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Algorithm – a precise prescription, defining a computational process leading from varying initial data to the desired result.

Discreteness – property of the algorithm to dismember a computing process predefined by the algorithm into separate stages, elementary operations

Interpreter - a software product that performs a given program by simultaneously analyzing and implementing its prescribed actions.

Iteration – repetition of a sequence of operators, including checking the condition at the beginning of each loop.

Compiler – a kind of translator providing translation of programs from high-level language into the low-level language or machine-dependent language.

Concatenation – coupling operation of lines and characters, it is represented by the + symbol.

Module - independently compiled program unit for storing items that can be used in different programs.

Programmatic way to of writing algorithms – writing an algorithm in a programming language.

Recursive object – an object that is partially determined by itself.

Standard data types – originally defined data types built-in computer.

Program testing – the verification of its functioning in the whole range of admissible values ​​of the original data.

USDD – Unified system for design documentation

USDP – Unified Software Development Process

DFD – Data flow diagram

GUI – Graphical user interface

SDP – Software development process.


Appendix A





А JSC “International university of information technologies”



Information technologies faculty

Department ________________________




on the discipline Fundamentals of research


Theme: «__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________»





Completed: (Full name)


(должность, уч. степень, звание)


_________ _____( Full name)


«» 201г.



Almaty 201..y.

Appendix B



The completed course work must be framed in the form of settlement and explanatory notes containing 20-40 pages and include:

1st page: TITLE PAGE (not numbered, but included into the total number of pages);

2nd page: CONTENTS;


from the 4th page: THE MAIN PART OF THE COURSEWORK (Sections);



APPENDIX (included into the numbering of the course work).


Text. Performed typewritten on one side of white A4 (210x297) paper by ГОСТ 2.301-68 with margins:

– top – min. 20 mm.;

– left – min. 30 mm;

– bottom – min. 25 mm;

– right – min. 10-15 mm.

Requirements for the font and indention of the text:

– font “Times New Roman”;

– font size 12 pt; single line spacing; allowed – if the font size is 14, 1.5 line spacing;

– indentation size is 15 mm;

– Text alignment - page width;

All sheets of the work should have continuous numbering, including appendices title page is included to the numbering, but the number is not put on the first page, numbering is started from the INTRODUCTION heading. The sheet number is written in the lower center of the page without a dot.


Headings. Headings of the structural elements of the work..

– headings CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION, REFERENCES, GLOSSARY are written in capital, nonbold font and aligned to the width of the page with indention. The text is separated from the header of the section by one line;

– it is recommended to start each structural element from a new sheet.

– the text of the main part of the paper is divided into sections and subsections, whose names are written in the form of headers.

Headings of sections and subsections:

– headings are written in lower letters, nonbold font;

– text alignment in the header - by the width of the page with the indentation;

– word wrap in headings is not allowed. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a dot;

– text of the section is separated from the header of the section by one line;

– it is recommended to start each section from a new sheet.

– The section headings are numbered by sequence numbers within the entire work, which are indicated by Arabic numerals – 1, 2, 3, etc. A point after the number is not put;

– subsection heading is separated by a line from the following text;

– subsections are not written on a new sheet, but separated by a line from the previous subsection;

– subsections, in turn, can be divided into paragraphs, subparagraphs, etc., made out by the rule of subsections design;

– subsection headings are numbered within a section. The number consists of the section number and the sequence number of the subsection separated by dots. – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc. There is no dot after the number.dq


When formatting the document in Word formulas drawn up using Microsoft Equation;

– formulas, taken out on a separate line, are centered and numbered in Arabic numerals. Numbering is indicated on the right side of the sheet at the level of the formula in parentheses. Numbering is allowed within the chapter (for example: (2.1), (2.2.), etc.), as well as within the diploma work (for example: (1), (2), etc.).

Example of the formula with a description:


where ai - weighting coefficients (ai³0, SaI); Wi - components (objective functions) quality criterion.

Physical quantities. Using designation of physical units in the text of the paper is prohibited if they are used without numbers, except for units of physical quantities in the tables and decodings of notations used in the formula. All the physical All physical quantities must comply with the SI system.

Figures and tables. Illustrations (drawings, diagrams, sketches, diagrams, etc.) must be visible and clear. Illustrations and tables should be placed right after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time or on the next page;

– illustrations and tables are numbered within the work;

– links to all the illustrations and tables in the text are required.


Examples of the tables and figures:

Table 1 – Measuring receivers


Type frequency range limits of power measurement
П5-34 8.24-12.05GHz 3,11-12W
П5-14 16,6-25,8 GHz 34-81,2 W
В6-9 20Hz-200kHz 11,8-55,4 W
В6-10 13,4-21,3 GHz 22,6-44,8 W
SWV-21 0,3-3,11 GHz 6,7-99,1 W



Figure 3 - Identification of the control object



Links. Examples of links:…in section 3…; … in the figure 8…; …(figure 4)…;… by the formula (5)...;…in table 1…;… as described in /2/.

List of references. Information sources should be placed in the order of appearance of links to sources in the text of the work within: [1] or /1/.

References are performed with the following rules:

For books:

1. Советов Б.Я., Яковлев С.А. Моделирование систем. - М.: Высшая школа, 2007.- 322 с.

2. Кудрявцев Е.М., Добровольский А.В. Основы работы с универсальной системой моделирования GPSS World. -М.: АСВ, 2005. – 252с.

For journals and periodicals:

3. Сидоров К.К. Исследование физических процессов//-М: Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение, 1996, №7. – С.34-45.

For the Internet resources:

4. Site of the Web3D consortium. http://www.web3d.org

HTML documentation. http://html.find-info.ru/

Appendix C



1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.1 Scope

1.2 Definitions, terms and abbreviations

2 General description

2.1 User Interfaces

2.2 Hardware interfaces

2.3 Program interfaces

2.4 Communication interfaces

2.5 Memory limits

2.6 Requirements for Adaptation

3 Detailed requirements

3.1 Functional requirements

3.2 Non-functional requirements

3.2.1 Performance

- speed

- bandwidth (traffic)

- memory usage

3.2.2 Reliability and availability

3.2.3 Error Handling

3.2.4 Interface requirements

3.2.5 Limitations

- accuracy

- Limitations of the tools and languages

- Design constraints

- stages to be used

- platforms to be used




Appendix D

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