. 2. a) Can you recommend…good restaurant? b) We had dinner in… very nice restaurant. c) We had dinner in ….most expensive restaurant in town. 3. a) She has…French name but in fact she’s English, not French. b) What’s…name of that man we met yesterday? c) We stayed at a very nice hotel – I can’t remember…name now. 4. a) There isn’t …airport where I live. …nearest airport is 70 miles away. b) Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at…airport for three hours. c) Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to…airport? 5. a) “Are you going away next week?” – “No, ….week after next. b) I’m going away for…week in September. c) George has a part-time job. He works three mornings…week.
3. INSERT ARTICLES . COMMENT ON THEIR CONTEXT USAGE . 1.I can’t find….letter which you gave me this morning. 2. Yesterday I spoke to…man who had just returned from the Arctic expedition. 3. …clock in …hall is slow. 4. I’ve bought…overcoat with…fur collar. 5. It’s…thing of great importance. 6. ….magazine you lent me is very interesting. 7. This is…picture which you will like. 8. Last weekend I met…old friend, whom I recognized at once. 9. This morning…postman brought me …letter without…stamp. 10. I know…man who lives in…house where you live. 11. My son has …very good German teacher, who knows…language perfectly. 12. ….person who is sitting next to me is…famous painter. 13. Is that…book you are looking for? 14. She still remembers…day when she met her future husband. 15. Ann is looking for…job again. Didn’t she get…job she applied for? 16. Is there…bank near here? 17. My mother is…dentist, but I still hate going to…dentist. 18. Can you turn off…light, please? 19.Once…rich farmer had…friend who grew very good apples. One day…friend gave…farmer…fine young tree to plant. …farmer was pleased with…present, but when he came home, he didn’t know where to plant…tree. He thought: ”If I plant it near…road, strangers will steal…apples. If I plant it in my field, my neighbours will rob me. If I plant it near my house ,my children will eat them.” At last he planted…tree deep in…wood where nobody could see it. But…tree couldn’t grow without sunlight and died in…wood.
4. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH ARTICLES OR SOME / ANY PAING ATTENTION ON THE UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS: 1. Please, give me…hot milk. 2. Put…lemon in your tea. 3. England has to import… raw materials, such as…timber, …petroleum,…cotton. 4. Please, cut… grass in the garden. 5. Put…wood in the fire. 6. …silver is not so heavy as…gold. 7. Put…milk into…tea, please. 8. …milk you bought in the morning has turned sour. 9. Pass me…sugar, please. 10. Our counry is very rich in…oil and…coal. 11. …windows let in…light and… air. 12. I like…cold milk. 13. Give me…butter. 14. I drank…milk he brought me. 15. …tea is very hot, let it stay for a while. 16. …vegetables aregood for…health. 17. …reading helps to while away…time. 18. …knowledge is…power. 19. She teaches….geography at school. 20. I like listening to…music. 21. I liked …music of that ballet. 22. He didn’t show…fear. 23. …courage was his main quality. 24. He spoke with…warmth about his parents. 25. They supplied us with…important information. 26. He lost his way and had no…food or…water. 27. Jack saved…money all his life. 28. This farm produces…butter. 29. …soap is on the shelf in the bathroom. 30. I like this sort of…paper. It’s very good for printing.
5. INSERT ARTICLES OR SOME / ANY , WHERE NECESSARY : 1. a)….water is necessary for our life. b)….water in this river is very cold. c) Bring me….water, please. 2. a) I like…juice. b) What would you like : …juice or…tea? c) I think….juice sold in this shop is the best in the city. 3. a) Buy…bread. I forgot to. b) ….bread is the most important food. c) ….bread isn’t soft and fresh. You bought it three days ago. 4. a) Bring…milk from the kitchen. b) The waiter brought me…milk and tea. c) I drank…tea but didn’t touch…. . 5. a) …meat is too expensive nowadays. b) …meat was awfully cold. c) I’d like…meat for dinner. 6. a) She adores…music b) I liked the film, but not…music. c) When you feel unhappy, listen to…good music. 7. a) The U.K. exports…tobacco. b) I like the smell of…tobacco he smokes. c) She can’t stand… smell of …tobacco. 8. a) Add …water to…soup. b) Pour…more soup into my plate. c) …soup is better than …sandwich. 9. a) I hate….porridge. b) Would you like….porridge? c) ….porridge is useful for stomach. 10. a) …salt gives better taste to…food. b) It’s necessary to add…salt to…soup. c) Where is…salt I bought yesterday?
