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Примечания. 1 Василенко ИЛ. Диалог цивилизаций: социокультурные проблемы политического партнерства

1 Василенко ИЛ. Диалог цивилизаций: социокультурные проблемы политического партнерства. М., 1999. С. 9.

2 Там же. С.10.

3 Crystal D. Linguistics. Penguin Books. Harmondsworth, 1977. P. 21.

4 'What can I, a mere Brit, with just Shakespeare and Dickens behind me, teach you, representatives of the great Russian culture?'

5 Хоть это и прискорбно, однако приходится констатировать, что этот суффикс был заимствован и русским языком, причем для тех же целей, например, для придания уничижительно-пренебрежительных коннотаций, скажем, такому слову, как «китаезы».

6 The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus / Ed. by S. Tulloch. OUP, 1996. 7 Crystal D. Op. cit. P. 15—16.

8 Skynner R., Cleese J. Families and How to Survive them. Mandarin Paperbacks. L., 1989. P. 20.

9 Минский М. Остроумие и логика когнитивного бессознательного / Пер. с англ. М А. Дмитровской // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Вып. XXIII. Когнитивные аспекты языка / Составление, редакция и вступительная статья В.В. Петрова и В.И. Герасимова. М., 1988.

10 Minsky М. A Framework for Representing Knowledge. (M.I.T., Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, AI Memo 306). Cambridge, Mass., June 1974 (Минский М. Фреймы для представления знаний. М., 1979).

11 Садохин А.П. Этнология. М., 2000. С. 149.

12 ...there are some emotions which are language-specific. I mean... sarcasm is a very good example. Sarcasm is a very language-specific feature, and it is difficult to know, often, when a foreigner is being sarcastic. Let's take an example here. Russians always get into a fix over this with English, don't they? because ... well, let me explain the situation in case you are not aware of it. What is the main intonational feature of English sarcasm? Well, it is the use of the level tone. A tone which you might not get much practice in as far as teaching is concerned, 'cause it is often not mentioned in most of the pedagogic textbooks'. O'Connor and Arnold don't mention it, for instance. But the level tone is the common one, when it's used at the end of a clause. So you say things like 'What did you think of the picture you went to see last night?' and they say (произносит монотонно, на низком уровне тона, с финальными ровными тонами) 'It was marvellous' ... 'Great'... 'Wonderful' ... 'Super"... 'Can't wait to go back'. And the more you keep it level and flat, the more ironic, sarcastic you are implying. Now, that's in English and to be more precise, it's in RP. It is not the case for all English accents, by the way, but that is another story. Russians, however, of course, use level tone as a marker of statement intonation. So it's a perfectly normal feature of standard Moscow Russian to say, as it were, ta-da-ta-da-da where ..., it's a ... I mean I'm not going to risk my Russian here, you see (аудитория смеется), so... pardon the nonsense. But, you see, Russians come up to you after your ... after, and you say, 'What did you think of the play?' and they say (имитирует русский акцент) 'Wonderful. Very good. I liked it' ( аудитория смеется). And, of course, you look at their face, and you know from their face, well, not with Russians perhaps (аудитория смеется), but you... often when a foreigner does this... you know from their face that they really did like it, so of course you discount the intonation. But the point is that in many circumstances the tone that is conveyed is one of irony, or boredom, or sarcasm, and patently it is not intended and certainly is explicably not when you look at the Russian intonation system.

13 "It is important to distinguish irony from sarcasm (which is notoriously the lowest form of the wit). Both irony and sarcasm involve saying the opposite of what you mean. But when someone is being sarcastic, there is no doubt that the listener is intended to understand mis. 'I suppose you think that's terribly clever', says the sarcastic teacher to a stupid child. Irony, however, is different. Many people, when hearing an ironic remark, may not realize that it is meant in jest. So irony is much more subversive than sarcasm, and also much more fun — those who realize that an ironic remark has been made are instantly complicit, and they can enjoy the fact that there are others who have missed the joke".

14 Skynner R., Cleese J. Families and How to Survive them. Mandarin Paperbacks. P. 188, 189.

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