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«Англійська мова

(за професійним спрямуванням)»

Для Інституту педагогіки та психології

Module C

Introduction Into Speciality

Розподіл навчального часу

Зміст модулів за темами Усього годин Практичні заняття (кількість годин) Самостійна робота (кількість годин)
Unit 1. Society (20 +52)
Unit 2. Best of Both worlds
Unit 3.The problem of Divorces
Unit 4.Crime in Britain and The USA
Unit 5.Teenage Pregnancy
Unit 6.Pink-Grey Marriage
Усього годин 20 52

Теми та зміст практичних занять

№ з/п Назва теми Кількість годин Зміст роботи, який потрібно виконати студентам
Society and the individual. Democratic society 1) to do pre-reading activities of unit 1 (ex 1-2); 2) to read the text "Society", to translate into Russian 3 parts of the text: Introduction,Society and the individual, Society's values
Social change Social problems in Ukraine and abroad. Society’s values 1) to read the 4th part of the text "Society" about social change; 2) to do Ex. 1-4 after the text tasks after reading the text in written
Best of both worlds The roles of men and women in Britain and the USA 1) to do pre-reading activities of unit 2; 2) to read the text "Best of both worlds" and translate it into Russian
Family life and career. Adaptive category of women Work-centered women and their priorities. Home-centered women and their priorities. 1) to do ex. 1-4 after the text " Best of both worlds"; 2) to write an essay on the topic "What role for a woman would you consider to be the most preferable: work-centered or home-centered. Give reasons and specific examples to support you opinion "
The divorces that can save families Divorce and child 1) to do pre-reading activity; 2) to read the text " The divorces that can save families" The divorce that can save families"; 3) to do ex. 1-5 after the text
Crime in Britain 1) to do pre-reading activities ex. 1-2; 2) to read the text "Crime in Britain"
Increase of crime rate in different countries. Major and minor crimes Ex. 1-6 after the text
Teenage pregnancy. The problems of teen parents and their kids 1) to do pre-reading activities ex 1-2; 2) to read the text "Teenage pregnancy"; 3) to do ex. 1-6
Pink-grey marriage. Same-sex couples and their civil partnership 1) to do pre-reading activities ex. 1-3; 2) to read the text "Elton is model for a pink-grey marriage"; 3) to do ex. 1-3 after the text
Summary (Individual reading)   Choose any article ( about 1000 words) on your specialty or studying interests, make a literate translation, make a list of unknown words (about 40-50 words) and write an annotation on this article    
  Екзамен Состоит из суммы баллов, которые студент набирает при выполнении вышеперечисленных заданий



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