6. INSERT ARTISLES WITH THE NAMES OF MONTHS, DAYS, SEASONS, MEALS, LANGUAGES, PARTS OF THE DAY WHERE NECESSARY : 1. It was…early morning and everybody was still sleeping. 2. he works from…morning till…night. 3. The don’t work in…evening. 4. Outside it was…morning. 5. I work in…morning and in…afternoon. 6. She doesn’t sleep well at…night. 7. He’ll have his vacation in…June. 8. It was…warm September and we decided to stay in the country. 9. …winter we spent in London was very cold. 10. I like to spend…summer on the seaside. 11. It was…unforgettable spring. 12. He speaks…English fluently. 13. Everybody speaks…Russian language here. 14. He came when I was having…lunch. 15. What do you usually have for…breakfast? 16. …dinner we had at this restaurant was excellent. 17. Before…brearfast Michael entered Julia’s room. 18. Do I need to come back for…lunch? 19. Yesterday we gave…perfect Sunday night supper for our guests. 20. It’s…Monday today and I have to go to work again. 21. They invited us for…dinner. 22. I came home only to 9 p.m. and had…light supper. 23. They met in…August in 1999 and were going to get married at the beginning of…spring. 24. Does anybody know…Chinese in your class? 25. What’s…English for…”autumn”? 26. The sun sat behind the mountains and…night came. 27. I will see him in….afternoon. 28. I didn’t notice…dinner differ from the usual one. 29. It was…hard day, I was so tired that I went straight to bed. 30. We’ll always remember…May of 1945.
A. Once a man put at an English hotel. He was hungry and went to the dining room to have dinner. He ordered dinner and the waiter brought him a plate of soup. After he put it on the table before the guest, he went to the window and looked out. The sky was covered with heavy clouds. - It looks like rain, sir, - the waiter said to the guest. - Yes, - agreed the man as he was tasting the soup. – And it tastes like rain, too.
B.- Do you have hot and cold water in this hotel?- asked a visitor. - Yes,- was the reply. – Hot in summer and cold in winter.
8. TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH : 1.Ýòî áûëî õîëîäíîå çèìíåå óòðî. 2. ß ðàáîòàþ äàæå â âîñêðåñåíüå. 3. Àïðåëü – ìîé ëþáèìûé ìåñÿö. 4. Ìû íèêîãäà íå åëè áîëåå âêóñíîãî îáåäà. 5. Ïî âå÷åðàì îñåíüþ òåìíî è õîëîäíî. 6. Çäåñü êòî-íèáóäü ãîâîðèò ïî-àíãëèéñêè? 7. Ôðàíöóçñêèé ÿçûê, íà êîòîðîì ãîâîðÿò â Êàíàäå, îòëè÷àåòñÿ îò ôðàíöóçñêîãî âî Ôðàíöèè. 8. ß ïëîõî ñïëþ ïî íî÷àì, ïîýòîìó ìíå òðóäíî âñòàòü óòðîì. 9. Êàê ïî-íåìåöêè ñëîâî « çàâòðàê »? 10. Îíà íèêîãäà íå óæèíàåò, äà è íå îáåäàåò òîæå.
9. INSERT ARTICLES WITH THE NOUNS School/ College, Hospital, Bed, Home, Work WHERE NECESSARY : 1. He went to…school last year, but this year he goes to…college. 2. We decided to meet near…school. 3. I left…school in 1996. 4. ….new school is being built not far from my house. 5. There are very good teachers in…school my children go to. 6. …work we are doing now is very interesting. 7. I am at…work at 8.00. every day. 8. They don’t go to…work on Saturdays. 9. This is…wonderful work of art. 10. The Technological Academy is my place of…work. 11. I’m really tired and I’m going to…bed. 12. Your shoes are under…bed. 13. They’ve bought…lovely new…bed. 14. Children must be in…bed after 10 p.m. 15. There is a dressing table beside…bed. 16. He was dangerously ill and had to go to…hospital. 17.Where is…hospital near here? 18. …hospital my mother works at, is the best in our city. 19. Unfortunately, she has a bad cold and she is in…hospital now. 20. When our friend was ill we went to…hospital to visit him. 21. Kate isn’t at…home now, she is at…work. 22. …present home was built in the 18th century, when the family was still rich. 23. He works a lot and never comes…home before 10 p.m. 24. The teacher let us go…home a bit earlier. 25. They have…new home at the moment.
10. READ AND TRANSLATE THE JOKES. EXPLAIN THE ABSENCE OF ARTICLES BEFORE THE ITALICIZED WORDS. A.)Mother: It’s already late and you are not in bed yet? What will father say when he comes home? Henry: He’ll say: “Supper! What’s for supper?” B). When Whistler had finished a portrait of a well-known celebrity, he asked him whether he liked it. “No, I can’t say I do, Mr Whistler, and you must really admit it’s a bad work of art.” “Yes,”replied the artist, looking at his sitter through his monocle, “but then you must admit that you are a bad work of nature.” C). Two friends met for the first time in several years. “Well, old man,“ one said, “I hear you finally married. Congratulations, for I also hear you have an excellent and most accomplished wife.” “Yes, indeed,” was the reply. “My wife is accomplished. She is 5perfectly at home in literature, at home in art, at home in music, at home in science, in short at home everywhere, except…” “Except what?” “Except at home.”
