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Сonflictology as a multidiscipline
Conflictology is defined as the way of understanding conflicts assuming all related areas, such as conflict resolution, transformation and management, while at the same time it is based on the principles of non-violence as a paradigm opposed to the conviction that violence is the way to resolve conflicts. It is, therefore, a form of cross-disciplinary, comprehensive and synthetic knowledge. Conflictology is the culmination of knowledge that helps us understand conflicts, crises, violence of all kinds, and, simultaneously, the compendium of transformation, intervention and aid techniques, resources and procedures. Conflictology is a plural, cross-disciplinary and open discipline. It is not limited by closed laws or training programmes, nor is it the domain of a specific organisation. The fact is that, as well as psychologists, sociologists, teachers, lawyers and philosophers, it is also of interest to doctors, biologists, diplomats, the police, members of the armed forces, engineers and many more, since conflicts can be found anywhere, at every level and in every sphere. Open to all fields of knowledge, as well as social sciences such as psychology, sociology, history, politics and anthropology, it also includes biology, neurology, philosophy, and even mathematics. The importance of knowing how to resolve conflicts should not be restricted to one occupation, but should be part of the culture of everyday life. Specialists should only have to intervene in processes involving conflict where the seriousness or complexity of the situation exceeds the ability of people to find a solution for themselves. It has even been proven that, in the field of violent conflicts and criminal activity, the use of conflictology is more effective than traditional police and judicial systems, which by definition are used to defend established power rather than justice. Conflictologists learn mediation, negotiation and conciliation techniques, about the bases of neurobiology in violence, and the philosophical foundations of conflicts and peace. Conflictology, which is asynonym for conflict resolution and conflict transformations established multi - disciplinary occupations, has its roots in pacifism and non-violence as a moral approach, political system and expression of life. And the aim is clearly to end violence, achieve reconciliation and be able to live in peace. Conflictology is, therefore, basically a pragmatic, applicable and, above all, vital occupation. 3. Answer the questions: What is conflictology? Give a brief description. What are its basic principles? What is the purpose of conflictology? Why is conflictology an open discipline? What are the related sciences of conflictology? What techniques should a conflictologist learn? Is conflictology a vital occupation? Why? 4. Match the following words with the translation:
5. Translate into English Конфликтология. Конфликтология– это наука, которая занимается различными конфликтами. Сегодня существуют различные определения конфликта. Так, на Западе широко распространено понятие конфликта американского теоретика Л. Козер. Он понимает это как борьбу за ценности и пртязания на определенный статус, власть и ресурсы, в которых целями пртивника являются нейтрализация, нанесения ущерба или устранения соперника. Это определение раскрывает конфликт с социологической точки зрения, ибо его сущностью, по мнению автора, выступает столкновение ценностей и интересов различных социальных групп. В отечественной литературе конфликт – это важнейшая сторона взаимодействия людей в обществе. Это форма отношений между потенциальными и актуальными субъектами социального действия, мотивация которых обусловлена противостоящими ценностями и нормами, интересами и потребностями.
Unit 2
1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can a) He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. b) Don’t trouble trouble Until trouble troubles you. It only doubles trouble And troubles others too. 2. Read and translate the text
Дата добавления: 2014-11-24; просмотров: 306; Нарушение авторских прав ![]() Мы поможем в написании ваших работ! |