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The islands of Indonesia possess enormous geothermal resources: geological surveys have identified 217 geothermal prospects, including a


Section II. Supplementary Reading

total of 142 high-temperature reservoirs with an estimated resource po­tential of over 16,000 MWe. Of this potential, about 50% is in Java/Bali and 30% Sumatra. The first geothermal power plant to come into oper­ation was a 2 MWe pilot plant' at Dieng (central Java), installed in 1981. A 30 MWe plant came on-line at Kamojang in west Java in 1983 and was augmented2by two units, each of 55 MWe, in 1988. In 1994 two 55 MWe units were installed at Salak and another of the same capacity at Dara-jat, both fields in Java. Total geothermal capacity at the end of 1996 stood at 308 MWe; the electricity generated in 1996 amounted to 2340 GWh, the fourth highest geothermal output in the world.

Four more 55 MWe units came on-line at Salak in 1997, three of them in a privately-developed project involving the US company Un­ocal and PT Nusamba Geothermal. Other projects for new geother­mal capacity are reported to be on hold3, owing to the financial crisis that hit Indonesia towards the end of 1997.

1 — опытная станция; 2 — увеличена; 3 — отложены


Italy is Europe's leading producer of geothermal electricity, with a 1996 share of about 90%. The world's first geothermal power plant was commissioned in 1904 at Larderello in Tuscany. Subsequent develop­ments at this and other sites in the same region have brought gross geo­thermal capacity to 512 MWe (at end-1996), representing 1% of Ita­ly's total electricity generating capacity.

Direct uses of geothermal heat had an aggregate installed capacity of just over 300 MWt at the end of 1996. In 1994, 57% of direct geo­thermal consumption related to baths and swimming pools, 19% to greenhouses, 16% to space heating, 7% to industrial process heat and 1 % to fish-farming. The low-medium temperature resources used for such purposes were all located north of Rome.


There is a long history of geothermal utilization, both direct and for power generation. The first commercial-scale geothermal power sta­tion came on-line at Matsukawa, in the north of the main island of

D. Geothermal Energy in Different Countries of the World 129

Honshu, in 1966. Following the oil crisis in the early 1970's, geother­mal development was accelerated. Generating capacity rose to 280 MWe in 1990 and has since nearly doubled, to 530 MWe at the end of 1996. The existing plants are all located in the Tohoku region of northern Honshu and on the southern island of Kyushu. Planned de­velopment of geothermal power envisages 600 MWe by 2000 and 2800 MWe by 2010.

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Дата добавления: 2015-06-30; просмотров: 203; Нарушение авторских прав

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