11. TRANSLATE THE WORDS IN THE BRAKETS : 1. Ðàçâå òû íå ó÷èëñÿ ( â êîëëåäæå)? 2. Îí î÷åíü áîëåí è ëåæèò (â ïîñòåëè). 3. Îíè ïðèøëè (äîìîé) è ïëîòíî ïîóæèíàëè. 4. Ìû õîäèì (íà ðàáîòó) êàæäûé äåíü. 5.(Áîëüíèöà íàõîäèëàñü ðÿäîì ñ èõ äîìîì. 6. Ìû ãîâîðèëè (î ðàáîòå), êîòîðóþ îíè ñåé÷àñ âûïîëíÿþò. 7. Ìíîãèå ëþäè ñåé÷àñ (áåç ðàáîòû). 8. Îíà ðàáîòàåò ñàíèòàðêîé (â áîëüíèöå). 9. Ïî÷åìó Âàøè äåòè íå áûëè ñåãîäíÿ (â øêîëå)? 10. Åñëè âû õîòèòå ïîëó÷èòü âûñøåå îáðàçîâàíèå, ïîñòóïàéòå (â óíèâåðñèòåò). 11. Ýòî áûëà íåòðóäíàÿ (ðàáîòà). 12.Îíè æèâóò â ñâîåì ñòàðîì (äîìå). 13. Áóäü (äîìà) âå÷åðîì. 14. (Ïîñòåëü) íåóáðàíà.
12. FILL IN THE ARTICLES PAYING ATTENTION TO THE GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES 1. …Elbrus is the highest peak of Caucasian Mountains. 2… Crimea is surrounded by …Black sea. 3. …Earth is million kilometres from…Sun. 4. He lived in…South. 5. …England imports wool from Australia, timber from …Sweden and…Finland, cotton and petroleum from…United States. Wine and fruit are imported from…France,…Italy,…Spain; dairy products from…Denmark and…Netherlands. 6. The Volga-Baltic Waterway passes through…Neva River, …Lake Ladoga, …Svir River with two hydroprojects, …lake Onega and…Volga-Baltic Canal. 7. There is a strong tide from…Atlantic Ocean. There is also a strong tide which goes round…north of…Scotland, then into…North Sea, and then south, towards…Dutch and Belgian coast. 8. Fleet Street is named after a river called…Fleet. It runs underground now. 9. …Mount Everest is the highest mountains in the world. 10. …Washington is the capital of…USA. 11. Where is…Mediterranian Sea? 12. …Nile is the longest river in the world. 13. …Texas is one of the biggest states in…America. 14. I’ve never been to…Alps. 15. We’d like to go to…Bahamas.
13. READ THE TEXT, FILLING IN ARTICLES: …British Isles. …British Isles lie off…north-west coast of…continental Europe. They are made up of…Great Britain (…England,…Scotland and…Wales) and…Ireland (…Northern Ireland and…Independent Irish Republic) and about 5,500 smaller islands. The territory of…British Islands is 244,000 square kilometers. We will not find…high mountains or…large plains in…Britain. Everything occupies little place. The nature, it seems, has carefully adapted things - …mountains, …plains,…rivers, …lakes – to the size of…island itself. …mountain 12,000 feet high would be ..wonder there. So would be …plain 400 miles long,…river as wide and deep as…Mississippi. Most of …plains lie to…east; …west is hilly or mountainous. …mountains even in the highest part of…England are only a little over 3,000 feet high. . …highest mountain in…British Isles is …Ben Nevis in …Scotland, 4,406 feet high. …longest river is …Severn, about 2000 miles long. …highest waterfall is 370 feet high. Often visitors who have only a few days to spend see only…Lowland England, and so they can’t see…contrasts between… wild fiords of…Scotland, …rocks of…North Wales, …smiling orchardland of…Kent, and…open moorland of…Sutherland. These contrasts are often not far from…big cities. …climate of…British Isles is influenced by…Atlantic Ocean. …winters are not so cold as they can be on…continent, but…summers are not so warm as they are usually on…other side of…Channel. So, …Great Britain has…mild climate, but because of…length of…British Isles…temperatures differ from…district to…district. …North is certainly colder than…South, but in …winter…coldest districts are…eastern ones. …climate here is more like that in…Central Europe. On the whole…weather changes very often and there are…few sunny days. Britain has…rain in every month of…year. …rainiest months in …Britain are…November, …January, and…February. Usually there is…little snow in…winter.
14. ANWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : 1. Where is Argentina? 2. Which is the longest river of Africa? 3. Which is the smallest continent in the world? 4. What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe? 5. What is the capital of Bangkok? 6. What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia? 7. What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America? 8. What joins the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans? 9. Which river flows through London? 10. What does the United Kingdom consists of? 11. Whch two countries are separated by the Channel? 12. Where does the Volga flow into? 13. What is the deepest lake in the world? 14. Of which country is Washngton the capital? 15. What is the other name of Holland? 16. Which is the longest river in South America? 17. What is the highest mountain in the world? 18. Where is Yalta? 19. On which sea do most of the Russians spend summer holidays? 20. What do you cross when travel from Europe to America?
15. FILL IN THE PROPER ARTICLE WITH THE NAMES OF PEOPLE: 1. …George has lived here for a long time. 2. Do you know…Ivanovs? 3. …aunt Mary is going to visit us next week. 4. …daughter and…mother are good friends. 5. …Doctor Jones is waiting for you. 6. …young Jackson is coming here soon. 7. …Smiths are our neighbours. 8. I’m going to ask…mother about this. 9. When did you see…Sandy last? 10. …Professor James is going to give a lecture at the conference. 11. Has…Mrs Stevenson arrived? 12. …Charley! Come and help me! 13. Is it…Tom who you studied together with? 14. He is …son of…Mr Blake. 15. Is she…Marinina who is a writer? 16. …Old John often visits us. 17. …Uncle Frank is always so helpful. 18. …Aunt Nelly is my…mother’s sister. 19. …Cousin Alex plays tennis very well. 20. She was not …Ann whom I had known before.
16. INSERT THE PROPER ARTICLE: 1. a) …President is the most poverful person in the country. b) …President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. c) I’d like to be…president to solve people’s problems. 2. a) Wait a bit, please. …Father will come soon. b) …Son just like…father was very talanted. c) I have…father, …mother and…sister. 3. a) There is…Tom asking for you. I don’t know him. b) …Tom is my best friend. c) Is that…Tom you worked together with? 4. a) Do you remember …Doctor Samuel? b) She wants to be…doctor in the future. c) It was…doctor who cured my mother 5 years ago. 5. a) He is…Romanov. I can say it exactly, because he looks like all of their family. b) She is…Elena Romanov. c) …Romanovs ruled Russia for over 300 years. 6. a) Is he…professor or …doctor? b) …Professor White is waiting for you. c) He is…professor who taught me mathimatics at University. 7. a) …Aunt Kelly is staying at our place at the moment. b) Is it…aunt Kelly who was staying at your place last summer? c) I don’t have…uncle or…aunt. 8. a) She is …daughter of a fisherman. b) Mrs Taylor has…very pretty daughter. c) My…daughter entered the Technological Academy. 9. a) Do you know…Mr Wells? b) I saw…Mr Wells who mended your car.
17. SUPPLY a OR the WITH SOME DETERMINERS ( such, rather, quite, same, wrong, right, very, next, last, only, whole). 1. …last thing I want is to hurt anyone. 2. The student gave…wrong answer. 3. That’s rather…silly question. 4. Is that…right answer to the question? 5. She always must have…last word. 6. He is quite…good student. 7. At…very top of the tree there was a stork’s nest. 8. I’ve never done such…thing before. 9. It’s…last thing you would think of looking for. 10. He is not…right man for this job. 11. …very first thing you must do is to call the police. 12. It was…last straw. 13. …next person to come late won’t be let in. 14. She is such…good teacher, everybody likes her. 15. He always wears shirts of…same colour. 16. They swallowed…whole biscuit. 17. It’s…wrong way of studying. 18. At the entrance I met…same man again. 19. …next question I’d like to ask is rather…simple one. 20. I’m sure you are quite…polite person and will help…only lady here. 21. An elephant is rather…big and strong animal. 22. You are…very person I want to see. 23. He forgot…very end of the story. 24. The New Year’s Day is…only holiday, when you don’t want to sleep from the evening till…very morning. 25. Unfortunately, you took …wrong decision. 26. It was…only time when she came late. 27. He asked…very clear question and waited for …same answer. 28. She had such…high temperature, that she stayed at home for…whole day. 29. He is such…hardworking man. …whole year he was working without vacations. 30. Do you promise to study better…next term?
18. TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH : 1. Òû – ìîé åäèíñòâåííûé äðóã. 2. Ó òåáÿ òàêîé ïîñëóøíûé ñûí! 3. Ýòî òîò ñàìûé ÷åëîâåê, êîòîðûé ïîìîã òåáå. 4. Ìû òàêèå æå, êàê è íàøè ðîäèòåëè. 5. Êòî ïîñëåäíèé â î÷åðåäè? 6. Îí äîâîëüíî óìíûé ÷åëîâåê. 7. Ýòî íåïðàâèëüíûé âûáîð. 8.  âîñêðåñåíüå ÿ äîìà öåëûé äåíü. 9. Îíà åäèíñòâåííûé ðåáåíîê â ñåìüå. 10. Ýòî ïðàâèëüíîå ðåøåíèå. 11. Êòî ñëåäóþùèé áóäåò îòâå÷àòü? 12. Ìû ïèñàëè òåñò äî ñàìîãî êîíöà ïàðû. 13. Ìíå äîñòàëñÿ ïîñëåäíèé âîïðîñ. 14. Îí âñå âðåìÿ ïîâòîðÿåò îäíî è òî æå. 15. Äåíü áûë òàêèì òåïëûì, ÷òî íå õîòåëîñü èäòè äîìîé. 16. Ëåêöèîííàÿ àóäèòîðèÿ – íåïîäõîäÿùåå ìåñòî äëÿ èãðû â ìîðñêîé áîé. 17. Ïðåïîäàâàòåëü îáúÿñíÿë íàì íîâóþ òåìó âåñü óðîê. 18. Ýòà äåâóøêà òàêàÿ êðàñèâàÿ! 19. ß ïðèøåë â ïîñëåäíèé ìîìåíò. 20. Âû áóäåòå ñëåäóþùèìè.
19. READ THE JOKE AND TRANSLATE THE WORDS IN THE BRACKETS: Äâîå ìóæ÷èí åäóò ïîåçäå. Îäèí èç íèõ ñïðàøèâàåò ( äðóãîãî) : - Âû åäåòå íà ëåêöèþ Áðàóíà? - Äà,- îòâåòèë äðóãîé. - ß õî÷ó äàòü Âàì ( âåðíûé ) ñîâåò: íå õîäèòå íà ëåêöèþ. ß ñëûøàë, îí ( òàêîé ) ïëîõîé ëåêòîð. - Ê ñîæàëåíèþ, ó ìåíÿ ( åäèíñòâåííûé ) âûõîä – èäòè íà ëåêöèþ. ß – ( òîò ñàìûé ) Áðàóí.
20. CORRECT THE MISTAKES : 1. A chair is broken and useless. 2. Volga is a beautiful river. 3. Who is next to take the examination? 4. The Mr Smith is a friend of mine. 5. Petrovs are my relatives. 6. It’s a wrong answer. 7. I’d like to have a coffee. 8. Where did you put the salt? 9. The computers are not so expensive as they used to be. 10. Plates are very dirty, wash them properly, please. 11. She was an only one who got a 2 for the test. 12. Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation. 13. Milan is in north of Italy. 14. I went to the school when I was 6. 15. He is the engineer by profession. 16. We bought new car last month. 17. Will you be at the home in the evening? 18. I never work on a Sunday. 19. It’s not always cold in the winter. 20. Sorry, I’ve lost money you gave me. 21. We had rather good supper in that restaurant. 22. She often has only a cup of tea for the breakfast. 23. The Seychelles are a group of islands in Indian Ocean. 24. The Netherlands are also called the Holland. 25. Have you ever been to USA? 26. It was not Petya, who I knew in my childhood. 27. Does anybody speak the German here? 28. The life is strange sometimes. 29. All books on the top shelf belong to me. 30. We are against a war.
21. FILL IN THE BLANKS, IF NECESSARY: 1.I have never seen such…beautiful girl. 2.Give me …pen which is on…shelf. 3. …Thames flows through…London. 4. We often go out on…Saturday, especially in…evening. 5. Who knows where….Mary is? Isn’t she at…Petrovs? 6. …Computers in “Formoza” are expensive. 7. …Germany is …same country as…FRG. 8. …Ontario is…famous lake of…Canada. 9. Feed…cat, it’s hungry. 10. We spent our last holiday in…South, to be exact in…Crimea. 11. I can read and translate from…English, but it’s difficult to speak…language. 12. Is it…John you were going out for some time ago? 13. I need to speak to…Mr Robinson. 14. …Earth goes round…Sun. 15. It was…last time I saw…Professor Jacobs. 16. We have…bread left, but it’s not fresh. 17. I liked …soup you cooked yesterday, give me …reciepy. 18. …cats can see in…dark. 19. …Sugar is used to sweeten …food. 20. It was…Monday that changed…whole life of mine. 21. I never put…milk in…coffee. 22. What do you usually have for…breakfast? 23. …Congo is…country in…Africa. 24. She was…only person who treated me well. 25. …Wales is…part of…United Kingdom. 26. It was…very end of…lesson when…teacher explained us…new rules. 27. They sell…very good books in…”Bibliosphere”. 28. I never go to…bed before 10 p.m. 29. He was taken to…hospital, because he had…dangerous wounds. 30. My sister is…teacher and she works at…same…school where she studied. 31. …Chinese is difficult, so…people don’t usually study it as…foreign language. 32….people who don’t eat…meat are called…vegetarians. 33. …students don’t go to…Institute on…Sunday. 34. Buy…flour, I’m going to bake…cake. 35. …boots are too tight and don’t go with…coat. 36. I’m usually in …bed at 11 p.m. 37. She likes…chocolate. 38. Why did your… son miss… school in…December? 39. Where are my…sleepers? – Under…sofa. 40. I can’t stand….smell of…fish.
22. CHOOSE THE CORRECT VARIANT : 1. His father is…old. a) a b) an c) the d) – 2. She is …teacher. a) an b) a c) - d) the 3. My brothers are….students. a) the b) a c) an d) – 4. These are….interesting books. a) - b) an c) a d) the 5. The keys are on….table. a) the b) a c) an d) – 6. ….My article is good. a) some b) a c) - d) the 7. I’d like to see…Mr. Smith. a) a b) the c) - d) some 8. On…Sundays I stay in…bed till 10 a. m. a) -, - b) the, the c) the, a d) a, the 9. Is… Lisbon the capital of…Portugal? a) the, the b) -,- c) the, - d) - , the 10. Is …Everest situated in…Alps? a) the, the b) -, the c) - , - d) the, - 11. Where is …Sahara desert ? a) the b) - c) a d) some 12. I was raining…whole day. a) the b) a c) - d) an 13. Would you like…sugar in your coffee? a) some b) a c) the d) any 14. Is…Malta in …Mediterranean? a) -, - b) the, the c) the, - d) -, the 15. Is this …thing you’ve lost? a) the b) a c) an d)- 16. He works in…hospital. a) the b) an c) a d) – 17. It was …cold winter day. a) the b) an c) a d) – 18. That was….very end of…lesson. a) the, the b) a, a c) -,- d) - , a 19. Are elephants bigger than…alligators? a) the b) - c) a d) an aDjectives AND ADVERBS.
1. FORM ADJECTIVES FROM THE GIVEN WORDS WITH THE HELP OF: A) THE SUFFIXES: Model: care → careful → careless wool →woollen Use, frost, noise, speed, nature, trouble, hope, truth, possibility, shame, beauty, insist, sun, wind. B) THE PREFIXES: Model: practical → impractical cooked → uncooked Acceptable, national, continious, legal, appointing, complete, married, accurate, able, available, believable, conscious, honest, responsible, legible, capable, human, moral, friendly, regular.
2. FORM ADVERBS FROM THE FOLLOWING ADJECTIVES: A) Bad, beautiful, careful, quick, quiet, soft, gentle, easy, automatic, true, full, strong, happy, real, usual, stupid, heroic, firm, loud, safe, gradual, slow, simple, serious, exact, cold, dangerous. B) Fast, long, low, hard, high, last, late, near, far, wide, early, often, soon, straight, little, much, many, good.
3. TRANSFORM THE FOLLOWING ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS INTO THE COMPARATIVE AND THE SUPERLATIVE DEGREE AND TRANSLATE THEM : A) Serious, small, big, important, beautiful, slender, thin, fat, cold, warm, hot, rainy, windy, cool, smart, stupid, tasty, delicious, horrible, terrible, interesting, awful, fantastic, reliable, funny, happy, tall, high, good, easy, simple, hard, difficult, heavy, bad, fast, far, long, low, slow, long, short, wide, narrow, tight, large, little, many, full, crowded, clever, slim, noisy, quiet, friendly, cheap, expensive, peaceful, busy, free, old, young, modern, ancient, poor, rich, popular, comfortable, quick, dry, deep, wet, boring, amusing, strong, weak, famous, nice, fine, intelligent, safe, dangerous, valuable, patient, wild, nervous, tired, lucky, light, dark, complicated, brilliant, talkative, exciting, early, soon, late, stable, risky, loud, polite, glad, complete, tiny, green, regular, much, dear, lazy, accurate, merry, talented, healthy, wealthy, large, new, ambitious, helpful, scientific, painful, wise, advanced, angry, practical, calm, brave, great, dull, late, complex, charming, becoming. B) Fast, hard, wisely, beautifully, often, well, clearly, loudly, fluently, far, early, badly, soon, slowly, quietly, angrily, comfortably, coldly, seriously, simply, perfectly, much, easily, quickly, little, dangerously, bravely, heavily, differently, sadly, wrongly, closely, near, late, high, carefully, gently, satisfactorily, exactly, patiently, warmly, calmly, truly, helplessly.
4. USE THE COMPARATIVE OF THE WORDS IN BRACKETS (+THAN ) 1. My toothache is (painful) it was yesterday. 2. You look (thin) you were last year. Have you lost weight? 3. He is (talkative) his sister. 4. I usually buy vegetables at the market. It’s much (cheap). 5. The problem is not so complicated. It’s (simple) you think. 6. She looks like her mother, but she is even (beautiful). 7. Health and happiness are (important) money. 8. I prefer this armchair. It’s (comfortable). 9. I like the countryside. It’s (healthy) and (peaceful) living in a town. 10. In February it’s (windy) in March. 11. You are driving too fast. Can you drive (slowly)? 12. I found the lecture (interesting) I expected. 13. This flat is too small for me. I need something (big). 14. We are (tired) we were yesterday. 15. It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived (near). 16. You hardly ever write to me. Can you do it (often)? 17. You are late. I expected you (early). 18. His work isn’t very nice. I’m sure he can do (good). 19. In some parts of the country, prices are (high) in others. 20. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was (crowded) usual. 21. My car is always breaking down. I need (reliable) one. 22. Students will do this exercise (fast) and (easily) if they know the rules. 23. Today it’s (cold) and (snowy) yesterday. 24. This exercise is (difficult) that one. 25. You’ve got (bad) mark usual. 26. This winter we have (much) snow, but (little) sun. 27. You are standing too near the camera. Move a bit (far) away. 28. We thought the work would take (long), but it didn’t. 29. Today they are (busy) usual. 30. Students should study grammar (serious).
5. OPEN THE BRACKETS USING : A) THE….THE CONSTRUCTION : 1. (warm) weather, (good) I feel. 2. (much) I got to know him, (little) I like him. 3. (fast) you type, (easy) work with computer. 4. (hard) to study, (simple) to pass exams. 5. (long) I waited, (impatient) I became. 6. (often) you go to the Academy, (good) for you. 7. (expensive) things, (difficult) to live. 8. (much) we learn, (much) we forget. 9. (interesting) lessons, (many) students attend them. 10. (early) you get up, (much) you can do. 11. (beautiful) the girl, (silly) she is. 12. (rich) the person, (greedy) he is. 13. (snowy) winter, (bad) transport. 14. (long) night, (short) day. 15. (big) the house you live in, (good). 16. (much) money you have, (little) happiness. 17. (much) I eat, (fat) I become. 18. (far) to the forest, (much) wood. 19. (little) I sleep, (little) strength I have. 20. (boring) the lecture, (few) students visit it. B) …AND… CONSTRUCTION : 1. It’s (hard) to find a job nowadays. 2. The hole in your sweater is getting (big). 3. My bags seemed to get (heavy) as I carried them. 4. As I waited for my exam, I became (nervous). 5. As the day went on, the weather got (bad). 6. Travelling is becoming (expensive). 7. She is studying a lot now, and her English is getting (good). 8. We were talking for a long time, and he became (talkative). 9. As we study, English grammar is getting (difficult). 10. The wind was getting (weak). 11. We are making (few) mistakes. 12. Every day she becomes (strickt). 13. To write tests is (easy). 14. The days in spring become (long). 15. Mobile phones are becoming (cheap). 16. Day by day we become (smart). 17. The summer holidays are coming (close). 18. The sound was going (far). 19. I have (little) free time during examinations. 20. We all are getting (old) every day.
6. MAKE UP THE SENTENCES USING : A) AS….AS CONSTRUCTION : 1. This book, the other one, interesting. 2. Jane, Ann, charming. 3. He, I, tall. 4. Dan, his brother, strong. 5. Our car, their car, good. 6. This test, your test, excellent. 7. Her new hat, her skirt, becoming. 8. Your job, his, important. 9. The office, the hall, large. 10. His stories, his jokes, funny. 11. She, her sister, pretty. 12. We, our parents, clever. 13. The ice-cream, the cake, delicious. 14. My dog, my cat, fat. 15. Her results, his results, bad. B) NOT SO….AS CONSTRUCTION : 1. The bus, the train, fast. 2. My flat, her flat, big. 3. His voice, Baskov’s, brilliant. 4. The pond, the river, deep. 5. Her typing, yours, fast. 6. This lecture, that lecture, interesting. 7. This car, that car, new. 8. Pugachyeva, Madonna, famous. 9. Kirkorov, Ricky Martin, handsome. 10. His article, her article, long. 11. Your mark, my mark, good. 12. Your handwriting, mine, bad. 13. This task, that task, difficult. 14. This exercise, that one, easy. 15. They study, we study, much.
7. OPEN THE BRACKETS USING SUPERLATIVE : 1. It is (nice) girl in our group. 2. The Pacific is (large) ocean in the world. 3. You are (intelligent) in the Academy. 4. Siemens A 35 is (cheap) of all mobile phones. 5. She is (good) player in their team. 6. He is (horrible) person I’ve ever met. 7. It was (happy) day of my life. 8. February is (snowy) month in this winter. 9. Everest (high) mountain in the world. 10. He is (bad) of my all students. 11. Concord is (fast) plane ever invented. 12. This is (far) way to the Academy. 13. She is (strickt) teacher this term. 14. Football is (popular) sport in Russia. 15. This is (old) castle in Europe.
8. CHOOSE ONE SUITABLE WORD IN THE BRACKETS: 1. He studies very (good, well). 2. It’t not (good, well) for you to smoke. 3. I was (angry, angrily) at what he did. 4. He stormed (angry, angrily) out of the room. 5. It isn’t so (bad, badly) as I expected. 6. The child behaved very (bad, badly) at table. 7. He wanted to act (brave, bravely) in emergency. 8. You are a (brave, bravely) person. 9. This is quite (clear, clearly). 10. I can see (clear, clearly) what you mean. 11. She looked at him (cold, coldly). 12. The weather is (cold, coldly) today. 13. This is a (comfortable, comfortably) desk. 14. Everybody likes to live (comfortable, comfortably). 15. He is (dangerous, dangerously) calm. 16. That road is (dangeorus, dangerously). 17. Let’s look at it from (different, differently) angles. 18. They always react (different, differently). 19. This definition is not quite (exact, exactly). 20. Can you tell me (exact, exactly) when he will come? 21. You did that job (perfect, perfectly). 22. This is a (perfect, perfectly) work of art. 23. The explanation was (simple, simply). 24. We can solve this problem quite (simple, simply). 25. They spoke very (loud, loudly). 26. We heard a (loud, loudly) noise in the street. 27. She gave me a (formal, formally) answer. 28. I acted very (formal, formally) at the meeting. 29. You often miss classes (late, lately). 30. They never go to bed (late, lately). 31. That year we had a (late, lately) spring. 32. Something was ( wrong, wrongly). 33. I did a (wrong, wrongly) thing. 34. She treated him (wrong, wrongly). 35.We (hard, hardly) know each other. 36. They worked (hard, hardly) all the year and earned much money. 37. She is a (hard, hardly) worker. 38. We (near, nearly) missed the train. 39. (Near, nearly) our house there is a supermarket. 40. He was always interested in the history of (Near, nearly) East.
9. CORRECT THE MISTAKES IF ANY: 1. He is older me. 2. It’s the hotest day in the whole summer. 3. She was the baddest student in the group. 4. The weather today is a bit more cold. 5. It’s more difficult and difficult to study English. 6. My older sister is an actress. 7. The less you sleep, than harder it is to get up in the morning. 8. The more you study, the better knoledge. 9. Moscow is farer from Voronezh than Lipetsk. 10. She works far more hard this year than she did last year. 11. He is as more intelligent as his father. 12. I’m not so talented so Professor Gabovich. 13. He can speak English best than me. 14. Nokia 2100 is expensiver than Nokia 3310. 15. The more you eat, the more fat you become. 16. Her marks are getting more and more good. 17. Earlier we will start writing a test, the earlier we will finish. 18. These jeans are too small, I need something biggest. 19. The nearest bank is ten kilometres further. 20. This chair is much comfortable to sit on. 21. The longer night, the shortest day. 22. She is more interested in her appearance than her studying. 23. It was a very tired job. 24. He is young, tall, intelligent and handsome man. 25. The smaller she works, the smaller money she earns. 26. Chaplin is a most famous comic actor. 27. Their perfomance is worser than ours. 28. London is nearer to Moscow then New York. 29. Brenda is the more beautiful in our school. 30. I can speak English very good.
10. RESTORE THE SENTENCES : 1. the / more / fatter / you 2. the / most / boring 3. as / expensive /as 4. he /intelligent / than 5. am /not / famous /as 6. the / sooner / better 7. elder / is / a 8. knowledge /more /and /important 9. less / you / the /more 10. worse / than / she 11. it / the /farthest /of /the 12. her / are / better / 13. his more / comfortable / that 14. more / more / dangerous 15. colder / and / colder 16. most /stupid / in / the 17. the / longest / way / to 18. the / easier / the 19. far / more / delicious 20. a / bit / cheaper / in
11. A) GUESS WHO? Jane talks faster than Mary, who talks more slowly than George. Andrew talks faster than Jane, but not so fast as Alice, who talks faster than George, who talks faster than Mary, who doesn’t talk as fast as Jane. WHO TALKS FASTEST ? B) MAKE 15 SENTENCES COMPARING THE FIGHTERS USING far…/ much…/ a lot…/ slightly…/ a bit…/ a little. Tomorrow night they will have a fight. Here is some information about them:
Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2014-10-14; ïðîñìîòðîâ: 358; Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ ![]() Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøèõ ðàáîò! |